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Who's the most recent huge full on rock band?

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Well, I guess the next time I need all of the answers to the world, I'll get with you. Thanks for your OPINION.

Yeah, I sprinkled some opinion in there, who cares? I dunno why you're gettin bent outta shape. What a fuckin cry baby.

It's a fact that Pearl Jam is more diverse than Nirvana.

It's a fact that there are some albums that get overlooked in makin good rock have a resurgence in the later 80s/early 90s.

Some other points I made about Nirvana's music are fact, as well.

If you can't stand a little debate, then don't bother posting.

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Seriously?! Don't know how Neil Young and Nirvana relate. Their unplugged was mostly all of their own songs, some just arranged differently. To each his own..... B)

Grunge's biggest inspiration comes from Neil Young.

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Grunge's biggest inspiration comes from Neil Young.

That's interesting, could give more information as to who made that statement?

As was said earlier, the Pixies were Cobain's greatest influence. I have never heard Neil Young being said as an inspiration for "grunge" bands.

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From what I've read neither the Pixies or Neil Young were big influences for Kurt. He made a few tounge in cheek comments about ripping the Pixies for SLTS and it was blown out of proportion. It's pretty common knowledge Kurt was heavy into the K Records stuff, Scratch Acid, Gang Of Four, Beatles and the of course the Melvins.

Grunge was a tag applied by the media, there really wasn't a solid genre called grunge. That has to be the most misleading tag in rock history.

Edited by danelectro
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I agree with the tag. I mean many of the bands didn't even carry the same type of sound really. I had thought he said that he was influenced by them. I do remember him talking about SLTS being kinda a rip off of them. Interesting, thanks danelectro.

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In addition to Neil Young I've also heard it said that because of the fuzzy, distorted tone of his guitar, Jimi Hendrix has also been referred to as "the Godfather of grunge". Because grunge's epicenter was Seattle (Hendrix' hometown) and Neil is from Canada, it makes wonder if something is in the water in the Pacific Northwest. Hell, I've even heard the term applied to yes,...Led Zeppelin and that was even before it became a label. I just remember reviewers referring to Page's riffs as "grungy". As for the media slapping the word "grunge" on all those bands, I sometimes disagree with such labeling but it's also a necessary evil if you ever hope to describe music to people. I hear elements of punk in it but it's also heavy on the influence of Sabbath and Zeppelin depending on the band.

I don't remember Kurt Cobain ever citing Neil Young as a direct influence but he did quote him (It's better to burn out than fade away) in his suicide note. Links to more info on Neil and Kurt can be found here. Back to the connection between grunge and Neil Young in general, you can just listen to this, Neil Young and Pearl Jam teaming up for Rockin' In the Free World from the 1993 VMAs.

As for the question at hand, I'm not sure why people are in search of artists that sound like "classic rock" (whatever that is) when there's so much good music in general out there these days.

Edited by Jahfin
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Neil Young did influence grunge, listen to Cinammon Girl, the Drop D, thick tones, sloppy bits. Iggy Pop and the Stooges, Leslie West, and MC5, both started it too, in the 60s, Kurt Cobain didnt cite any of them but Zeppelin didnt cite JS Bach either and somewhere down the line Bach had an influence.

And away from the grunge topic someone said that they don't like huge bands coz when you go to the concert there's too many people and you cant see and stuff like that but they dont sell 100000 tickts to every concert, i went to Iron Maiden last year and i could see fine and the sound was fine, there was 15000 or something went

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I would guess to summarize this whole thing, everything is directly or indirectly influenced by everything before it.

I knew the link with Pearl Jam and Neil Young - they even backed him on a disc he released back in the 90's.

So, who is the "most recent full on rock band"? I guess that was the thread topic. :lol:

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Interesting discussion on the inspirations of grunge. Upon the mention of Jimi Hendrix, Leslie West, and even Neil Young, I think there's a difference in how their bandmates instruments had a sort of separation from from the guitarist's tone. Not sure if that's the right way to make a pont, as I'm only a casual listener - but I mean there is not just a blur of noise. As much as Guns and Roses can be irritating, for a newer group, the instruments are each very well defined. Nirvana and to a lesser extent, Pearl Jam, are not. I am interested in exploring Alice in Chains, more - they are intriguing. My last "contribution" on this subject would be that Metallica seems to be far and way the hugest full on rock band that would fall under my very behind the times definition of "recent". They are creative, technically skilled, popular, and just kick ass. Maybe the fact that they are still actively producing albums justifies this?

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