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I have quie an issue on my hands!


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Damn--just realised I spelled "quite" wrong.

I have a pretty serious issue right now. My friend really wants to start a band with me and two of her guy friends, and I'm stoked! When we were talking, she suggested that we did covers of Led Zeppelin (strange thing is, she doesn't like them all that much, but I didn't want to bring that up--I just went with it! Lol)! Nothing for sale obviously, but just for practice or something, or maybe like a small unpaid performance for her friend's birthday party. I said it sounded great! But then, she asked if I could do vocals and guitar or keyboard, depending on the song.


I can play guitar and keyboard fine, but I can hardly sing! I don't even know how to begin trying to sing like or similar to Mr. Plant--his vocal style is so amazing and way out of my reach! I'm working on singing in general, because my skills need to tremendously improve before I do any on-stage stuff. Also, I don't know how to play and sing at the same time with either instrument. We were talking about Stairway to Heaven (while I'm on guitar) and All My Love (while I'm on keyboard). I told her I'd get back to her at some point next week, but I really have no idea what to do!! I really don't want to say no, though, because I'd really love to be in a band, not only for her sake but for my musical development as well.

Another problem to add to the ever growing list--I live in a thinly walled apartment, so my family AND neighbors could hear me try and practice. :(

Any help you have to offer is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Your (unnerved) fellow Zep Head,


Edited by Alexa
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You can do it Alexa! Try All My Love first, just practice singing quietly while playing your keyboard part. Each time you do it you'll get a little better. Or, just call Robert Plant, I'm sure he'll want to join your band! :D

Thank you so much! :D Man, what I wouldn't give to call Mr. Plant, or even have him call me!! Lol ;) Imagine--a SINGING LESSON from THE GOD OF VOCALS! Man, I really do dream too much for my own good. ;) But thank you SO SO SO SO much for your great advice and support--I feel a million times better now that I've read this. :D Thank you again--you're the best! *hug*

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I dont want to discourage you, but that is why there are guitarists and vocalists and drummers and bass players. I can play guitar but cant sing a lick. You can train your voice to a degree, but in most cases, with vocals, you either have it or you dont. Why dont you just play. Get someone else to sing? We cant all be singers and many good singers cant play a lick on guitarl

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Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be better than this one:

Yikes!! Thanks for the video--I feel much better about myself now. Ha ha ha! But really, thanks for your encouragement. :) We can only hope that they were smoking a little something or drinking a little too much... Again, YIKES!! I'm calling her (my friend that wants to start the gig) later today to let her know my final decision--it's a go! :D But we'll iron out everything later, she's in DisneyLand and eagerly awaiting my response. Thanks again! :D

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I dont want to discourage you, but that is why there are guitarists and vocalists and drummers and bass players. I can play guitar but cant sing a lick. You can train your voice to a degree, but in most cases, with vocals, you either have it or you dont. Why dont you just play. Get someone else to sing? We cant all be singers and many good singers cant play a lick on guitarl

That makes sense! Thanks so much for your advice. :) I'm calling her (my friend that wants to start the gig) today, so we'll talk about it. I'm kind of getting the keyboard and vocals down, but I haven't started the guitar. Thanks again!

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Good luck on your musical endeavor. You never know where something like that will take you unless you give it a go.

If you didn't, you would always wonder, what if.

Thanks for the great advice! :) The singing and playing is hard, but I'm getting there. I can't wait till our first gig!! :D Thanks again! :)

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Glad to know that you took the "hard" way (the easy way would have been to give up before even try it).

Let us know how your project is evolving. It's always refreshing to watch so much enthusiasm, esp from the younger ones.

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^ Nice brickwork B)

This should serve as inspiration to you, Alexa. Who woulda thunk she'd go on to be the USA's greatest musician since Vanilla Ice?

Lol thanks! :P I am not a Gaga fan, or of any pop for that matter. My mom says I'm like a fifty year old guy when it comes to music... I LOVE Led Zeppelin, and I think rather highly of the Beatles, and I absolutely DESPISE pop and hip hop and rap (which doesn't classify as music, it's just talking with a beat and several computerized drums thumping obnoxiously in the background). So the long and short of it is that I don't share any musical taste with any of my friends. Ah, well, I've never fit in and never wanted to. :)

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Glad to know that you took the "hard" way (the easy way would have been to give up before even try it).

Let us know how your project is evolving. It's always refreshing to watch so much enthusiasm, esp from the younger ones.

Thanks! I don't give up that easy, and I always have been a little stubborn, both in the good and the bad sense. :) I'll certainly keep you all updated, and if we start doing gigs we'll probably pay a friend of ours with a good camera to videotape and take pictures and I'll upload them on YouTube and we might start our own Facebook band page. :) I'll let you all know! Bye for now!

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Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be better than this one:

:hysterical: :hysterical: I really felt like screaming "bloody murder" after watching that! :hysterical: :hysterical:

Alexa, I sense that you've got great potential and believe me, if women like Gaga can make it, I'm sure true talent will definitely make it!!! Cheers! And keep the faith!!! B);)

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