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John Lennon killer Chapman denied parole in NY


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Damn dude. I am going to have to give you a lesson on serial killers and mass murderers. You dont know who Siran Siran is? Or Timmy? Ha. Do you know who Bundy, Gacy, Dahmer, Oswald, Ramirez, or any of these guys are? :P oh, I think we have all been off topic for quite some time. This thread was to be Chapmans.

I know most of them. I am quite well versed in serial killers and mass murderers. I have studied them in some considerable depth. I find them utterly fascinating.

But you got me with Bundy. The only Bundy I knew was the guy in Married With Children, with the hot daughter. Christina Appleseed, wasn't it?

And Oswald only killed one, as far as I know. But he sure bagged himself a big moose there.

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Maybe we should be thankful for threads like this since it gets all of the sick fucks on this board right out in the open. The truly unfortunate thing is, if the saying is true that fans are a reflection of the band they admire then this is a side of Led Zeppelin's fanbase I would never want to be a part of as they are a complete disgrace and an outright embarrassment.

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Lee Harvey Oswald killed two people. First the President, then Officer JD Tippit about 30-45 minutes later.

Yes, poor officer Tippet who is quite forgotten in the miadness of a president being shot. This never should have happened. I have watched countless documentaries. I was in grade one when it happened and still remember that day. I do say that the theory he acted alone sure holds alot of water, but its very hard to accept. I still believe that someone else had to have known. Even if they did not pay him to do it. Will we ever know? Probably about the same odds of solving who Jack the Ripper really was. And Jahfin, why is it you have to come on here and talk like you are better than everyone else? There are alot of Zeppelin fans here that dont deserve your crap. And who made you God around here anyway. You are always insulting or criticising someone. This time its a group. Im sure im included in that group based on how you worded it. Cant you just leave it alone? Chowder, Ted Bundy was a maniac of a serial killer but he presented himself well. He fit in and looked like an average businessman and did not look like a Gacy or Shawcross (the late fellow who was killing and dumping prostitutes right here in my home town). I think you have to be joking right? There is a movie, its rather long about Bundy. But I dont like it when they give these animals so much notoriety. In the end its just what they wanted. Just look at that wimp Chapman being led down the hall from his hearing. the piece of shit. Shoots Lennon to get his name in the history books. And that is why he did it. Bleieve nothiing else that comes out of his mouth. And Jahfin, why cant you just lighten up? I know you will come back with a scathing response, calling me any insult you can muster up. Go aheaad. Make my day.

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Amazing how disrespectful some people that frequent this forum are. The behavior puzzles me since in almost every instance it's contradictive to how the members of bands like LZ conduct themselves. Not sure how someone can appreciate an artist when they are the type of person the artists wouldn't like. It's like conservative rock fans. How can you be a fan when the majority of rock practioners, Ted Nugent being the exception, directly disagree with their values.

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Amazing how disrespectful some people that frequent this forum are. The behavior puzzles me since in almost every instance it's contradictive to how the members of bands like LZ conduct themselves. Not sure how someone can appreciate an artist when they are the type of person the artists wouldn't like. It's like conservative rock fans. How can you be a fan when the majority of rock practioners, Ted Nugent being the exception, directly disagree with their values.

They get off on getting a rise out of people. They enjoy it particularly because theres no fear of retaliation since they're hiding behind a computer screen. It's been the downfall of many a board, too bad it's pretty much become the norm at this one.

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They get off on getting a rise out of people. They enjoy it particularly because theres no fear of retaliation since they're hiding behind a computer screen. It's been the downfall of many a board, too bad it's pretty much become the norm at this one.

Come on now Jahfin you are just as much to blame as the next guy for agruing on here. If someone does not share your musical opinion you jump down their throat. You have done it to me and I will admit that I have retaliated. You would expect alot of bickering on political threads as there certainly was back during the election. It got pretty nasty. But it gets nasty with the music too. You are not totally innocent in all of this Jahfin. You have done your share as well.

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Siran Siran shot and killed Robert F Kennedy...

Sirhan Sirhan, without question, was witnessed to fire at Robert Kennedy from the front, but it was bullets fired from behind that killed him: a position Sirhan Sirhan never achieved during the shooting.


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Sirhan Sirhan, without question, was witnessed to fire at Robert Kennedy from the front, but it was bullets fired from behind that killed him: a position Sirhan Sirhan never achieved during the shooting.


The conspiracy theories abound and unrelenting, will never end. But I am a bit surprised they haven't made more out of RFK's assasination? Certainly there will always be the doubts surrounding JFK's. But I do see some sense to the angle theory regarding Roberts shooting. That SOB, if he does knoow anything, what does he have to lose now to come clean and let it all out? I don't even know if they have even talked to him in recent hears about it? The most ridiculous one was the King shooting. Ray actually convinced the family he did not do it at one point. Will we ever know the truth about the Kennedy;s? Or Jack the Ripper? There is not enough evidence at this point I guess to bring up the RFK assasination? Or they are just too damn lazy? They have some pretty good footage.

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