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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. I noticed the strong undertow in the Pacific (Puerto Vallarta). I was quite a distance from where i left my belongings just minutes after going into the ocean. Ashame, it kept me from spending more time in the ocean than i wanted to.
  2. I didn't drink the water in Mexico, ocean water or otherwise, lol. I heeded the many warnings about that one! My vast experience with salt water has been from years of the very "healthy" Jersey shore
  3. Like my dad said years ago, everything is okay in "moderation". Chronic bad habits will take a toll on most people eventually. I think if people were able to see the consequences, they would change their ways sooner rather than later. But not all would. I am glad i truly enjoy many "healthy" things in life. I try to limit the ones that are considered bad for you, except when it comes to men, lol...j/k
  4. I'm Going Down...Bruce Springsteen
  5. Yeah, i was talking about the waves in particular. When you are going out farther into the ocean and the waves crash upon you or you dive under them, that salt water taste always was strong for me. Then again, i'm not particularly fond of salty foods, either. The taste of chlorine if it's strong, in a swimming pool, isn't so great either. I don't let the water keep me out, lol. As long as there isn't a recent shark attack or visibly bad conditions i will swim almost anywhere if i'm prepared (suit on or change of clothes). My favorite place to swim is in calm waters. The Gulf of Mexico when i was at Sanibel Island was ideal. The Pacific in Mexico was rough with a strong undertoe...gorgeous beaches, dangerous ocean.
  6. I can never sleep well if i try to go to bed early on purpose. Sometimes laying in bed with the tv on will make me sleepy...or listening to music...or reading a book...or a glass of wine or a beer (although i don't drink much nowadays)...If you don't need to be up early then i would say just wait for sleep to hit you naturally. A nice Valium would probably do the trick though.
  7. Things have changed. I think they took big wheels off the market due to safety reasons. I loved mine! When i was a kid we could ride bikes, roller skate, run around the neighborhood, and there wasn't any parent supervision. It was much safer than it is today, although i live on a very quiet street in a relatively quite neighborhood. Still i would never take my eyes off my child. I prefer fresh water to salt because i've had plenty of the Atlantic in my mouth, lol. The tide has been strong most of the time i've been swimming in it. But i will pretty much get into any water if it's not "dangerous".
  8. I have loved to swim and be in the water since i was five. I agree with you kids should grow up around the water. I wish i could afford to live in a climate that you can swim outdoors most of the year (preferably near a nice beach). I may take my daughter and nieces to the pool tomorrow.
  9. You must be making these titles up, lol... Over My Head...Fleetwood Mac
  10. That's obscure, lol. Head Over Heels...Tears For Fears
  11. Thank you. I liked spending time with you, too. Next time we'll have to search for alien life forms...
  12. I said i believe in intelligent life, just not in the distance we have been able to discover yet. It's difficult to really grasp how vast the entire universe is, and while i understand the concept of light years, trying to really make sense of that kind of time is impossible. Yes i beleive there are many galaxies, just like ours, we just haven't found them, yet and probably never will. I don't believe they are coming here to look for us. We aren't that special, lol. In fact, they are likely much more intelligent than we are.
  13. I'm saying that someone may see an object in the sky that they can't identify, so they call it a "UFO". It could be anything from something material to a flash of light for example. My point is i believe many people see things that are made here on earth, but maybe the distance or something unfamiliar about the way it looks leads them to believe it is alien. Like i have always believed that "Bigfoot" is probably an overgrown gorilla, but when people see what they think is Bigfoot they get all crazed. The Loch Ness Monster is some sea serpeant, doesn't mean he is a "monster" just because people are afraid of him. I believe in intelligent life many moons away from us, but i don't believe they are coming here to check us out. I hope i never find out for sure, lol.
  14. I agree with you. Unidentified Flying Object can be anything. It's certainly logical to believe it's something made by human beings here on Earth. It could also be something falling out of the sky from outer space, man made or otherwise. I see your point, aliens don't have to accompany a UFO. A theory i recently heard and found interesting was IF there are aliens, that it might be us in the future returning back here to warn/teach us. Sounded cool to me.
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