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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. With the lobster tail i would love some frozen fruity margaritas. This is gonna be gooood
  2. Oh that sounds so good. I had a friend offer to cook me a Lobster and Crab leg dinner soon. I can't wait.
  3. I loved Keanu as "Neo"... edit for picture...
  4. Does anyone grill lobster tail? I am dying for some. I love grilled asparagus. My brother in law does all the grilling and just makes the basics, hamburgers, hotdogs, steak and chicken. I want grilled seafood!
  5. ~tangerine~

    First Kiss

    You'll never forget our first kiss...
  6. Did you go to shelling on the beach? You're not supposed to take too many shells at once, but in the week i was there, i was able to collect quite a few. I keep them in a crystal bowl as a reminder of time in paradise. Would love to retire to a place like Sanibel. If i ever get married again, i would love to marry on the beach. The Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge (a must see) Shells everywhere:
  7. I have one of those. She seemed to laugh appropriately when something was funny since she was just a few months old. Shes been a little actress since i can remember, sings and dances too. The kids are so amazing. (btw she's 3 1/2)
  8. ~tangerine~

    First Kiss

    Neither does zepyep, maybe it was with her
  9. it's called: Shaken 'N' Stirred (great album from Robert Plant)
  10. I love Florida because it's close to home and is loaded with beautiful beaches everywhere. California, though, i consider to be my favorite state. I have loved it since i was very young. I think my love for California began when i fell for Clint Eastwood and beautiful Carmel. Hey Del, does Malibu Seafood have fresh crab legs? I know the BEST place to get lobster is Maine. My favorite...
  11. I love when my daughter brings home projects/artwork she made at school. I know how good it makes you feel! How old is your son, if you don't mind me asking? Watching my daughter sleep right now makes me happy. Listening to her talk in her sleep makes me laugh.
  12. Sanibel and Captiva Islands are a short drive from Ft. Myers. Did you visit the islands? They are lovely, and also a nature preserve. A peaceful, beautiful place. I'm in need of a vacation, lol.
  13. ~tangerine~

    First Kiss

    Is this the first thread in a series of future threads? lol...oh nevermind. I had a couple of one time kisses with a couple boys. But the first time i made out with a boy i was ten. His name was Mark. I thought he was so gorgeous (at age 13, with curly black hair). He was my best friend's brother. I was sleeping over her house one night, her parents were out. When i got in bed to go to sleep he came into the room and got on top of me and started kissing me. It lasted for at least 15 or 20 minutes before his sister started yelling at him to get out! She stopped being my friend soon thereafter because i liked her brother and she was disgusted by the whole thing, lol.
  14. Well i'm not overjoyed on a daily basis. I do enjoy alot of things in life though. I rarely get bored. I do get lonely, but that's to be expected. It sounds sad what you are saying. Maybe you are depressed. Maybe you just need to find what would make you feel good and do it. Maybe where you live is the problem. I know nothing about you so i can't say much. I think you should give some thought to what you do like and make some plans to do those things. There has to be something!!! I don't except what you say because i have been around people all my life who do enjoy living. I also spend a great deal of time around people who are dying, and i often hear their wonderful stories of their life and how much they will miss it. You sound like you need inspiration. Find it and start living. You are already here, you may as well try to make the best of it
  15. I found your comment flattering to tell you the truth. When i read it i smiled and laughed a little. It's just after what you said others decided it was their duty to reprimand ledbaby and me, bringing on the negativity. If ledbaby was offended by what you said, that was him, not me. I responded to him, but i wasn't serious about you hating birds, lol. I know everyone loves birds. The birds and the bees are the essence of life... but then some felt compelled to make an issue out of a mispelled word...those who judge others maturity level should be ready to look in the mirror... you did have good advice Lake of Shadows ...
  16. Pretty funny how judgemental everyone can be. My personal feelings, looking at the big picture, and what is important in my life, this is all just for fun. I don't give a hoot who doesn't like what i post, i read plenty of stuff i don't like. I ignore 99% of it without rude comments...Have a nice day:)
  17. Okay the word is snide...someone could have just corrected it, instead of all the sarcasm...
  18. I don't understand where your argument is coming from. It's like you are anti-life. People pro-create like all organisms do. Giving life is a beautiful gift. Having a family is a normal desire. I know my creation is wonderful and i expect will be an amazing adult. Good, consciencious parents do their best to raise their children well. My point was, unfortunately, there are many powers working against us.
  19. Your mom could get a Chest Xray if she wants to find out what condition her lungs are in. If your mom has smoked for 56 years and is still without any problems, i would say she has lucked out. Even if she does have disease, that's a very long time to go without illness.
  20. Very nice Fenderguy. There's no place like the beach (to me). My favorite beach. As nice as the gorgeous island in the South Pacific, but very close to home. A white sand beach filled with shells, but yet they don't hurt your feet: Oh and a nice place for a honeymoon...
  21. Hola, in what part of Mexico do you live? I love Puerto Vallarta, so beautiful. Welcome. Nice to see Led Zeppelin infiltrating your country.
  22. Your Wildest Dreams...Moody Blues
  23. To be honest, i don't think many people think about death while giving life to another. Death is an eventual part of all our lives (duh) but not something many people sit and think about often (hopefully). Dying of lung cancer or living with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (such as emphysema, asthma and chronic bronchitis) are not the way anyone wants to die or be dying. People can drastically reduce their risk of lung related diseases by not smoking or quitting. Prevention is crucial in avoiding this unpleasant way of LIFE.
  24. Just to inform those who may think this is a dirty word (since Gainesbarre made it seem like a big deal) snog means "kissing" http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snog
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