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I think this is a slight overreaction....


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it's amazing that so many people bash the unions, yet millions (some who are now part of the tea party movement)are collecting big fat pensions because of sacrifices made. Who do you think made this possible? It certainly wasn't out of the kindness of the mega corporations heart.

If Europe is proving anything those pensions are not being paid for so people have to end up working longer to pay for them. If it gets to a point where the pensions aren't really used, what good are they?

As far as the Tea Party being staged...lol. The problem with the Tea Party is that it's a truer grass roots movement than the one that was union oriented that helped get the President elected. I do like that some politicians like Chris Christie of New Jersey and Paul Ryan of Wisconsin have come out of this movement with a lot of support. And we have had a lot of Libertarians coming out of the movement. But we haven't gotten to the point where the debate between small and big government has really started.

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This isn't a slight overreaction, it's a COMPLETE overreaction!

Not every single thing with the word 'black' in it is referring to African-Americans. Just like everything with the word 'white' not necessarily having anything to do with white people.

I remember a while back there being a big stink about the term 'blackboard' and teachers had to start saying chalkboard instead because it was racist. Nobody ever complained about whiteboards.


BLACK Country Woman?

BLACK Mountain Side?

BLACK Sabbath?

To name but a few, :yesnod: and nothin Afro there. :o:lol:

Regards, Danny

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If Europe is proving anything those pensions are not being paid for so people have to end up working longer to pay for them. If it gets to a point where the pensions aren't really used, what good are they?

or in the case of United Airlines, "we can't afford to pay these anymore"

so what happens, we end up paying them.

Just saying that some people can be hypocrites.

Not me, because my pension, which is a 401K has been in the shitter since the nosedive in 08. Don't see it coming back anytime soon. Thankfully, i have a guaranteed amount, but even that's not truly safe. Oh, and that's not my only retirement income. I have other plans that are pretty much similar, cuz i'm not a high roller B)

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Hi all,

If you can't see that the unions have become just like the corporations,....you'd better open your eyes.


i can not only see, but i can say from first hand knowledge.

in the job as i at before my current one, i was required to join the Teamsters because Michigan is not a right to work state. Lemme tell you, what a con outfit that is. After 90 days you're supposed to be a full fledged member, right? Well, those bastards agreed with the outfit i worked for to keep me on probation for another 30 days because they weren't sure i was going to work out. That was okay, but then they started taking dues out of my paycheck, which they claim is mandatory. So long story short, i was released after those 30 days and when i called the union rep to ask for support, the fecker said there wasn't much he could do. What a pile of shit. I told him to take his organization and shove it up his ass until it came out his mouth. I now work for a non union company and have had no trouble.

But........not to contradict myself.

Unions did a hell of a lot of good for certain people at a certain time.

I know, as a kid, that i benefited from it.

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Don't get me wrong –

I don't think the NAACP shouldn't exist.

I just find it disgraceful that it has placed politics above it's original mission.

That they seek to correct racial injustices only when it's in agreement with their political agenda.

as much as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are pains in the ass, they do serve some sort of purpose because of their notoriety. I've shared sharp criticism of Rev. Al for many years

and pretty much believe him to be nothing but a phony. But lo and behold, he somehow survives and thrives. He recently visited the area after that little girl was accidentally shot by a policeman last month. The first thing we all said was, "what is he doing here?" Well we all know the answer to that. He did deliver the eulogy, but then left and haven't heard a word from him since. :blahblah:

I've also thought that NAACP should have changed it's name years ago. If i were black, I would probably offended for being labled "colored" person. :o

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The first time I heard the recording, it sounded like they used the "w" word, but then I re-played it and it's clearly "holes" At this point the NAACP still serves a purpose, but it goes WAAAAAY overboard a lot of times as others have said (case in point, this whole card thing).

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as much as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are pains in the ass, they do serve some sort of purpose because of their notoriety. I've shared sharp criticism of Rev. Al for many years

and pretty much believe him to be nothing but a phony. But lo and behold, he somehow survives and thrives. He recently visited the area after that little girl was accidentally shot by a policeman last month. The first thing we all said was, "what is he doing here?" Well we all know the answer to that. He did deliver the eulogy, but then left and haven't heard a word from him since. :blahblah:

I've also thought that NAACP should have changed it's name years ago. If i were black, I would probably offended for being labled "colored" person. :o

As for their name, I understand the historical reminder.

The thing I would find offensive if I were black is the assumption that black people all think the same way and respond to the same specific "hot buttons".

Dropping into a rhythmic cadence in speech to simulate that of a black preacher when trying to really stress a point is beyond incredible in terms of offensiveness - as though black people are powerless when they hear preachin'.

It's the most blatant and unvarnished stereotyping imaginable.

And as though it's not bad enough when other blacks do it, it exceeds the threshold of crass and prejudiced assumption to hear someone like Hillary Clinton dropping into plantation-speak to crow "I ain't no-ways tired".

Makes my head spin.

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