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Hells Angels


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I'm currently reading the book by Thompson again. This is about the 5th or 6th time I've read it and after it I will also again read 'Freewheelin' Frank' by Angel Frank Reynolds (he died a couple years back). But both books always bring back memories of living in San Francisco when the 'Frisco' Angels were also part of the Haight/Ashbury scene. They were some scary ass mofo's let me tell you. They were true outlaws then and whenever they'd show up in the park at a free concert it was almost guaranteed that someone would get beat up and stomped. They even beat my friend Sam back then but he was trying to 'reason' with them to try to get them to change thier ways. Not a wise thing to do since they lived by their own code and would not tolerate many outsiders. The book by Thompson is good but the one by Reynolds, to me, is the real thing. He started with them in the early 60's and went through the acid thing himself. But the violence in the book is amazing and they even fought each other, especially with the Oakland Angels. It was out and out war. And of course many of you know the Altamont story. I'm glad I didn't go. But the Angels are worldwide now and it's amazing how that small number from California has grown to huge proportion. I have a friend in California and I heard that his son may prospect for them. But I have a feeling he won't make it because to me Hells Angels are born, not made. When I had my bike my friend even asked me to try to prospect for them but I said no way as I didn't want to be constantly watched by the feds and cops and I just ain't got the nasty disposition and just wanted to ride my fuckin' bike with as little hassle as possible. Leave me alone. :D I know there's also lots of other clubs and I even saw some of the old Gypsy Jokers up this way once. I thought they had all disappeared. But I know most of them really want to be Angels but like the quote in Thompson's book says:

'Many are called, few are chosen'

Any thoughts?


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I don't know. It's kind of like the Mafia. Many people idolize these guys and their lifestyles, but when it's all said and done, they were just a bunch of criminals that either ended up in prison or pushing up daisies. Somehow I feel the same way about the Angels, although it can't be proven that all were criminals. There's nothing wrong with fantasizing, but to me, the real heroes are the ones who don't return from the battlefield or risks life daily fighting fires or protecting us. Guess i'm old fashioned in that respect. :)

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I don't know. It's kind of like the Mafia. Many people idolize these guys and their lifestyles, but when it's all said and done, they were just a bunch of criminals that either ended up in prison or pushing up daisies. Somehow I feel the same way about the Angels, although it can't be proven that all were criminals. There's nothing wrong with fantasizing, but to me, the real heroes are the ones who don't return from the battlefield or risks life daily fighting fires or protecting us. Guess i'm old fashioned in that respect. :)

That's what I mean about being a member as you're a target for the feds and cops. In Frank's book there's a quote by Sonny where he said something like: 'If the day ever comes when the Hells Angels name and Deathhead are used to make money, then that's the day I quit being an Angel'

Frank warned about 'Fortune and Fame'

But I think you're also right because I think my friend Vince looks at them through rose colored glasses and doesn't see the sinister side.

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These guys? :(


I went to see that when it first came out on Market Street in San Francisco. Me and my very straight friend Paul went in and there were about 50 Angels and their 'ol ladies all sitting in front. Naturally, we stayed in the back. :lol: All their choppers were parked out in front and the 'sidewalk commandos' were probably all creamin' in their jeans. :lol: But I'll never forget the naked fat guy in the film. The Angels said they just HAD to kick his ass. <_<

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Some old buds of mine were in their own MC, they used chains and knives. Fortunately the ones I knew mellowed out, others never achieved that and fell by the wayside. Isn't it a pity?

I knew a Gypsy Joker in San Francisco and he died on the streets an alcoholic about 15 years ago. He was an easy going guy too.

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I can safely say that I would trust 1,000,000 Angels rather than 1/2 a LOUSY and REVOLTING white-collar COn politician any day!!!!:):). Back in Australia, I knew many of the Rats (Aussie equivalent of an Angel!) who were riding thru my town with wives and children along with them on their massive bikes.....no hassles for citizens and police...whatsoever:):).

As for the Stones' gig incident in the 60s, just ONR question asled by FEW peeps: "Why did that guy carry a gun to a rock concert?"......and remember, NEVER pull a gun on an Angel...ot's NOT healthy:):):)




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As for the Stones' gig incident in the 60s, just ONR question asled by FEW peeps: "Why did that guy carry a gun to a rock concert?"......and remember, NEVER pull a gun on an Angel...ot's NOT healthy:):):)


witnesses close to the scene said the Angels were taunting the guy because he was a black guy with a white girl. Not looked upon too kindly in those days, and given the fact that the Angels were full of alcohol didn't help either. The man never stood a chance and afaik, no one was ever convicted for that murder. But that's not the only dastardly deed done by this group. Within the last few years, the Feds busted a meth ring run by those fine citizens you speak of.

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Hi T Y'All,

My Twopennath,

Way back in the 70s and early to mid 80s i was acquainted with the East London Chapter of the Hells Angles, they never frightened me nor did i have any bad dealing with any of them, that said i would have never have crossed them in any way, and that included trying it on with any one of their "Women" which was an absolute No No.

I've seen them in action against local Football Mobs and they can off a whole lot better than their opponents, if you want i can tell a story or two?

They have their Good sides and their Bad ones, you're opinion can be guided on just which side of them you see, those at Altamont i would have given them plenty of room and if i saw anything nasty from them i would have been long gone before the beatings occurred. Just my thoughts you understand?

Regards, Danny

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Hi T Y'All,

My Twopennath,

Way back in the 70s and early to mid 80s i was acquainted with the East London Chapter of the Hells Angles, they never frightened me nor did i have any bad dealing with any of them, that said i would have never have crossed them in any way, and that included trying it on with any one of their "Women" which was an absolute No No.

I've seen them in action against local Football Mobs and they can off a whole lot better than their opponents, if you want i can tell a story or two?

They have their Good sides and their Bad ones, you're opinion can be guided on just which side of them you see, those at Altamont i would have given them plenty of room and if i saw anything nasty from them i would have been long gone before the beatings occurred. Just my thoughts you understand?

Regards, Danny

Hi Dan

glad to see you back.

this place would be hollow without you around.

I have had some contact with the biker crowd as well. I can't say they were Hell's Angels, but some of the knockoffs, such as the Avengers, Vigilantes or Devil's Disciples, are much the same. Some of them are cool, some not so much, but i've come to the conclusion that nearly all fit the same profile. Rough childhoods, broken homes, unable to accept any kind of authority and little education, which leads to run-ins with the law and a criminal record. Most of these guys are old men now and have either settled down or just plain gave up on life. One thing for sure, most are dedicated to that way of life and still ride, which of course, there is nothing wrong with that. :D

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Hi Dan

glad to see you back.

this place would be hollow without you around.

I have had some contact with the biker crowd as well. I can't say they were Hell's Angels, but some of the knockoffs, such as the Avengers, Vigilantes or Devil's Disciples, are much the same. Some of them are cool, some not so much, but i've come to the conclusion that nearly all fit the same profile. Rough childhoods, broken homes, unable to accept any kind of authority and little education, which leads to run-ins with the law and a criminal record. Most of these guys are old men now and have either settled down or just plain gave up on life. One thing for sure, most are dedicated to that way of life and still ride, which of course, there is nothing wrong with that. :D

Hi 'danelectro59' and Thanks,

Over here in England the Chapters have started to recruit from the Para's because of their passion for Brotherhood, apparently they make very good Converts and have a good sense of what it means to belong, i had a good friend who was on the fringes many years ago, now he's a 6th Dan Ju Jitsu Instructor, almost as good as myself. :lol: If you want i can provide a link.

Regards, Danny

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witnesses close to the scene said the Angels were taunting the guy because he was a black guy with a white girl. Not looked upon too kindly in those days, and given the fact that the Angels were full of alcohol didn't help either. The man never stood a chance and afaik, no one was ever convicted for that murder. But that's not the only dastardly deed done by this group. Within the last few years, the Feds busted a meth ring run by those fine citizens you speak of.

NO-ONE was ever that close to the scene to say anything factual. My question still roars LOUDLY: "Why did Meredith carry a gun to a rock concert?" The Angels were hired other times to rock concerts and NOTHING happened smile.gif:)


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NO-ONE was ever that close to the scene to say anything factual. My question still roars LOUDLY: "Why did Meredith carry a gun to a rock concert?" The Angels were hired other times to rock concerts and NOTHING happened smile.gif:)


there were plenty of folks very close to where the murder took place.

people carry guns for personal protection - this is America.

why did Hell's Angels carry knives, chains, etc. to a rock concert?

and why did it take several to take on one man?

you can respect and defend who you want, but these guys were known to hate the counter culture and were there hoping for trouble. But, I don't blame them as much as The Stones for hiring them as security. The whole thing could have been avoided if they hadn't been there.

ps - you don't have to use a larger font. I can read just fine ;)

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