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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. Great news! Does this mean you beat it? I sure hope so!!!
  2. I love Kathleen Turner. You should look for "Julia and Julia" she stars with Sting. Weird, but i loved this movie (came out sometime in the mid 80's). Another great Douglas/Turner movie is "The War of the Roses".
  3. I'm only sleeping...The Beatles
  4. I have told you in the past if i like someone i will make a move. IF YOU like someone you need to let down your guard and do the same thing. A man is not afraid to ask a girl for her phone number. Everyone gets nervous in a situation like that and everyone runs the risk of being rejected. Isn't it worth the risk for the possible outcome being in your favor? Was it worth costing you a girl who might have been the right one? I know you are scared, and that's why i suggested talking to a therapist. You might find you have more self-confidence after a session or two with someone more professional than most Led Zeppelin fans. Most of us have a more 60's and 70's mentality, and looks are not our number one priority. You are missing out on so much by focusing on that aspect of it. Even if the physical attraction isn't strong with someone, feelings can grow strong and then looks don't matter much if at all.
  5. Jury duty is over!!! Every one of the 250+ people who were there got picked potentially for a criminal case. My group was called to go and then told to sit back down at 10am. At 11:45am (when i expected they would cut us loose for a lunch break) my group was called. We are taken up to a room where i expected lawyers to come in to root through us. The lady who brought us there says thank you for coming, your judge has cancelled and i'm letting you go home early. Do not go back to the juror room or tell anyone! Amazing...and i got a $9 check (parking cost me $20)...but at least i'm outta there! I'm also happy because i'm looking forward to a great vacation in September. In my thoughts every day I'm happy my daughter's fever all day yesterday is gone today.
  6. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic...The Police
  7. So then do you agree he would have been a FUN President? lol...
  8. Why do they have to approach you or make the first move? You're a man, act like one. You take the straightforward approach. If you like someone, take a risk. You never really know how someone else feels by clues. Often it's obvious, but even when it seems like the other person really digs you, they can disappoint you. Others might want you to make a move, and they wind up disappointed when you don't. That might have cost you a girl in the past that you were interested in (maybe the one from the other night). The other thing is give someone you like a chance. Sometimes it takes more than one date or even more than a few dates to fall for each other. If you have enough in common, work on it for a bit before giving up. Sometimes love grows without you expecting it to.
  9. Did anyone watch "The Saint" (from 1962). I liked it in my teens (in the early to mid 80's), turned me into a Roger Moore fan!
  10. Have You Ever Seen The Rain...CCR
  11. Wish You Were Here...Pink Floyd, the song, the album and my ringtone
  12. Zeppelin I was my favorite to put the headphones on (eight track, lol) and i do know the part you mention. Also, funny, if anyone had this on eight track, "You Shook Me" changes to the other side part way through the song. It always woke me when i would put it on to fall asleep to it. Still consider this album to be such a favorite!
  13. All their lives were cut way too short: John Lennon John Bonham George Harrison Jim Morrison Ronnie Van Zant and really young with so much promise: Jeff Buckley I bet Karac Plant would have sung as gorgeous as his father, RIP.
  14. Finally getting rid of a week long headache (just an hour ago) that started last Monday evening at work when they started stripping and waxing the floors with the harshest chemicals. Every night i worked it was the same thing. So many of us complained. I'm happy i spoke to someone who i should have cleared the air with a long time ago. I'm happy the two most difficult people in my life (one a Scorpio, one a Libra)...are two people i love the most. I just wish they would let up on me a bit, lol
  15. It's a "fantasy" thread. My first post was clear that IF non Americans "could be" President then Bono or Peter Gabriel were my choices. The thread went off into a direction where members of The Who and The Stones were included, so then i again added someone, John Lennon, who i thought would be a good choice. The original post also said they could be "dead rock stars" so how serious can you take this thread? lol... I think an Englishman or Irishman has a better chance of being an American President than a dead person does. btw...Jim Morrison was a joke, though he would have been the "hottest" President in U.S. history...
  16. Did you trust the current dunce in office to be there? A heck of alot of dunces did (2 terms worth for christ's sake).
  17. In my lifetime, the past eight years has turned my country into a shambles (yeah i'm talking about politians and one big dunce in particular). As for music, the past decade, except for a handful of bands, has been, imo, the most unsatisfying. I believe the best is over...hard times are to continue. People are meaner, too.
  18. This drink is delicious. Raspberry Martini: Stolichnaya Razberi Vodka Razzmatazz A splash of Sprite Sour Mix Serve with fresh raspberries
  19. Baby You're A Rich Man...The Beatles edit: previous song is gone...the word Baby was in it, so i will keep this song.
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