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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. I try hard to ignore this stupid person, but sometimes i can't, lol. You are much stronger than me, Medhb!
  2. Are you Canadians frightened of her? Well you should be!!!! Many of us Americans are, too!!! You are right, ally. This woman is not playing in her league and she should have never been given the chance to be there. The man who picked her for the spot didn't even know her when he chose her to succeed him if need be, to run our country. She certainly shouldn't be residing over the Senate, either. So much for McCain's judgement or love of America. I'm a bit surprised that the Dems (and even many of the Repubs who oppose her) didn't make a stronger issue of this.
  3. Del clearly dissed Philadelphians, and with a population of over one million people, there are sure to be lots of idiots (which you can find everywhere around the country). As for the not being allowed to touch Obama/Biden remark you make, i don't understand. McCain and Palin have been bashing them throughtout their campaign...and CNN showed coverage of what some of the people say about Obama, due to his "color" or should i say "race".
  4. Little Wing...version by Derek and the Dominos
  5. Good Day Sunshine...The Beatles
  6. I think the people, low class (often a subjective analysis) or not, were just expressing their feelings of revulsion, and exercising their Freedom of Speech rights. Philadelphians speak their minds and don't lie. I prefer honesty over phoniness any day. Kudos to you for being so open-minded. Ashame you have to use bigoted comments against Obama to make a senseless point.
  7. Agree with everything you said except, Palin is not a beauty. She is okay looking. Her character makes her ugly.
  8. I'll Cry Instead...The Beatles
  9. As Joe Biden would say, let me repeat that: ^^^ Please Electrophile, do not read this!
  10. Philly is diverse in it's population, and while they have as many idiots as any place in this country, they have "passion" and are not afraid to speak up and be heard. I would have a very difficult time not booing her if i was at an event she showed up for (it's not like the majority of the Flyers fans were there to see her). However, you are obviously a racist. Now you have admitted to it (though i probably missed previous posts where it was noticeable). Yeah, i think we "know what you mean".
  11. I didn't know that people think this about atheists. If they do then they are just stupid.
  12. Interesting that you would interpret what Bush has done to our country as "kept it safe". Our economy is proof we are far from safe, and possibly headed towards Socialism, as the "bailout" might suggest. So much for Bush trying to de-regulate the country, now the government owns more of it. Bush has kept Bin Laden and AlQaeda safe. You are one of the few 20 percent who still approve of Bush...
  13. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people and certainly favorite artists! I thought about John today (as I do almost every day) and radio stations in my area remembered him too (as they do every day)! Happy Birthday to Sean as well.
  14. That Was Yesterday...Foreigner
  15. To my friend who says i have a "mental infatuation" with him A song we both like... Ive been searching For a pot of gold Like the kind you find At the end of the rainbow Ive been dreaming Thought it was in vain Ah but now youre here Cant believe that youre back again Now I know I cant lose As long as you follow Im gonna win (Im gonna win) Im gonna beg, steal, or borrow As long as you follow Ive been wandering Gone away too far But the road was rough To get back where you are And the sun went down It never seemed to rise Ah but now youre here With the light shining in your eyes Now I know I cant lose As long as you follow Im gonna win (Im gonna win) Im gonna beg, steal, or borrow Yes I can live today If you give me tomorrow As long as you follow Now I know I cant lose As long as you follow Im gonna win (Im gonna win) Im gonna beg, steal, or borrow Yes I can live today If you give me tomorrow As long as you follow
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