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Obama's War on PBS


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Hi Planted,

These Films make me very sad, i have a Son who has done two Tours of Afghanistan, he will probobly do many more as he is a Career Soldier, i dont really like seeing US or UK or even the Enemy being Wounded or Killed, but i still watch these Films because i find i have to witness these events to get a balanced view point.

My conclusion is that we, the US-UK that is, will never defeat these People, you couldnt Defeat the VC, and the Taliban are 100 times more commited than the VC were. Even if we Take Afghanistan they will relocate to somewhere else and maybe return when we least expect them.

I thank you for this link "Planted" and ask you to keep up being vigil in these matters.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Anyone know what happened to the WOMD that "We" didnt find in Iraq, were they ever really there? When will it ever end? Only in :boohoo:

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Hi all,

You can defeat it,if you have the will to do so.


Hi Kev,

Sorry to disapoint you with my answer to your question but, when and how, has it ever been done before?

I think that They will Win in the End because they fulfill your Criteria, they have the "Will to do so" they can take the "Casualties" more than we can, Money is no object to them where as it is what makes us deciede if its worth carrying on with or just too expensive.

In the End "Islam" will "Rule the World" for when they die they will sit at "Gods Right Hand" as "Righteous Warriors of God" and "Feast on Seventy Virgins", whereas we will recieve only Six Foot of Soil in a Military Cemetery, there is no comparison really is there?

Allahu Akbar.

Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi Planted,

My conclusion is that we, the US-UK that is, will never defeat these People, you couldnt Defeat the VC, and the Taliban are 100 times more commited than the VC were. Even if we Take Afghanistan they will relocate to somewhere else and maybe return when we least expect them.

Well actually, we beat the hell out of the Viet Cong. They were screwed after the Tet Offensive when we beat their ass but public pressure to get out forced Nixon's hand.

But you're right. We're not going to beat these "terrorists" because in reality, they're an idea not a group of people. And no one has ever beat an idea. Ever.

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Well actually, we beat the hell out of the Viet Cong. They were screwed after the Tet Offensive when we beat their ass but public pressure to get out forced Nixon's hand.

But you're right. We're not going to beat these "terrorists" because in reality, they're an idea not a group of people. And no one has ever beat an idea. Ever.

Hi 'wanna be drummer'

Nice to see you again, and nice to be on the same side for once ah. :lol:

I didnt mean to say you didnt beat them in every battle you had with them, i know my history and i know you were too good for them militarily, but in the end you can kill as many of the enemy as you like, but if you cant kill the idology then you will most likely loose.

Good to see you, Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi BigDan,all,

I think that They will Win in the End because they fulfill your Criteria, they have the "Will to do so" they can take the "Casualties" more than we can, Money is no object to them where as it is what makes us deciede if its worth carrying on with or just too expensive.

Your already defeated.


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We obviously learned little from the Russian occupancy of the 1980s.

First and formost, its difficult to win a war against (what?) when the civilians are electing and supporting the enemy in several regions. This is not Iraq, which became a clusterfuck after the fact. Afghanistan has always been a disabled country on the brink. If Obama decides to pull the plug, with a steady plan B, I don't see this as a cowardly or defeatist move. If anything, one can make the argument it should have been done years ago. Like said, you can't defeat an idea.

Of course, the real problem is Pakistan. Everyone knows this. The question is, what do you do once we're out of Afghanistan?

As much as people give Biden shit, I think he's right on this one. The best way, at the moment, to fight Al Qaeda is with covert ops, not the standard military. You also make a deal with the Taliban and help build towns in Afghanistan. Paying off your enemies during war does work. Look at Iraq.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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We obviously learned little from the Russian occupancy of the 1980s.

First and formost, its difficult to win a war against (what?) when the civilians are electing and supporting the enemy in several regions. This is not Iraq, which became a clusterfuck after the fact. Afghanistan has always been a disabled country on the brink. If Obama decides to pull the plug, with a steady plan B, I don't see this as a cowardly or defeatist move. If anything, one can make the argument it should have been done years ago. Like said, you can't defeat an idea.

Of course, the real problem is Pakistan. Everyone knows this. The question is, what do you do once we're out of Afghanistan?

As much as people give Biden shit, I think he's right on this one. The best way, at the moment, to fight Al Qaeda is with covert ops, not the standard military. You also make a deal with the Taliban and help build towns in Afghanistan. Paying off your enemies during war does work. Look at Iraq.

Hi Bonzo,

The only thing i can say on this is, the Taliban are no longer from just Afghanistan, mostly they come from the Madrassas in Pakistan. The Afghans are actually already in favour of our help out there, and my Son had told me he has actually seen Afghani Tribesmen throwing Rocks and Stones at Taliban Insurgents around The Camp Bastion Base when they were about to launch a surprise attack, now thats really encouraging.

So i dont think a Deal with the Taliban in going to be on, do you?

Regards, Danny

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Hi Bonzo,

The only thing i can say on this is, the Taliban are no longer from just Afghanistan, mostly they come from the Madrassas in Pakistan. The Afghans are actually already in favour of our help out there, and my Son had told me he has actually seen Afghani Tribesmen throwing Rocks and Stones at Taliban Insurgents around The Camp Bastion Base when they were about to launch a surprise attack, now thats really encouraging.

So i dont think a Deal with the Taliban in going to be on, do you?

Regards, Danny

It's certainly a very dangerous situation..whichever way Obama decides to go.

My hat's off to your son. I know alot of the Afghani people do appreciate our presence there. Unfortunately, we must ask ourselves is the price tag worth it in the end? (if there is an end)

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It's certainly a very dangerous situation..whichever way Obama decides to go.

My hat's off to your son. I know alot of the Afghani people do appreciate our presence there. Unfortunately, we must ask ourselves is the price tag worth it in the end? (if there is an end)

Hi Bonzo, Thank you for your Kind Words, my Son Beleives He/We is/are doing Good Work in Afghanistan.

My Son says that the Afghani People that he and hid friends have met "Do" think our presence is worth it and are Very Thankful for our Soldiers help and the safety it brings.

On another note what do you think about this,

Heroin and Cannabis are consumed by The West in Great Quantities.

Heroin and Cannabis are produced in Afghanistan in Great Quantities.

The Taliban get most of it Income from Heroin and Cannabis.

Are we in the West helping to Fund the Taliban and Global Terrorism?

Now theres something to think about the next time anyone Takes a Puff of a Joint or Sitcks a Needle in to their Arm dont you think?

Regards, Danny

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On another note what do you think about this,

Heroin and Cannabis are consumed by The West in Great Quantities.

Heroin and Cannabis are produced in Afghanistan in Great Quantities.

The Taliban get most of it Income from Heroin and Cannabis.

Are we in the West helping to Fund the Taliban and Global Terrorism?

Now theres something to think about the next time anyone Takes a Puff of a Joint or Sitcks a Needle in to their Arm dont you think?

Regards, Danny

I'd say only if you're consuming junk or weed from Afghanistan. Otherwise the point is moot.

The US and their allies will run out of ammo before the enemy runs out of participants, the will, and their ideology. We are fighting an unwinnable war.

Edited by dogtired
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Hi Danny,BSB,all,

The more things change,the more they stay the same.

You harbor these a--holes,duck.

You want to live in peace?That is more like it.

Aijin-sama :D

Oi Oi Anjin-Sama,

"Peace is just a Prelude to War"

As Quoted by Me, Today.

Dont worry mate, i'm on your side, my Son is in the British Military, all my Ancestors Served, my Heart is with them, "We Will Never Surrender" as me ole mate Winny C once said, i might Sympathise with the Enemy, but they are still the Enemy, Three Cheers for the Red White And Blue. Hip Hip Horay, Hip Hip Horay, Hip Hip Horay.

Kind Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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Reducing the war the way you would reduce liquid in a sauté pan seems to be the best option.

Where does this war end?

I suspect the reason the United States went to war in Afghanistan is because the enemy that attacked New York City believes that he has a safe harbor in the Afghan mountains and may reside there.

That and it shifted the theatre of war away from New York City and the United States and onto foreign terrain.

In the end it is a war that most people would prefer to end if possible, seeing as it may continue indefinitely as a quagmire.

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Hi Bonzo, Thank you for your Kind Words, my Son Beleives He/We is/are doing Good Work in Afghanistan.

My Son says that the Afghani People that he and hid friends have met "Do" think our presence is worth it and are Very Thankful for our Soldiers help and the safety it brings.

On another note what do you think about this,

Heroin and Cannabis are consumed by The West in Great Quantities.

Heroin and Cannabis are produced in Afghanistan in Great Quantities.

The Taliban get most of it Income from Heroin and Cannabis.

Are we in the West helping to Fund the Taliban and Global Terrorism?

Now theres something to think about the next time anyone Takes a Puff of a Joint or Sitcks a Needle in to their Arm dont you think?

Regards, Danny

My stuff comes from Canada, not the Middle East.

China is the fastest growing heroin consumer in the world. Not much we can do there.

The single biggest problem we face now is:

1. If we decide to change our Middle East foreign policy, pull all interests out and let them fend for themselves like some argue, you create resentment with the people who want us over there, believing in our "good intentions." However, you're also taking the live ammunition out of the whole jihad movement, which is manifested based on US foreign policy in the Middle East.

2. If we decide to stick with our current Middle East foreign policy, and/or escalate it, you only further fuel the beast that is Muslim extremism while keeping hope alive for a vast minority who are ill-equipped to do much more than smile and shake your hand.

Personally, I think our current foreign policy is unconstitutional and the Founding Fathers' intentions for a democratic "free" society have all but vanished. As long as money is piloting the storm, America's inner core, its once treasured soul, will continue to rot.

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My stuff comes from Canada, not the Middle East.

China is the fastest growing heroin consumer in the world. Not much we can do there.

The single biggest problem we face now is:

1. If we decide to change our Middle East foreign policy, pull all interests out and let them fend for themselves like some argue, you create resentment with the people who want us over there, believing in our "good intentions." However, you're also taking the live ammunition out of the whole jihad movement, which is manifested based on US foreign policy in the Middle East.

2. If we decide to stick with our current Middle East foreign policy, and/or escalate it, you only further fuel the beast that is Muslim extremism while keeping hope alive for a vast minority who are ill-equipped to do much more than smile and shake your hand.

Personally, I think our current foreign policy is unconstitutional and the Founding Fathers' intentions for a democratic "free" society have all but vanished. As long as money is piloting the storm, America's inner core, its once treasured soul, will continue to rot.

Hi Bonzo,

I cant disagree with you there, there are too many people in Government that have their Dirty Fingers in "Armament Companies" for us to ever quit having Wars, Wars must be perpetuated for them to remain "Super Rich". The Wars will End when Money has no Meaning, so its "Never" then i suppose.

Regards, Danny

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I'd say only if you're consuming junk or weed from Afghanistan. Otherwise the point is moot.

The US and their allies will run out of ammo before the enemy runs out of participants, the will, and their ideology. We are fighting an unwinnable war.

Hi 'dogtired'

My Points are Never Moot.

If "Drugs" are Funding "World Terrorism" then "All" that take them are instrumental in the Perpetuation of "World Terrorism" whether we like it or not, thats the Facts, the Money We spend will go down the Chain of Command to No-Good-Types who Help Fund "World Terrorism" I could say more.

Regards, Danny

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In your intial post I quoted here below, you make your statement sound like fact. Then later you say "If". So there's a bit of an inconsistency.


On another note what do you think about this,

Heroin and Cannabis are consumed by The West in Great Quantities.

Heroin and Cannabis are produced in Afghanistan in Great Quantities.

The Taliban get most of it Income from Heroin and Cannabis.

Are we in the West helping to Fund the Taliban and Global Terrorism?

Now theres something to think about the next time anyone Takes a Puff of a Joint or Sitcks a Needle in to their Arm dont you think?

Regards, Danny

Then my post,

I'd say only if you're consuming junk or weed from Afghanistan. Otherwise the point is moot.

And yours,

Hi 'dogtired'

My Points are Never Moot.

If "Drugs" are Funding "World Terrorism" then "All" that take them are instrumental in the Perpetuation of "World Terrorism" whether we like it or not, thats the Facts, the Money We spend will go down the Chain of Command to No-Good-Types who Help Fund "World Terrorism" I could say more.

Regards, Danny

I pointed out if the usage is not from an Afghanistan or Taliban source your point is moot. I stand by that.

Many users don't even involve money when consuming drugs, especially cannabis(they grow their own), so there's NO WAY the Taliban profits from this aspect AT ALL! For you to say you NEVER make a moot point is egotistical like you can do NO wrong. By you saying what you did about drug usage and funding the Taliban is ridiculous as you make it out to be an absolute. It's not, so you point is moot because it's NOT absolute.

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In your intial post I quoted here below, you make your statement sound like fact. Then later you say "If". So there's a bit of an inconsistency.

If you had looked at the Link on the First Page of this Topic and Watched it all the Way Through, all 55min 19sec of it, then you would know it to be Fact, me typing "If" may sound to someone who didnt watch the Entire Video as if there is an "inconsistency" but seeing as you didnt i will appologise to you for making you think i dont know what i was on about when in fact i do.

Link. http://video.pbs.org/video/1295117818 See from 40min onwards.

Then my post,

And yours,

I pointed out if the usage is not from an Afghanistan or Taliban source your point is moot. I stand by that.

Well you can say what you want to make you feel that Your Drug Taking Habbit Hurts No-One, thats up to you, but unless you are Growing It Yourself or Getting it from Friends that do the Same, you are Contributing to Hard Core Criminality which leads directly to World Terrorism. The Terrorists and the Drug Barons Work Hand in Hand with each other, if you didnt know that before, you know it now. Even if you are consuming Drugs from another Country other than Afghanistan Some of the Money You Spend Will End Up in the Pockets of Terrorists, Somewhere.

Many users don't even involve money when consuming drugs, especially cannabis(they grow their own), so there's NO WAY the Taliban profits from this aspect AT ALL! For you to say you NEVER make a moot point is egotistical like you can do NO wrong. By you saying what you did about drug usage and funding the Taliban is ridiculous as you make it out to be an absolute. It's not, so you point is moot because it's NOT absolute.

When i said "My Points are Never Moot" i was being Sarcastic, thats what i do, i am also "Very Egotistical" and as for doing "No Wrong" well it aint me thats Putting "My Guys" in Afghanistan and other Conflicts, at Home as well as Abroad, in Danger of being Killed by Terrorists or Drug Barons or Crazed Junkies, is it?

Regards, Danny

PS, Maybe i just wanted to make people "Think" about their "Drug Use" in a different way, no offence ment to you or anyone else on here.

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Hi Planted,

These Films make me very sad, i have a Son who has done two Tours of Afghanistan, he will probobly do many more as he is a Career Soldier, i dont really like seeing US or UK or even the Enemy being Wounded or Killed, but i still watch these Films because i find i have to witness these events to get a balanced view point.

My conclusion is that we, the US-UK that is, will never defeat these People, you couldnt Defeat the VC, and the Taliban are 100 times more commited than the VC were. Even if we Take Afghanistan they will relocate to somewhere else and maybe return when we least expect them.

I thank you for this link "Planted" and ask you to keep up being vigil in these matters.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Anyone know what happened to the WOMD that "We" didnt find in Iraq, were they ever really there? When will it ever end? Only in :boohoo:


Thank you for sharing the most precious thing in the world with us...your child. No need to thank me...

I'm not smart enough to determine what "winning" means over there, but I do know we must never forget what these brave souls and their families provide for us. I think I've said before I have first hand experience having been an Army brat.

Let's thank your son by passing this on to everyone who will listen.


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