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i am wondering if LZ even comes to this site to see what their fans are inquiring on? would stink i think to make all the time to post and chat to realize they don't even gve a toss what you chat and think about, they do not even know you exist....... don't get me wrong i grew up ofter the LZ "experience" so to speak my questions are best delivered to whom they were intended for .....................i may be opening myself up to debate. so be it............... BUT do your heroes even know you breathe and die and spend precious time debating on the subtle string play? sorry. i am here though not because i am a die hard LZ..but becuase i am looking for one answer.and hoping ti is here. i wanna ask JP.................one bloody question............and i hope i am wrong..not jsut for me..but for everyone who has that one moment of asking.........so.. the bottom line is.......do your Gods even know you are channeling them kids? or are they liek teh rest of them outdated and obscure..i hope i am wrong. but suspect i am not

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i am wondering if LZ even comes to this site to see what their fans are inquiring on? would stink i think to make all the time to post and chat to realize they don't even gve a toss what you chat and think about, they do not even know you exist....... don't get me wrong i grew up ofter the LZ "experience" so to speak my questions are best delivered to whom they were intended for .....................i may be opening myself up to debate. so be it............... BUT do your heroes even know you breathe and die and spend precious time debating on the subtle string play? sorry. i am here though not because i am a die hard LZ..but becuase i am looking for one answer.and hoping ti is here. i wanna ask JP.................one bloody question............and i hope i am wrong..not jsut for me..but for everyone who has that one moment of asking.........so.. the bottom line is.......do your Gods even know you are channeling them kids? or are they liek teh rest of them outdated and obscure..i hope i am wrong. but suspect i am not

Well, I don't think so! Hell, Robert can't even do a fuckin' gig with Jimmy or JPJ these days, let alone login to this forum with those guys! LOL! :lol: But anyway, whether LZ will actually log in someday is pretty much anyone's guess but hey on the bright side, this place is filled with interesting discussions and stuff so stick around! ;) You'll love it! I guarantee! ;)

They pop in for an occasional laugh now and then.

LOL! Really?! :lol:

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Planty used to read the board back before I took my seven-year break. I don't have absolutely 100% hard evidence, but... crud. He used to say things in interviews that would line up with things that had been on the board. There were at least two instances that I can remember, and both involved myself. (I swear I suffer from no paranoia.) I'm sure other people probably got the feeling, too, then.

Like, for example, I butted into a discussion about something in the general topics thread. Can't remember what it was about. Those topics usually move too fast for my feeble brain. Some European soul used a word I'd never heard, and I asked him to elaborate. I don't remember if I ever got a clear answer, but I do remember googling around looking for the definition. In the next interview with Mr. Plant that we'd all been waiting for, he answered this stupid, random question I had, preceding it with something like, "I didn't know Americans were unfamiliar with [blah.]"

So, thank you, Mr. Plant, cuz no one else would tell me. :angry: It was a simple question!

I think it's a very rare thing for an artist to be an active participant on their own message board.

Absolutely agree. Every so often, I remember people gettin' paranoid and lookin' all shifty-eyed at each other... (Well, not for real, cuz this is a message board, but you know what I mean.) So I second Jahfin's opinion. If they read the board, I doubt they pay much attention to who's posting what, and I highly doubt they'd ever come on and post incognito.

(I used to run a website for a band, which wasn't all that famous at the time but has now gotten much more famous, and there was one guy in the band who, like, lived on the BB. He never posted, though, unless he wanted something or was pissed off at somebody. He never connected with other posters or responded to them individually.)

Well, I don't think so! Hell, Robert can't even do a fuckin' gig with Jimmy or JPJ these days, let alone login to this forum with those guys! LOL! :lol:

That's cuz he's on here wasting away the hours reading the idle thoughts of the proletariat. :D

Actually, no, I have no idea what the guys in Zep do, so if I sound like I speak with any authority, it's completely accidental. I'm just typing out this long-ass post to put off a research paper.

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Absolutely agree. Every so often, I remember people gettin' paranoid and lookin' all shifty-eyed at each other... (Well, not for real, cuz this is a message board, but you know what I mean.) So I second Jahfin's opinion. If they read the board, I doubt they pay much attention to who's posting what, and I highly doubt they'd ever come on and post incognito.

(I used to run a website for a band, which wasn't all that famous at the time but has now gotten much more famous, and there was one guy in the band who, like, lived on the BB. He never posted, though, unless he wanted something or was pissed off at somebody. He never connected with other posters or responded to them individually.)

I have no doubt they may read it from time to time but what I meant was actively participating in the discussions on the board. I'm aware of artists that have joined discussions on their own boards, usually with disastrous results. This isn't always the case but I know it's something their PR people try to persuade them against.

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I sincerely doubt any member of the band or their family reads these boards. Frankly, with the level of discourse that occurs in some of the threads, I'd be embarrassed for them if they did. Especially some of the comments that have cropped up about Robert's choice in solo career/musical direction.

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I sincerely doubt any member of the band or their family reads these boards. Frankly, with the level of discourse that occurs in some of the threads, I'd be embarrassed for them if they did. Especially some of the comments that have cropped up about Robert's choice in solo career/musical direction.

Oh come on Electrophile, do you really reckon RP thinks all the old LZ fans are happy passengers on his Southern Pacific jaunt? He's big enough and old enough to take this stuff on the chin, and if he isn't, he damn well ought to be.

A propos of nothing in particular, I've been listening to The Cramps a lot lately. Come on, let's hear it for PSYCHOBILLY! Now there's a genre I'd love to see him visit.

Robert, if by chance you read this, please consider it. A full cover of 'Off The Bone' would be just dandy.

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I have no doubt they may read it from time to time but what I meant was actively participating in the discussions on the board. I'm aware of artists that have joined discussions on their own boards, usually with disastrous results. This isn't always the case but I know it's something their PR people try to persuade them against.

Ah, I gotcha. Why does it turn so disastrous? I mean, I totally agree that it isn't a good idea... I just wonder if there's one basic reason why artists shouldn't post on their own boards.

Oh come on Electrophile, do you really reckon RP thinks all the old LZ fans are happy passengers on his Southern Pacific jaunt? He's big enough and old enough to take this stuff on the chin, and if he isn't, he damn well ought to be.

Also agreed. Ol' Mr. Plant's been puttin' up with negative nellies since he was... what..?.. *doing the math* ... nineteen or something. Yeah, I imagine that if he ever got offended, the offense wouldn't last long. Although Electrophile also has a good point: it probably would be mortifying to think they read some stuff posted on the Internet about them.

A propos of nothing in particular, I've been listening to The Cramps a lot lately. Come on, let's hear it for PSYCHOBILLY! Now there's a genre I'd love to see him visit.

Robert, if by chance you read this, please consider it. A full cover of 'Off The Bone' would be just dandy.

The Cramps, eh? I haven't listened to new music in a long time... I might need to look them up...

Chowder is right. I am sure Robert is quite aware that many want nothing more than to see Zeppelin again. For Gods sake who wouldn't? But I can't see them wasting their time here either. Maybe an occasional pit stop for a laugh. I think they have more on their plate than to waste their time here.

But this is a very addictive board. :lol: I haven't even eaten breakfast yet, and here I am hunched over the laptop!

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