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Nine Years Ago Today


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Do you assume the perpetrators were Muslim? If so, why? Because it's what you hear on TV? I accepted that view for several years. Then I saw


Are you aware that "1286 verified architectural and engineering professionals and 9467 other supporters including A&E students have signed the petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation." They have had several well publicized press conferences. The mainstream media has almost completely ignored this. And it is not the only organization by any means.


Go fuck yourself.

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I meant people I confront in person.

Don't let them get to you. They're yanking your chain. It's difficult to hold and express controversial opinions. OTOH, people may respect you if you express your ideas well. You may find that more people agree with you than expect. Always ask yourself whether what you believe is right. Always ask yourself whether what you do is right.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal." ~ Martin Luther King

"Hier stehe ich nicht; ich kann nicht anders" ~ Martin Luther


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Go fuck yourself.

Now that wasn't very nice. If I am in error, please show me where I have been mistaken or deceived. I have sought in vain for any credible refutation to the conclusions stated by Steven E. Jones, Kevin Ryan, Richard Gage, David Ray Griffin, etc. Silence appears to be the only retort.

For some reason my mouse is on the fritz. I'll post a video of Willie Rodriguez as soon as I get it fixed.

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Can we have one thread that doesn't turn into Atlas' Tin Foil Haberdashery and Emporium?

What next, Obama is really one of the Lizard People in cahoots with the Illuminati, Rothschilds and International Banking Cartel to institute the New World Order?

Funny you should mention the international banking cartel. That was the expression that got Steven E. Jones removed from his position at BYU. He was accused of being antisemitic for saying the international banking cartel was behind 9/11. He never said anything about "Jews", but they took it that way. Strange world we live in, eh?

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Can we have one thread that doesn't turn into Atlas' Tin Foil Haberdashery and Emporium?

What next, Obama is really one of the Lizard People in cahoots with the Illuminati, Rothschilds and International Banking Cartel to institute the New World Order?

Hey, I did my part... or tried to, anyway :whistling:



Back to the topic... I certainly remember what I was doing that day. I was doing home health visits. I saw part of the coverage before taking my daughter to swchool, by the time I was leaving to go see a patient, the second tower had been hit. By the time I got there, the Pentagon had been hit. I remember sitting there with my patient and watching the first tower fall. When I got home, I couldn't bring myself to not watch the coverage.

All the flags around here were at half-mast today.

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I actually stole that phrase from George Noory. I don't know who or what the "international banking cartel" is or if it even exists. I just know he has a lot of conspiracy theorists ranting about it on his show every day.

Sorry, I don't to ufoology.


More my speed:

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Hey, I did my part... or tried to, anyway :whistling:



Back to the topic... I certainly remember what I was doing that day. I was doing home health visits. I saw part of the coverage before taking my daughter to swchool, by the time I was leaving to go see a patient, the second tower had been hit. By the time I got there, the Pentagon had been hit. I remember sitting there with my patient and watching the first tower fall. When I got home, I couldn't bring myself to not watch the coverage.

All the flags around here were at half-mast today.

My mom did Hospice for years. People who do that kind of thing are tops in my book.

I didn't watch any of the coverage. I don't watch TV if I can avoid it. I'm glad I didn't have all of that stuff burned into my psyche along with all the post-traumatic suggestion that went along with it. Sure, I bought the "Al Qaeda" did it theory at first. But in those days I still believe we had a free press. When I finally did decide to examine the news footage, I had not associated the traumatic imagery with the subliminal suggestions that others had been subjected to.

And before I go any further, there are a lot of Jews killed in the attacks, so it's not like "the Jews" did it.

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The CIA, FBI and the BU$H admin. knew all about it.....they are the real CULPRITS......RIP democratic America:(:(

So, did Hani Hanjour barnstorm the Pentagon? The 9/11 strikes were acts of incredible precision beyond the abilities of even expert pilots.



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How can anyone seriously think this was a conspired by our own government? Are you fucking kidding?

Those bastards can't even agree on where to have lunch, let alone think up something as complicated as that.

Only ones with deep seeded hatred can do that. It's not hard to understand the how and why it happened. The difficult part is assuring it doesn't happen again in our lifetime.

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Hi all,

Now that wasn't very nice. If I am in error, please show me where I have been mistaken or deceived. I have sought in vain for any credible refutation to the conclusions stated by Steven E. Jones, Kevin Ryan, Richard Gage, David Ray Griffin, etc. Silence appears to be the only retort.

For some reason my mouse is on the fritz. I'll post a video of Willie Rodriguez as soon as I get it fixed.

No it wasn't not.Let me re-post,so you'll understand:Go fuck yourself.Is that clear? :)

Show you what? Do you read your own posts?And all you post is what, theory.Capaise?Your ignorance of facts is the only retort.

KB(have a nice day)

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Hi all,

No it wasn't not.Let me re-post,so you'll understand:Go fuck yourself.Is that clear? :)

Show you what? Do you read your own posts?And all you post is what, theory.Capaise?Your ignorance of facts is the only retort.

KB(have a nice day)

Of which facts am I ignorant? In the community of the scientifically trained, theory means something far different than what you seem to intend. I will assume you mean "hypothesis". Well, I will say that the question of whether the official conspiracy theory (OCT) of 9/11 is sustainable has been answered in the negative. It's not clear who, exactly was involved, but it's pretty clear that following the money to its source will lead you to the perpetrators.


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Hi all,

Of which facts am I ignorant? In the community of the scientifically trained, theory means something far different than what you seem to intend. I will assume you mean "hypothesis". Well, I will say that the question of whether the official conspiracy theory (OCT) of 9/11 is sustainable has been answered in the negative. It's not clear who, exactly was involved, but it's pretty clear that following the money to its source will lead you to the perpetrators.


You don't want to confront the facts.Next.


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