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Soundboard vs. audience


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I'm sure this has been dicussed before but I'm new here so screw it, lol.

Anyway, what's your opinion? I can't get past the muffled sound of audience recordings so I'm definitely partial to SBD's. I know they sound dry sometimes but I have a pretty good live mode on my Yamaha receiver so I can compensate for that a bit. Not much you can do about the lack of clarity on audience recordings. Any thoughts?

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Depends. Some AUD tapes (like the Millard tapes) have the balance of the SBDs but they "breathe" and have superb atmosphere...same with a tape like 6/25/72 LA or 4/28/77, for example. But unless an AUD is like that, I take SBDs every time...my (many) years of listening to crap quality boots is over...

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Well, you can be sure that Soundboards have a consistent instrument balance, while certain Audience recordings have horrible balance.

But when it comes to dry SBD's, I take even a muffled AUD over it.

In fact, I'm sick of those 73 SBD's.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For the most part soundboards have much clearer louder vocals, better keyboards (why do audience recordings have a warbley "out-of-tune" sound to the keys?) and tighter mid bass. But often the guitar is low and the real low bass (which is an acoustic effect of the building) is missing. Audience recordings sound more like the show, which isn't always good!

The best is a soundboard matrixed with an excellent audinece recording. You get loud guitar, clear vocals, in tune keyboards and balanced bass, the best of both worlds. Check out NY 75 "Four Blocks in the Snow" or Vancouver '75 "Northern Exposure" to hear what I mean.

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I listen to and collect both SBDs and Aud recordings. I usually prefer SBDs, but there are some really great audience recording out there. Of all the boosts I have, I find that a bad Aud is much worse than a bad SBD, which is generally why I prefer SBDs. There are some great boots out there with a mixture or "matrix" of both, which sound great.

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