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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. I think Linda McCartney would have been a great VP for Mr. Lennon
  2. I spent time tonight with a lovely lady, over 70, who may very well not be here tomorrow. Very sad and always overwhelming for me to accept. Always makes me feel blessed for what i have and feel ashamed of those who take things for granted.
  3. I have loved Bruce for over 30 years, but i'm not sure he would make a "great" President. I still feel a bit upset over the years when Bruce had left the E Street Band for less memorable musicians to play with. A big question of his judgement, imo (and i remember how fans and the other band members felt). I do like your slogan, funny.
  4. I didn't want to include deceased rock stars, but the saddest lose in rock history in my heart would have been a fab president. Since many included non-Americans in their choices, so will I (again).
  5. Runnin' Blue...The Doors (great song!!!)
  6. Don Henley. He's intelligent for one thing (sadly lacking in our gov't the past 8 years). http://www.usatoday.com/community/chat/2001-01-16-henley.htm Clover, South Carolina: What are your honest and open thoughts on the chaos surrounding Indecision 2000? Don Henley: If people would get off their asses and vote, then we wouldn't have these problems. I get sick and tired of people complaining about the way things are and then refusing to participate in the process that could change things. People in Third World countries all over the world regularly give their lives in an effort to have the privileges that we have in this country, and we take all these privileges for granted. Our system of government certainly isn't perfect, but from what I've seen in my travels, it's still the best thing going. However, things are only going to get worse if something isn't done to alleviate this growing cynicism that a great percentage of the population has about government. Democracy only works through participation and vigilance. There was a great quote that I "borrowed" and put in one of my songs -- "We get the government we deserve". On the recent election, I've read numerous articles in dozens of political magazines and newspapers, and it has been the consensus of both liberals and many respected conservatives and moderates that what the Supreme Court ultimately did was unconstitutional and unconscionable. This is the kind of thing that perpetuates the cynicism and non-participation that I mentioned earlier. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maryland: Ever feel like your extreme liberal positions do not reflect the reality of life as experienced by the average person? Don Henley: If you think I'm an extreme liberal, you don't know me at all. I don't know what your definition of "extreme liberalism" is, but all you know about me is what you've read in the papers and magazines on a very narrow range of subjects. YOu simply don't have enough information about me to make a classification like that. 50% -- or more, as most would argue, of this nation's "average persons" who were registered to vote, voted for Al Gore. 50% -- or less, as many would argue -- of this nation's "average persons" who were registered to vote voted for Mr. Bush. Your question implies that most people are conservative. The election results -- especially after they finally do finish the counting in Florida -- disputes your view. In any case, I'm neither an extreme liberal nor a conservative. Like most people, I fall somewhere in between. I am what might be called "liberal" on some issues, and I'm also what might be called "surprisingly conservative" on others. I primarily comment in public on environmental matters, and those comments are based on extensive reading and research, not on emotion. My political views simply reflect my environmental concerns. If a non-American could be President, i would want Bono or Peter Gabriel. Intelligent, passionate, excellent communicators, and true humanitarians.
  7. Say You Love Me...Fleetwood Mac
  8. I'm just trying to defend the statement Spats made about only "undesirable" girls being on dating sites. My sister and best friend are both "hot". They have both dated more than their share of men and somehow were compelled to use a dating service to find a "good" man, lol. I have never used one of those sites, my PC is too slow for that anyway!
  9. Incident of 57th Street...(off Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band's album "The Wild, The Innocent and the E Street Shuffle"
  10. I was brought up by her, didn't ask to be. I wasn't involved in the drama, but she felt the need to "diss" me. Is that what you are referring to, me defending myself?
  11. Valium is used for: anxiety, alcohol withdraw and seizures. Good luck getting a Dr. to prescribe it for "helping to tolerate other people", lol. http://www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic/valium_ids.htm edit for added link
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