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Gotta love this pic of Eric Clapton...


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That program was called The Drug Years, and I have it on my computer. The episode that picture was featured in was called Teenage Wasteland, which was about the overcommercialization of drugs in the 1970s.

It's a very good program, I recommend watching it at some point if you can.

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I read his autobiography. He's painfully honest. What a wreck he was for a while. I'm so proud of him that he's been sober for...what, 20 years now? I'm going to see him and Winwood in a couple of months, can't wait! I've seen Eric several time but never Steve.

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The only thing about that picture I like is that I know EC is now sober. As someone who has struggled with addiction I can't take joy in it or glorify it via iconic poses from rock's elite, even if they are now clean. For example when people see all those pics of Keith on the nod and think it's cool all I can think of is the times I made my family worry about me while I was out all night using. Or I remember the times I spent our rent money to hide behind a dumpster downtown and smoke crack I scored in the street with some gang banger, who later robbed me of my stash and money at gunpoint, out of an antenna I busted off someone's car. After reading accounts like Clapton's you realize that the ugliness of addiction is the same whether you're a rock star or guy on the street.

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See, back then rock stars had no qualms about advertising their drug addictions. It was expected of them and no one really criticized them for it. The rehab culture of the 80s and 90s changed all that, but in the 70s.....you could be shooting heroin on stage, and the audience would think it was just part of the show.

I'm sure most of you have seen this shirt before:


You couldn't imagine a musician today getting caught dead in that shirt.

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That program was called The Drug Years, and I have it on my computer. The episode that picture was featured in was called Teenage Wasteland, which was about the overcommercialization of drugs in the 1970s.

It's a very good program, I recommend watching it at some point if you can.

I've seen the series - agree it's worth watching.

I read his autobiography. He's painfully honest. What a wreck he was for a while. I'm so proud of him that he's been sober for...what, 20 years now? I'm going to see him and Winwood in a couple of months, can't wait! I've seen Eric several time but never Steve.

Steve Winwood is phenomenal in concert :D You won't be disappointed.

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I read his autobiography. He's painfully honest. What a wreck he was for a while. I'm so proud of him that he's been sober for...what, 20 years now? I'm going to see him and Winwood in a couple of months, can't wait! I've seen Eric several time but never Steve.

I thought his autobiography was such an interesting read. Proved to me what a dichotomy his private and public lives were. He was really a very sad individual when in the depths of addiction.

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