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:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

GREAT for you Vannis

All that determination and perseverance has paid off. Congratulations, you have paved your way.

Thank you :D

I'm so happy.

They got a hold of my third grade ITBS scores (:lol:) and that's where I got support from my counselor. Cos I scored (this is scary) 11th grade in vocabulary AND in reading. In third grade. It's almost disturbing. :blink:

EDIT: sorry I had to take some of your :thumbsup:'s out. It was too many emoticons.

EDIT 2: Hi Alicia. :wave: How are you?

Edited by zoso13zeppelin
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Right now I am working on a powerpoint for my science class about ocean and waves as renewable energy sources.

And I need to work on my bio of Crispus Attucks.

And next semester I have to somehow compact an entire year of biology and the rest of earth science into one semester. :blink:


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Vannis is going through school like I am

but I am definitely not as excited

Well, it took two months of endless unnecessary projects and a bunch of "bullshit" as my mum said. That's why I'm excited. Plus my science class is excruciatingly boring.

And I get to get out of communications, where you learn to talk, essentially. I don't need that.

I hate bio but I have a 98% in that class.

Actually, I hate school.

I hate school too, and I had biology in sixth grade (yes, sixth grade. Welcome to private schools.) and I hated it. ESPECIALLY dissecting things. Ew ew ew ew ew. But that's good that you have a good grade.

I also got 98% on my last science test that I didn't study for. Hell, I didn't even do the class work! But my teacher thought I studied so hard. And it was considered the "hardest test I've ever taken" by loads of people at my school. I got the highest grade in my grade. I don't get it. I must have learned more than I thought at my old school… Go figure.

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Lol, my classes teach stuff I know. And you can't test out of a class. The teachers are boring. The kids are narrowminded. I just hate school.

Yeah, my school's the same, actually. You have to request to join any higher classes. And then they put you through loads of bullshit, and make you think you're not going to get in… and then you do or you don't.

My teachers are so bloody boring and yeah, the kids are narrowminded here too. Ya know, school just sucks in general.

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You're right,

the more money I earn on my own for college

the farther I can get away


the more freedom I will possess

Yay, thank you :D

It'll be a pain in the ass during the break writing 75 pages worth of something plus 500 words, but it'll be worth it being 19 and being able to hang out with whoever the heck I want to.

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It has to be about being able to deal with the death of a loved one

It needs three of the following




Drama or Screenplay

The essay needs to be a reflective essay about the works

And I need

Significance Essay

Benefit to Society Essay

Process Essay

And a recorded video describing my piece

That's six tasks in one.

It's a pain in the ass.

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