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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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It rained! And my lesson went really badly :( i just wasn't focused. Hey Noora, I have Msn PM me your address and I'll add you! Same to all others on here except continue coming on here because its fun here!

Damn, I feel kinda guilty for hoping it would rain on you. I did want it to rain though so that you could get some experience in different weather. Don't worry about it Heather. :thumbsup:

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Yep, I'm sorry there,

I'm just a mess right now, too much stress.

That Rita Story Part 2?????


The pirates joined together


But Sharon Tate had a plan


first, she distracted the pirates


Richard, all disguised, went towards Sharon in her glory


Then Claudia mounted a whole pile of rocks on the other pirates, painfully and disdainfully


Rich, do you mind being Johnny Depp looking :lol:

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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I have been perusing over the last few pages and I have missed quite a lot...but I found this:

You were all on the topic of hair and stuff...I laughed so hard at this:


:lol: :lol: :hysterical: I admire you so much for posting that Heather. Most girls wouldn't put a pic of themselves like that on the net. It shows real character...great stuff. We are a great bunch on here aren't we.

Well I never do my hair. It's pretty long and I'm too lazy to do anything

Yes it is Noora. And your hair is very nice too. :D

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Rich, do you mind being Johnny Depp looking :lol:

Nope. In fact...I did used to have a beard like that...not the two strand parts (unfortunately) but the moustache and the goatee bit I did...I looked rather awesome. B) But I had to shave it off for my passport photo. I felt naked for a while.

Thanks for the story Rabia.

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It isn't over though


Richard came back from normal, after endless hours of shaving and bathing and what not. But, he looked like Montgomery Clift after the effect of the pirate make-up chemicals. :hysterical:[i'm sorry I made myself laugh]


"But, where are you going?" Sharon wondered


"Yes Richard, where?" Claudia innocently asked.


Richard spoke in a crackled voice, "well ladies, you have seen all the turmoils I have went through. I am afraid I cannot stay in this place any longer. I am a rebel, therefore I cannot conform to such conformity."


But then Rita started crying, no not crying, but a sob, a sob of such great proportions.

[i can't use more than 5 pictures]

"AH HECK, why don't you all come back to England with me," Richard gleefully stated. And so all the ladies went charging into the private boat with Richard, all the way from Spain to England.


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WOW!!! What an ending!!! And what fantastic pictures!! Those women are so beautiful!! :wub: Thanks for that story Rabia...every single bit of it made me laugh. thank you...you are so great. :kiss:

And Alicia, I had to shave because my dad said it would be better for a passport photo to be clean shaven...because I would be more recognisable. I can't remember the exact reasoning but I shaved nevertheless. :(

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HAHAHA!!! :lol: No...but I will visit Finland one day....and call by at Noora's house. Or maybe call on her friend Jenna...if I can find where she lives. :lol:

Haha, aaaawww, I'll tell you where Jenna lives if you visit me first :D

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