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Cosmetic surgery thread: Who's had it, who wants it


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As we now live in a world where cosmetic surgery has become advanced and available to those who wish to pay for it, so many of the physical issues that bother people can be corrected.

Who here has had cosmetic work done? Tell us about it.

Who else is interested in having some work done?

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Well that's some post!!!

Thanks for the information. :rolleyes:

Maybe you could explain why you "would never have it done"?

No offense, but you sound ignorant.

Almost every time I hear someone use one of those "I never have and I never will" type declarations, it's usually accompanied by a thick redneck accent. As soon as I hear the combination of both, I typically scrap all plans for a discussion.

But I see you're from Europe, so you don't fit in the above category. My guess would be that the cosmetic surgery available in your country is of such a bad quality due to lack of doctor experience (as a result of your socialist healthcare policies consuming all of the state's medical resources) that getting cosmetic surgery is likely one big butchering session?

Well shit, I'd say come to America and get it done while you can, while it's still a "free" country, cause one that socialistic healthcare system comes here, it'll be all over. :slapface:

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I haven't ever had it done, and I don't really plan on it either. It's okay though, I must be a redneck to say that I am perfectly happy with my appearance and that I don't plan on have cosmetic surgery.

My mom HAD to have cosmetic surgery though. It has a health issue, she had very heavy eyelids and if they got heavier she wouldn't have been able to see.

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I haven't ever had it done, and I don't really plan on it either. It's okay though, I must be a redneck to say that I am perfectly happy with my appearance and that I don't plan on have cosmetic surgery.

My mom HAD to have cosmetic surgery though. It has a health issue, she had very heavy eyelids and if they got heavier she wouldn't have been able to see.

Interesting. So what if you end up just like your mom? Will you avoid correcting a similar problem?

I'm assuming your female, and I don't know your age. Likely, as you get older and your appearance changes, you'll be more open to something like this-

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If something like what happened to my mom happened to me, then yes I will correct it but that's medical cosmetic surgery. It's not like I said "Oh I'm fat. Time for lyposuction."

That isn't much different then if something happens to your nose and in order to breathe right you had to get rhinoplasty. It's medical, not a choice of preference.

And I won't be more open to it, I odn't agree with it. I would much rather act gracefully instead of pumping Botox into my bodies and having a face lift. I'm perfectly okay with what happens when I'm not a teenager anymore. I think wrinkles make people look wiser and much more cultured.

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Well that's some post!!!

Thanks for the information. :rolleyes:

Maybe you could explain why you "would never have it done"?

No offense, but you sound ignorant.

Almost every time I hear someone use one of those "I never have and I never will" type declarations, it's usually accompanied by a thick redneck accent. As soon as I hear the combination of both, I typically scrap all plans for a discussion.

But I see you're from Europe, so you don't fit in the above category. My guess would be that the cosmetic surgery available in your country is of such a bad quality due to lack of doctor experience (as a result of your socialist healthcare policies consuming all of the state's medical resources) that getting cosmetic surgery is likely one big butchering session?

Well shit, I'd say come to America and get it done while you can, while it's still a "free" country, cause one that socialistic healthcare system comes here, it'll be all over. :slapface:

Why would I want to change the way I look, when I am already satisfied with it. I rather age gracefully, just like Robert Plant, instead of buying a new plastic face like David Coverdale.

Sorry but I am proud of my age and proud of my looks and no new nose would improve that.

Beauty comes from the inside, note vice versa.

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If something like what happened to my mom happened to me, then yes I will correct it but that's medical cosmetic surgery. It's not like I said "Oh I'm fat. Time for lyposuction."

That isn't much different then if something happens to your nose and in order to breathe right you had to get rhinoplasty. It's medical, not a choice of preference.

And I won't be more open to it, I odn't agree with it. I would much rather act gracefully instead of pumping Botox into my bodies and having a face lift. I'm perfectly okay with what happens when I'm not a teenager anymore. I think wrinkles make people look wiser and much more cultured.

Let me tell you something. Your mom's procedure wasn't strictly "medical". It was indeed a cosmetic procedure. Everyone that has a cosmetic procedure comes up with a very convincing excuse. You may or may not believe me, because typically it takes people until they're a bit older than you do finally realize all the bullshit that came out of their parents mouths.

You are only a teenager. Your opinions on every subject will change back and forth many times in the very recent future. Things you were completely against, you'll be in favor of and vice versa.

For you as a teenager who has not experienced any sort of aging yet, it is foolish and naive to assume you'll be satisfied with your appearance your entire life, and that you'd never get any sort of cosmetic surgery done.

I guarantee your mind will change about this, and once the final stigma is removed, the only thing that will likely stop you is the lack of available funds to afford it. Hell, that's the situation most people find themselves in today.

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Why would I want to change the way I look, when I am already satisfied with it. I rather age gracefully, just like Robert Plant, instead of buying a new plastic face like David Coverdale.

Sorry but I am proud of my age and proud of my looks and no new nose would improve that.

Beauty comes from the inside, note vice versa.

Oh god, could you have picked a worse example? There is nothing that "aged gracefully" about Robert. He is almost painful for me to look at.

Once one accepts age, the march towards death begins.

I don't know how old you are or what you look like. Some people can get away with aging. However, a statement like you made initially, shows me that you aren't very openminded. I don't understand your hostility towards cosmetic surgery.

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Let me tell you something. Your mom's procedure wasn't strictly "medical". It was indeed a cosmetic procedure. Everyone that has a cosmetic procedure comes up with a very convincing excuse. You may or may not believe me, because typically it takes people until they're a bit older than you do finally realize all the bullshit that came out of their parents mouths.

You are only a teenager. Your opinions on every subject will change back and forth many times in the very recent future. Things you were completely against, you'll be in favor of and vice versa.

For you as a teenager who has not experienced any sort of aging yet, it is foolish and naive to assume you'll be satisfied with your appearance your entire life, and that you'd never get any sort of cosmetic surgery done.

I guarantee your mind will change about this, and once the final stigma is removed, the only thing that will likely stop you is the lack of available funds to afford it. Hell, that's the situation most people find themselves in today.

If you want to try and sound smart, you might want to read your posts and make sure that you use the right words. It's impossible for the future to be recent because recent is a word to describe the past.

No, let me tell you something, my mom's surgery was medical. You don't know what my mom had looked like and you don't know what her medical history is. It is very ignorant of you to assume that you do.

I know a lot of people who don't want plastic surgery and they are just fine with how they look. I think people are much more beautiful when they age gracefully. My grandma is 74, has white hair and is loaded with wrinkles but I think she is gorgous just the way she is and she has never been under the knife and she never would.

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If you want to try and sound smart, you might want to read your posts and make sure that you use the right words. It's impossible for the future to be recent because recent is a word to describe the past.

No, let me tell you something, my mom's surgery was medical. You don't know what my mom had looked like and you don't know what her medical history is. It is very ignorant of you to assume that you do.

I know a lot of people who don't want plastic surgery and they are just fine with how they look. I think people are much more beautiful when they age gracefully. My grandma is 74, has white hair and is loaded with wrinkles but I think she is gorgous just the way she is and she has never been under the knife and she never would.

Oh wow, you're correcting my grammar. That's kind of lame and irrelevant isn't it? That tells me that you're offended, angry, and there's not much else you can do but complain about a silly detail. Did you think you were witty perhaps? You weren't.

I'm not going to get into a discussion about a single word and its possible uses, but I will say that the way I used the world you have pointed out, can be used that way. English is a beautifully flexible language, and writing is an art. Just because your local online dictionary has a few conflicting definitions, certainly doesn't make the use of a word in a certain way invalid.

People get extremely insecure, offended, and possibly even hostile when the mighty image of the "know everything and do no wrong parents" is compromised or exposed for what it is.

I don't take fault with you because it's quite a natural reaction, but you'd be wise to start opening your eyes, because obviously your mom's very convincing excuse is a cover up for a cosmetic procedure.

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I wasn't offended, and I'm not offended. If you want to project the image that you do on the internet, go ahed it's fine by me.

I also don't hold a "know everything and do no wrong" image of my parents. Both of my parents are human and do mess up. My mom and I don't agree on everything, and we don't always get along. I'm just trying to show you that cosmetic surgery isn't always for looks. It wasn't a coverup for anything. She wouldn't have been able to see and that is a real reason, because they skin was already over her eyelashes and she could already see it.

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Just FYI---my Linguistics professor had to have an eyelift done because her eye lids were too saggy and she couldn't see out of her eyes.

...and she wasn't one to do things in the name of looking good. That was one of her claims to fame.

(that and being anti-Noam Chomsky...)

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Oh god, could you have picked a worse example? There is nothing that "aged gracefully" about Robert. He is almost painful for me to look at.

Once one accepts age, the march towards death begins.

I don't know how old you are or what you look like. Some people can get away with aging. However, a statement like you made initially, shows me that you aren't very openminded. I don't understand your hostility towards cosmetic surgery.

I am 40 years old, and I am open minded enough to let everyone decide what to do with his/her body whatever they like. If you want to have your nipples pierced, do it. If you want an extra head added, do it, I love science fiction characters. If you want to become a black man....do it, just like Michael Jackson became a white man.

I am just not insecure about any of my looks, I love my looks.

Define beautiful anyway....it's all in the mind.

As for your march towards death comment......we all one day will die, that's one of the only things in life you can be sure of.

Edited by reswati
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Exactly, I don't care what other people do to their body. It's their body and it's their buisness. It isn't my choice to tell them that they can't have plastic surgery. I am happy with how I look and I don't intended to have surgery to change it.

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Reswati, as soon as I accused you of not being open minded, you come back with the response I expected. My question is, why are you so personally against it for yourself? You can say what you want, but I am not so sure you are openminded about it, and I have a feeling you would project a closemindedness towards someone very close to you, if they were to be interested in getting something cosmetically done.

lzfan, you are only a teenager who doesn't have any signs of aging yet, so of course you're going to be happy with the way you look! You are making a declaration against something that you don't currently need, but that you might need in the future once the circumstances change. This isn't very logical.

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But I see you're from Europe, so you don't fit in the above category. My guess would be that the cosmetic surgery available in your country is of such a bad quality due to lack of doctor experience (as a result of your socialist healthcare policies consuming all of the state's medical resources) that getting cosmetic surgery is likely one big butchering session?

No offence, but you sound ignorant.

Maybe the simple reason is that he's happy with the way he looks?

So am I. Cosmetic surgery? No, thank you.

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Reswati, as soon as I accused you of not being open minded, you come back with the response I expected. My question is, why are you so personally against it for yourself? You can say what you want, but I am not so sure you are openminded about it, and I have a feeling you would project a closemindedness towards someone very close to you, if they were to be interested in getting something cosmetically done.

lzfan, you are only a teenager who doesn't have any signs of aging yet, so of course you're going to be happy with the way you look! You are making a declaration against something that you don't currently need, but that you might need in the future once the circumstances change. This isn't very logical.

I had sex with about 300 women in my life, without needing another face than just mine.

If you want to project your insecurity on me, go ahead....you might possibly also need brain surgery too.

Aging is a natural thing, nothing to be frightened of.

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I don't take fault with you because it's quite a natural reaction, but you'd be wise to start opening your eyes, because obviously your mom's very convincing excuse is a cover up for a cosmetic procedure.

Look, I'm 22; I'm fine with the way I look and I do not see any signs of aging on my face or body.

BUT saying that I don't want a cosmetic surgery, either at present or in future, does not make unwise. Quite on the contrary, in my opinion. I have my eyes open. I DO know that it won't last long, and I DO know that I'll have wrinkles one day. The point is that I simply don't care.

I don't condemn people who want a cosmetic surgery, they may have different reasons for such decision. Some people do that because they have serious complexes, others are downright superficial. It's their business. However, you won't convince that wanting to have a cosmetic surgery is a sign of wisdom. The mere attempt to do so is rather a sign of stupidity to me.

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Why would I want to change the way I look, when I am already satisfied with it. I rather age gracefully, just like Robert Plant, instead of buying a new plastic face like David Coverdale.

Sorry but I am proud of my age and proud of my looks and no new nose would improve that.

Beauty comes from the inside, note vice versa.

:yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:



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Oh god, could you have picked a worse example? There is nothing that "aged gracefully" about Robert. He is almost painful for me to look at.

Once one accepts age, the march towards death begins.

I don't know how old you are or what you look like. Some people can get away with aging. However, a statement like you made initially, shows me that you aren't very openminded. I don't understand your hostility towards cosmetic surgery.

I don't understand why you started the topic obviously interested in people's opinions, but if they don't match to yours, you challenge them and tell them they aren't being open minded. What's the point of discussing it then? I think it's great Reswati is happy with who he is and how he looks and that he knows humans age and there's nothing to be ashamed of. But even if he felt differently and wanted plastic surgery, so what? It's his body, his choice.

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BUT saying that I don't want a cosmetic surgery, either at present or in future, does not make unwise. Quite on the contrary, in my opinion. I have my eyes open. I DO know that it won't last long, and I DO know that I'll have wrinkles one day. The point is that I simply don't care.

I don't condemn people who want a cosmetic surgery, they may have different reasons for such decision. Some people do that because they have serious complexes, others are downright superficial. It's their business. However, you won't convince that wanting to have a cosmetic surgery is a sign of wisdom. The mere attempt to do so is rather a sign of stupidity to me.

I'm not trying to convince anyone that having cosmetic surgery is a sign of wisdom. I think that you thinking that is a sign of stupidity.

I have a problem with people making permanent declarations about something when they are in no sort of situation to give such declarations. In this case, a young person with no signs of aging cannot possibly within any reason make the sort of declaration I have criticized. It is just completely silly.

How will you know that you won't care about your appearance in the future? It's impossible to tell what you'll be feeling in the future.

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I had sex with about 300 women in my life, without needing another face than just mine.

If you want to project your insecurity on me, go ahead....you might possibly also need brain surgery too.

Aging is a natural thing, nothing to be frightened of.

I guess I somehow missed this post.

Sex with 300 women? Yeah, maybe 300 prostitutes. Paying for it doesn't count. :rolleyes:

Anyone that brags about the amount of sexual encounters they've had is typically exaggerating in order to compensate for some sort of insecurity.

I don't believe you've had sex with 300 women.

I wouldn't say I am insecure about aging, however I would say that looking and feeling young is better than looking and feeling old. If there is something available to me that can correct signs of aging, then I fully support it. I'm not interested in waking up and looking in the mirror everyday and feeling older than dirt. Some people may accept that, but I see it as a sign of giving up on life to be honest.

As soon as someone stops caring about how they look, it's all over.

Maybe that will change and one day I won't give a fuck, but that will be a sad day for sure.

Edited by DRUNK08
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