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Recent Soundboards I may have missed?


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I was hardcore into boot downloading a while back, and accumulated about 100 shows. I've been out of it for a year or two, and am getting caught up. I got the 2/14/75 Naussau show and the 3/11/75 Long Beach show. Any other major finds that I may have missed?

Baton Rouge 2/28/75 Rampaging Cajun....great show :)

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Baton Rouge is one of, if not the best version of No Quarter I've ever heard. The Piano/Drum jam is awesome. It's worth getting Matt!

I have the "Battle of Baton Rouge" Empress Valley soundboard. According to bootledz.com, "Rampagin' Cajun" is the same, just with some extra audience tape thrown in.

Empress Valley's "Battle" is similar to the better titles. It's introduction is about 40 seconds short, but it seems to have a few extra split seconds at a couple of the cuts. There is a larger amount of tape after the show, totaling about 75 seconds. Their sound has been amplified a bit.

EV's 6cd "Rampaging" includes the audience as a bonus. The bonus discs reproduce the content and disc times of "Battle."

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The only new bootlegs I've now become interested in are the early ones that have interesting and unique inclusions in their jams. Or completely separate songs that are one-offs or extremely rare. After awhile they just started becoming too "standard" and not adventurous as they once were in their first 3 or 4 years of touring.

1968 into 1972 was their peak in that regard. If something from that time crawls out of the woodwork, I'd be the first to jump on it, otherwise, I'll leave the rest to the latter day seekers. I won't be in your way.

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Nice to see you back. If you need any help getting anything let me know. I think you've covered the SBD releases, and we are due for another to hit soon if the recent release pattern holds true. As far as other things, all of the Millard Zep recordings have been released unmarked, a new lower known generation of the Bath performance from 1970 popped up, as well as some new fan shot video clips. An upgrade to 1975.05.24 Earls Court video just was released by EVSD, and I know some new pro-shot video and SBD audio for Page/Plant has seen the light of day in the past 2 years. I would suggest perusing Underground Uprising or Collector's Music Review as well for more info.


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