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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. McCain is a hot headed, spoiled brat, senile old man, lol. Palin is a "nutter" (just saw that word the other day from someone here and found it funny) and you are a Bush lover so nothing you say means a thing!!!!
  2. I thought he said "i'm a drinker", lol One good thing, the Wonder years aka Bush is almost over. I don't think anyone can screw up this country to the extent this low-life has. GOD!
  3. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. A big problem for people is the "guilt" they feel over in your words "hastening your mother's departure". It's an act of love and you, and your family, helped her die without pain and suffering. This is just a sad subject and bless everyone who has to go through such sadness.
  4. Well Bush just plain never cared about the American "people" and his poor leadership has proven this beyond a shadow of a doubt with the weakened country he is now finished ruining. I also think Bush's Administration have been primarly concerned about how they could prosper and not much else. If you ask me, i would say Bush has no morals. I remember people saying during Bush's first term that he would do away with the middle class and we would soon have only rich and poor. He did a good job of that.
  5. I have been quite outspoken for weeks. Biggest issue for me: neither MCain or his VP pick are competent to run this country. McCain's 90 percent voting record with Bush is all i need to know. If you were ten years older you might feel the impact of what the last eight years has done to this country with more fervor. You are smart for someone your age, but you haven't had the years to experience what i have. When i was your age these issues did not influence my feelings anywhere near the way they do today. I believe in my heart and mind that Obama cares much more about the "average" American than McCain does (and don't get me started on Palin). I believe Obama will make policies that focus on the middle class getting ahead and the millionaires giving more to their country. As someone who makes more money than i did last year, and is in way more debt (spending less than i did last year) I want someone who cares about me. I like his plan to give tax breaks to those making under $250,000 a year. I like his desire to get us out of Iraq. I like his desire to reform healthcare, improve the educational system. I like his ideas to help the environment and get us off our Oil addiction. I believe he will have "better" people appointed to positions of power in his Administration. I love his running mate Joe Biden, and have followed Joe's career since 1983. I can't say much that i like about McCain and even less about Palin. For me, the decision is easy. I just pray more of the voters see it my way. Bottom line wanna be drummer...The Dems have a better record on the Economy. Clinton left us with money!!!!! Under Bush unemployment is sky high, thousands of jobs have been outsourced to other countries and stolen from our citizens, the war has cost billions and this bail-out is the most tragic thing our country has ever faced. This is the fault of a Republican President and his followers (who most have seemed to finally abandoned looking at his ungodly disapproval rating). Bush has imo, destroyed my country. McCain is not much better, Mr. Maverick/Bipartisan/dummy. Aside from not believing anything Mr Flip Flop McCain says, and his strong likeness to Bush (and i posted his flip flops in a previous post if you want to know what they are), and his devastatingly incompetent pick to run with him, just look at what he and Palin have been saying about Obama in their rallies. Instead of talking about their plans, they go out and bash...behavior i don't expect from a leader. edit for spelling
  6. Did you watch all of them? Godfather 3 has Andy Garcia in it! So Conan O'Brien just announced the number one movie in the country right now is: Beverly Hills Chihuahua (lol) ... more Andy Garcia and also Drew Barrymore. Any one see it? lol.
  7. I am lucky enough to work in a hospital that offers good healthcare benefits. However, over the past few years, my portion of what i pay has doubled, as well as my copays for each doctor visit/test and my deductible. I can't imagine what it would cost (for a plan that would be nowhere as good as mine) if i had to pay for it on my own. I am well aware of the problems with healthcare. I have seen huge changes in the 16 years i have been a Registered Nurse. It is about time someone who cares makes an attempt at changing things. At least Obama feels it's everyone's "right". It should be. Especiallay children. I didn't hear McCain dispute voting against the bill to give all children health care coverage. No one took any interest in healthcare, or the economy, or corruption in the government, or really anything at all (except for the millions a month we spend on this long drawn out give us a break already and get the hell out of there, War) Bush got us into. Eight years of nothing...i don't want any more of that. Republican leadership needs to get lost.
  8. I kept it simple. I am sorry about your father. Watching someone in that situation is so hard. I have seen it for over 16 years now, so i can relate to the importance of having your wishes in writing. But as for the Euthanasia issue, it is not a necessary step. Palliative/Hospice Care give people the comfort they need to die with dignity and their loved ones by their side. As Dzldoc mentioned, if a person is in the hospital and dying, as long as they do not want resuscitation measures performed, Doctors may (if circumstances are right) give the patient a Morphine infusion that is titrated to the patient's comfort. This is the kind way to allow a patient who is suffering to die peacefully. This is another reason why you better have a Living Will already prepared.
  9. Barack answered all the questions. Both candidates had a lot of filler in many answers, but they all answered. And they took more than the one minute Tom was so adamant about maintaining, lol. If you feel healthcare is important (and you should) then you will not want any plan McCain picks. He doesn't even care about the issue, because he has a fantastic government paid plan, and he does not give a shit about the middle class in America.
  10. Well i know one person who's reason alone is that he would never vote for a black man. So people like him, will vote not on the issues, but out of prejudice. David Gergen is being honest. Maybe shockingly, but it needs to be said. The smear campaign going on is repulsive, and just proves what i have said about the mccain/palin pathetic team all along. They are mean, and not what i expect out of a leader. If they had some real "plans" for helping this country, that is what they would be spending their time talking about. Not bashing Obama. Bill Maher on Leno right now ( i love Bill)! He says "I think Sarah Palin is somebody who Americans have now seen. Competence is like pornography, you know it when you see it. Governor Avon Lady just doesn't pass the smell test"! My dad doesn't think McCain will win, so i hope he is right (he has been right most of my life). Just have to wait it out. Paraphrasing Bill Maher: "McCain is brave, but this is not the middle ages, we need smart people to get us out of this mess". Oh yeah, Obama won the debate and i am glad he defended himself against McCains "low blows" as usual. NEWS FLASH, MR. MCCAIN, many of us do not consider you our "friend" and most of us do not even know you on a friendly basis, so stop calling us YOUR FRIEND. Just Patronizing and phoney, imo.
  11. I agree. It is funny how many times Tom has tried to "moderate" these two, lol. He's a tough one! Lucky for Palin he wasn't the one who interviewed her over Charlie! My take on this: McCain is a crazy old man
  12. Exactly. Hospice and Palliative Care are options easily available to a patient who is at the end of life with a terminal illness. Hospice and Palliative Care services give dying people assistance with pain control, as well as allowing them to be with their family in their home. A much more pleasant environment than dying in a hospital bed. This is the legal way to go, and preserves a person's dignity. I do not believe there should be some type of "Euthanasia" Clinics or Hospitals that kill people who want to die. Every adult, regardless of their age, should have a Living Will or Advance Directive (same thing) written up. This will protect your wishes if a time comes that you are unable to make your needs known. Without this, others will eventually decide for you (or keep you alive under circumstances you may have not wished to).
  13. If i make fun of her it's because of her stupidity. Plain and simple. Anyone running for such a high position should be scrutinized deeply, and held to high standards. She is a joke, but i can't find her funny, i find her utterly frightening.
  14. I'm not playing games, but glad you are amused. Just because others don't call you on the horrible things you said, doesn't mean they don't look at you unfavorably.
  15. Well they all said it incorrectly too. However, Palin is not in their league/class/or anywhere in the vicinity, so she hasn't earned the respect that the aforementioned people have (George Bush aside) to get away with butchering the word. nu·cle·ar /ˈnukliər, ˈnyu- or, by metathesis, -kyələr/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[noo-klee-er, nyoo- or, by metathesis, -kyuh-ler] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation Pronunciation note In pronouncing nuclear, the second and third syllables are most commonly said as /-kliər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[-klee-er] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, a sequence of sounds that directly reflects the spelled sequence ‑cle·ar. In recent years, a somewhat controversial pronunciation has come to public attention, with these two final syllables said as /-kyələr/[-kyuh-ler]. Since /-kliər/[-klee-er], the common pronunciation of ‑cle·ar, might also be represented, broadly, as /-kləyər/[-kluh-yer], the /-kyələr/[-kyuh-ler] pronunciation can be seen as coming from a process of metathesis, in which the /l/[l] and the /y/[y] change places. The resulting pronunciation is reinforced by analogy with such words as molecular, particular, and muscular, and although it occurs with some frequency among highly educated speakers, including scientists, professors, and government officials, it is disapproved of by many. Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. Usage Note: The pronunciation (nōō'kyə-lər), which is generally considered incorrect, is an example of how a familiar phonological pattern can influence an unfamiliar one. The usual pronunciation of the final two syllables of this word is (-klē-ər), but this sequence of sounds is rare in English. Much more common is the similar sequence (-kyə-lər), which occurs in words like particular, circular, spectacular, and in many scientific words like molecular, ocular, and vascular.
  16. LOL, all that coaching and she's still so darn dumb (and transparent)
  17. I do not support this, but this issue is not one of my concerns in the state our country is facing. Our country is falling apart and we need leadership. The last eight years are the cause of this, and i have no desire to allow a near senile, tempermental, old and quite possibly cancerous man, who had the poor judgement to choose "Sarah Palin" as his running mate, to be my next President. The way i see this, Obama took an extreme position, because he feels the woman should choose. I think if a Physician performing an abortion feels the life is viable, then he should make the decision to save it. This however then calls for a plan to pay for the extensive medical expenses a very premature baby requires and a plan as to who will raise this baby if it makes it. As mentioned in the past, many pro-life supporters don't take it to the next step. Who will care for this baby? That being said, i feel abortion should be performed only in the first trimester, except for extenuating circumstances. To be clear, so words are not put in my mouth, i do not agree with partial birth abortion (unless it's medically necessary for the mother's health). Similar to this however, if you are bringing character or respect into this as your issue, I strongly believe: Sarah Palin has the same lack of concern for life, "already living" life, when she makes it legal to aerial hunt wolf pups (and grown up ones, too ) and polar bears (who are in danger of extinction). I find this to be cold blooded and repulsive, and no better than the other issue.
  18. Seems you have no shame and the level of your immaturity is at an all time low. As a parent, if nothing more, i would expect more decency than what you are showing. Pitiful. I bet those who once respected you so highly on this board will think twice about you now.
  19. Show me proof Obama believes this because i never heard him say it. No i do not agree with late term abortions, UNLESS it's a matter of the mom dying vs. the baby. I don't recall saying anywhere that i agree with this, so don't put words in my mouth, please. I have never had an abortion, so i have nothing to gain by believing women should have this right. As a woman, i am glad it exists. Once again, Comedian Joy Behar's famous statement, "Stay out of my Uterus!" As for Palin and religion, i have seen the footage of her speaking at a school in Alaska just a few months ago. She sounded like a damned preacher. Palin said to paraphrase, she believes it's god's will we are in Iraq. Wake up call, Sarah, it was George W. Bush's will for us to be there!!!! She is "Pentecostal" and that is all i need to say about her religion. Palin is "extreme" in her views, therefore, i conclude, she has very narrow minded opinions on the world, outside of what little she knows. Del, tell me, was it her or her religious views that brought her to the librarian in search of "how can i get certain books banned?" I have no problem with other people's spirituality or religious beliefs IF it doesn't have any effect on mine or my life. If Palin gets into office, i am certain her views will adversely effect my life. Palin is a product of a long religious upbringing as much as you accuse Obama of. She therefore comes with the same fanatical views imho. http://www.spiritualabuse.org/upcbeliefs.html .......... if you are interested in the Pentecostal religion. So Del, how about McCain and that love for the troops? Heartwarming, eh?
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