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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Another Brick in the Wall...Pink Floyd
  2. She's The One...Bruce Springsteen
  3. One of These Days...Pink Floyd
  4. Stray Cat Blues...The Rolling Stones
  5. When i was your age i had a much dirtier mouth, but it's not a good thing when you are raising a child. It's embarrasing when at age two your daughter is screaming (from the back seat of the car) go idiot! to the car in front...i wonder where she heard that? I started to learn my lesson real fast.
  6. So did i! Well i saw a beautiful rainbow on Sunday evening while driving home from work after a rainstorm. It was over the entire interstate (I-95). I took pics of it on my cell phone. Really pretty when it's that gigantic! What made me happy today is the same thing that made me sad.
  7. I am stating that i don't go around calling people names in my daily life, ie "sluts", or "jerks" whatever, at least not to their faces. I am not referring to the way you converse with your friend. I know people use "slang" like that, and i hear it at work all the time, in a supposidly professional environment. But i don't have a "dirty" mouth for the most part, and i don't want to talk about the word slut anymore, lol.
  8. My only point in posting the SNL dialogue was to show how "familiar" that word was when i was young (since the skit was from the mid 70's when i first heard the word being used. It was used plenty in my junior high and high school, and i grew up in a nice part of town. My best friend was called a slut when she was eleven, the reason: she developed big boobs at an early age. She is in her early 40's now and has slept with maybe five men her entire life. As for the slang talk, i don't use that with my friends, nor do i go around calling people names in my daily life.
  9. My opinion of what you just said differs from yours greatly. I do find "promisciuity" to be distasteful. It really depends on the extent of the behavior. In general, because i don't care to be descriptive about this, if someone "sleeps around", i find that to be poor behavior. I will add, that many do not use protection. I'm not saying that someone who has slept with a lot of people over the years is a "slut" but someone who has multiple partners at one time or multiple one night stands...that type of thing, imo, is degrading behavior (and by definition of American Heritage Dictionary). Back to the "word", did you ever see SNL re-runs (since you were too young to watch them when they first aired, but i saw them) with Jane Curtain's character being called that word? Funny stuff...and i will still say, when i was growing up, that word was very commonly used, so maybe that's why i don't find it to be shocking. May not sound very nice, but neither is the behavior that goes along with the definition. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/78/78eupdate.phtml Dan Aykroyd: Hello. I'm "Weekend Update" Station Manager Dan Aykroyd. This week, the Shah of Iran declared martial law, in an attempt to put a stop to the violent writing which has paralyzed his country. The Shah is the subject of tonight's "Point/Counterpoint". Jane will take the Anti-Shah Point, and I will take the Pro-Shah Counterpoint. Jane? Jane Curtin: Dan, I know exactly what you're going to say: "Jane, you ignorant slut! The Shah is our friend, he sent us oil during the 70's re-embargo. He's a fighter against Communism." Maybe so, Dan, but what happened to the human rights you scream about every time a Saranski gets sentenced to some Soviet jail? Why is it wrong to torture a dissident and freezing Siberian Goulag, but okay to wire a leftist student's genitals in a baking Tehran dungeon? I only hope that someday someone wires your genitals, Dan. Then you'll be singing a different tune! Dan Aykroyd: Jane, you poor, misguided scrag! Sure, the Shah's a jerk, but he's all we've got! Just look at the map. To the north, the Soviet Union; to the east and west, Afghanistan and Iraq. Both leftist radical states; and in the south, the Persian Gulf. Any idiot can see that Iran would be a prized stepping stone in an eventual Soviet takeover of the world. And when that happens, Jane, those Cossacks will be coming over here with their broom handle, and we'll see how you'll feel then! Of course, you'd probably love it, you ignorant slut! Jane Curtin: That's the news. Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow. SNL Transcripts
  10. What are you talking about? I didn't start the conversation and the word "slut" has been mentioned on the past 2 pages. I am simply clarifying, for the sake of showing that women who are "forward" and make the first move are not sluts. Women who "sleep around" to say it nicely, are. That is the definition of the word. For the record, i am not one of those...but i have heard girls being called that word since i was in Junior High School in the late 70's. Edit: i see Spats used the word first, and while he got blasted for it, i still don't have a problem using it (although it's not part of my everyday vocabulary). The fact is, many women (and imo it should be used equally for men) are deserving of that term.
  11. Name calling? Your view is narrow minded, i don't see that as a profanity. Sorry if you were offended. I stand by my opinion.
  12. Just like the reality of the world (with all the wars that never seem to end) people will fight here, too. That's human nature. I think part of the problem now is, sometimes exercising freedom of speech here gets people in trouble. That part is sad, but your original point was about only talking about Led Zeppelin. That is just plain narrow minded, and at least this place isn't run like that. Many would not be here if it did.
  13. He should have gotten the Death Penalty (if New York had it at the time) so now we pay for him to rot in prison. Rest in hell i say... I still miss John Lennon terribly.
  14. The nice thing about this site is, while like Eternal Light said, there are Led Zeppelin forums (many, in fact, just look above), there are also General Forums. This way "fans" of Led Zeppelin can also discuss other topics. I think it would be pretty boring if this site didn't have such a great variety (and less people would post here). I was on this board since early 02' and it has always been a very social place. That is why people keep coming back. Led Zeppelin get their due respect, and their fans have an opportunity to connect with other fans in a broader way than just talking about one subject. I don't see how there is any disrespect to the band or the owners of this board. If they saw it that way, i think this place would look quite different. This is a formula that works well, so why are you knocking it? Sincerely, a fan since 1977, (pre-teen) years.
  15. How predictable, and my second favorite LZ song! Blinded By The Light...Bruce Springsteen
  16. It's simple. Sluts are promiscious. Being forward does not make anyone a slut. Sleeping around does.
  17. Light of Day...Bruce Springsteen
  18. Thanks for the compliment, i think i'm pretty cool! If i can do it, so can you.
  19. Some Days are Better Than Others...U2
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