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Where Do You Get Your Political News?


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Fox News? Sorry if I am misinformed, but Fox News doesn't enjoy the very best reputation concerning unbiasedness.

So who does?BBC?MSNBC?The AP?


Actually it isn't that hard to enjoy a better reputation than Fox News. Simply by not hiring e.g Glenn Beck.

Edited by mastress of procrastinate
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Oh, inflational use of the term Hitler to describe politicians. Who are you speaking of? Have they planned a genocide? or a world war? Or are they trying to establish a dictatorship? Elaborate, please.

He's talking about President Obama. Who is apparently both Hitler (who was fascist) and a Communist.....which makes no sense because you can't be a fascist and a communist at the same time, and it would be great if these numbnuts would make up their minds. Pick one -- is he Hitler or is he Stalin? Because he can't be both.

To answer your questions, Obama has not planned a genocide, nor has he started a world war, nor is he trying to establish a dictatorship. I hated Bush as much as some people hate Obama, but I never thought he was Hitler. I have more brains than that. Hitler was Hitler, and comparing him to anyone you don't like is insulting both to that person and to all the people Hitler had killed, the survivors, and the families of all involved.

Some people need to grow up.

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He's talking about President Obama. Who is apparently both Hitler (who was fascist) and a Communist.....which makes no sense because you can't be a fascist and a communist at the same time, and it would be great if these numbnuts would make up their minds. Pick one -- is he Hitler or is he Stalin? Because he can't be both.

To answer your questions, Obama has not planned a genocide, nor has he started a world war, nor is he trying to establish a dictatorship. I hated Bush as much as some people hate Obama, but I never thought he was Hitler. I have more brains than that. Hitler was Hitler, and comparing him to anyone you don't like is insulting both to that person and to all the people Hitler had killed, the survivors, and the families of all involved.

Some people need to grow up.

wow wow wow - Obama is Hitler? :wtf: Some people must have passed out in history class. THAT is clearly ignorance. -_- Besides what you already mentioned (one can't be a communist and a fascist at the same) I think it's rather ridicolous that someone is labelled a Nazi who would very likely had to face discrimination against if were living in Nazi Germany. ( Pretty much everybody who wasn't "arian" were, as I assume everybody knows, was brutally slaughtered back then).

I wonder who dares to give logical arguments supporting the claim Obama is a Hitler.

Edited by mastress of procrastinate
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It's impossible to get news about anything, be it politics or your local sports team, without actually reading a newspaper, watching TV, or listening to the radio. I cannot search within myself to find the answer to whether the Red Wings won last night. I have to go to CBS Sports for that.

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I enjoy living under a rock, as I've never heard that from anyone.

Then again, I don't use outside sources, for my views or news, as mentioned and pointed out by you previously. :D

I heard of a group of people in the US (we also dealed with it in Po Sci class, a far-right minority) who thinks that Obama's health care plans qualify him as a dictator. They consider it that a illegitimate action taking by the government touching their private life. (like, it is a law, law= being forced to something= dictatorship=Obama is Hitler)

The other "logical chain" is: People who weren't able to afford a private health insurance now have one because there is a general one for every citizen of the US--> My tax money goes to poor people --> It must have been their fault they're poor and weren't able to afford a private health insurance ---> "I am paying for poorer people? Why shall I pay taxes from my hard earned money to help others?"----> That is socialism= Obama is Stalin.

So where do you get your news from? Fortune telling? Do they generate out of air? Can you read people's minds? Or are you a journalist who can travel with the speed of light to be everywhere where something happens at the same time?

Edited by mastress of procrastinate
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I interpreted silvermedalist's post as referring to Ghadafi, not Obama.

Considering President Obama addressed the nation last night, and silvermedalist was talking about a person that was on TV last night, it's not that hard to deduce that he was talking about President Obama, unless the Libyan yahoo ALSO addressed the US last night on TV.

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I understand your deduction. It's superficial. Look a bit deeper, afterall it DOES take intellect :rolleyes:, who was Obama talking about last night?

Let's wait to see what silvermedalist says about his post. If I'm wrong, kudo's to you !

You obviously don't know silvermedalist that well.

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Considering President Obama addressed the nation last night, and silvermedalist was talking about a person that was on TV last night, it's not that hard to deduce that he was talking about President Obama, unless the Libyan yahoo ALSO addressed the US last night on TV.

Why would I call Obama Hitler? And you do not know me at all Lizzy

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On National TV last night. Another fucking Hitler comes along every few years. Now we have this prick to get rid of.

Gaddafi wasn't on national TV last night. President Obama was. Why would he be talking about someone NOT on TV last night.....while referring to someone who was on TV last night? That makes absolutely no sense. None. I've read his bullshit about Obama ever since the man was elected. Thinking he's Hitler is actually one of the nicer things he's said about him in the last 2 1/2 years.

Edited by Electrophile
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Ghadaffi wasn't on national TV last night. President Obama was. You actually believe his horseshit? Why would he be talking about someone NOT on TV last night.....while referring to someone who was on TV last night? That makes absolutely no sense at all. I've read his bullshit about Obama ever since the man was elected. Thinking he's Hitler is actually one of the nicer things he's said about him in the last 2 1/2 years.


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Whippersnapper?! LOL.....are you going to tie an onion to your belt and tell me to get off your lawn next? I quoted that post word for word verbatim. I left out not even a punctuation mark. If you weren't talking about Obama (which I don't believe), you did a piss-poor job of communicating your actual intent to everyone else. Seeing as how Gaddafi wasn't on US TV last night and Obama was, anyone who reads that post is going to say "oh, he's talking about Obama"....and that would be your fault.

Which leads me back to my original conclusion. You're just trying to cover your ass now.

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Whippersnapper?! LOL.....are you going to tie an onion to your belt and tell me to get off your lawn next? I quoted that post word for word verbatim. I left out not even a punctuation mark. If you weren't talking about Obama (which I don't believe), you did a piss-poor job of communicating your actual intent to everyone else, because seeing as how Gaddafi wasn't on US TV last night and Obama was, it's pretty clear to anyone who reads that comment that you were talking about Obama in said post.

BTW, I have the sneaking suspicion that Hank Gunner isn't as new as his join date would have us believe.

I have cleared up the post and am telling you I meant Ghadafi. Just because I did not vote for your beloved hero Obama does not mean I do not support the United States. He is very well prepped by a team that includes Hilary, who I did vote for. I do not have a problem at all with his foreign campaign. Its not an easy decision. I am not in love with the man like you, but I am not calling him Hitler either. That is stupid. Ghadafi is anther Hitler. Where did you get that Onion comment? Sorry, never heard that one. You are a pistol and always looking for a fight. Go fight someone else Lizzy.

Maybe this wont be such a boring Tuesday after all.

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The only politician who I consider a hero (or at least a person to be admired) in general, not just to myself, is Bobby Kennedy. I don't deify politicians or frankly, anyone. I save that for everyone else. Believe it or not, not everyone who identifies as a liberal Democrat thinks Barack Obama is Jesus Christ. Seeing as I'm also an atheist, I wouldn't think he was an imaginary figure period, regardless of my politics. The moonbats on the far-far left can think he's Christ; I'll keep on with my belief that he's a human being like everyone else on this rock.

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The only politician who I consider a hero in general, not just to myself, is Bobby Kennedy. I don't deify politicians or frankly, anyone. I save that for everyone else.

Gee Liz, I am a Kennedy fan too. Liked them both very much. See, there is one more thing we have in common. So why is it you just refuse to get along? At leat you were ignoring me. That was probably just as good.

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Glenn Beck is a dangerous psychotic who should be strapped to a gurney and injected with Thorazine daily for the rest of his life. There's far-left, there's left, there's center, there's right, there's far right, there's far-far right, and then there's Glenn Beck. I've had the great displeasure to catch glimpses of his show, and I'm honestly amazed he hasn't taken to throwing his feces at the camera and hooting like a howler monkey.

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There's far-left, there's left, there's center, there's right, there's far right, there's far-far right,

i would agree with that..........

and Beck i really can't stomach for more than 2 minutes

.....on the other hand i'm pretty sure rachel maddow has made me impotent

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