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Those guys would not be where they are today if not for Page. Page is the genius and the musician that comes around once every five hundred years or so. They owe him and if he wants them to play with him, they damned well should do it. Page rules!!!! For now and forever. He is the greatest musician to walk the planet ever.

There's no doubting Page's genius but to say they owe him and have to play with him whenever he wants is nonsense and is totally unrealistic.

Nobody owes anyone anything except perhaps Page's eternal gratitude to the other members for their immeasurable contribution.

I bet Jimmy is thankful that his dream was realised because of them as it is quite possible that what Led Zeppelin created may not have eventuated with any other line up.

Barring a miracle of divine proportions, Led Zeppelin played their last concert in 2007.

Jonesy is a musical genius too and could have done anything and would've succeeded, just look at his body of work and would TCV be the band they were without him?

I think not.

Plant being "discovered" was only a matter of time, having that voice and all and Bonzo backing him up was a certainty to be snapped up and succeed.

It's Jimmy's turn to shine now and hopefully next year we will all get to see him on stage and not just in photographs and magazine articles, with the exception of concert reviews.

It's all up to him and if it doesn't happen then that would be a disappointment!

Edited by Reggie29
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I personally do not like the musical direction Robert is pursuing at the moment. I guess it's because of the fact that I am not very fond of country music, to be very blunt. Because of this, I however, refuse to believe that I am not a "true" Zep Head. Just because I love Led Zeppelin, that does not mean that I am in any way compelled to like Robert's solo work, just to please some people. As for Jimmy's solo work, I am not very well-informed about that and hence, I do not have any opinion on it.

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I personally do not like the musical direction Robert is pursuing at the moment. I guess it's because of the fact that I am not very fond of country music, to be very blunt. Because of this, I however, refuse to believe that I am not a "true" Zep Head. Just because I love Led Zeppelin, that does not mean that I am in any way compelled to like Robert's solo work, just to please some people. As for Jimmy's solo work, I am not very well-informed about that and hence, I do not have any opinion on it.

I am with you. But Jimmy has nothing to prove to anyone. He has proved it already. I dont like Plant's choice's either. Especially since they did play the one concert. Did anyone including them think there would not be an expectation of more? Or the urge for more? I just dont understand why they did not at least do a few. And you and I and many othere are never going to like this new Plant work. I liked Now and Zen and those days. I cant get into this Krauss thing or Band of Joy either. Id rather hear him do Christmas songs. Seriously. At least I like Christmas music. The time may have already run out on any possibility of Page and Plant playing together again? I just dont know. But it would be the right move in my opinion, regardless of what some here say.

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I am with you. But Jimmy has nothing to prove to anyone. He has proved it already. I dont like Plant's choice's either. Especially since they did play the one concert. Did anyone including them think there would not be an expectation of more? Or the urge for more? I just dont understand why they did not at least do a few. And you and I and many othere are never going to like this new Plant work. I liked Now and Zen and those days. I cant get into this Krauss thing or Band of Joy either. Id rather hear him do Christmas songs. Seriously. At least I like Christmas music. The time may have already run out on any possibility of Page and Plant playing together again? I just dont know. But it would be the right move in my opinion, regardless of what some here say.

None of them have anything to prove.

Whether we like it or not Plant has chosen the musical path he is on and if it doesn't move you, fine, but what's the point in getting upset about it?

Nothing will change.

I wonder whether the same amount of vitriol would be thrown at Page if he decided to go "country", which, if I'm not mistaken he has borrowed from in the past?

I doubt it as people would say he is doing what he wants to and accept it and rightly so.

That doesn't mean everyone would like it.

This notion about not being a true "Zep Head" because you don't like any of the members solo stuff, especially to please other people is crazy and who does that anyway?

Of course they knew expectations for more shows would be high and for that reason alone a level of reluctance to do more was evident when it was stated from the start it was a one off.

The media jumped all over it and made all these claims about world tours and obscene amounts of money offered, as if that was one of the major incentives to do it.

On top of that there was a lot of criticism of the way they rearranged some of the songs in terms of key changes to suit his voice.

The fact he was 30 odd years older than when he last performed the material with Led Zeppelin and obviously had different vocal qualities than back then was completely ignored.

Who wouldn't want them all to work together again, including Jones, not just Page and Plant?

Given that it would not be exactly the same as it was, would it be the right move?

Perhaps, but I would bet London to a brick that some would find fault in it and presume it was all Robert's.

Edited by Reggie29
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The time may have already run out on any possibility of Page and Plant playing together again? I just dont know. But it would be the right move in my opinion, regardless of what some here say.

When has anyone ever asked you to change your opinion? It's you stating your opinion as fact that grew old about a gazillion usernames ago.

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I personally do not like the musical direction Robert is pursuing at the moment. I guess it's because of the fact that I am not very fond of country music, to be very blunt.

It's these sort of statements that I find bewildering. Yes, you have every right to not be fond of country music but it makes me wonder if you've actually listened to the Band of Joy album because it also employs some of the very same Middle Eastern textures that have informed not only his previous solo work but that of Led Zeppelin as well.

Because of this, I however, refuse to believe that I am not a "true" Zep Head. Just because I love Led Zeppelin, that does not mean that I am in any way compelled to like Robert's solo work, just to please some people.

When did anyone ever accuse you of this? A person can like Zeppelin and not necessarily be a fan of their individual solo albums and vice versa.

As for Jimmy's solo work, I am not very well-informed about that and hence, I do not have any opinion on it.

Not a lot of catching up to do as he only has one solo album. Even if you were to add his work with The Firm, Coverdale-Page, the Death Wish III soundtrack and his short stint with the Black Crowes there's still not a lot of catching up to do. Jimmy Page may be a lot of things but prolific he is not.

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I wonder whether the same amount of vitriol would be thrown at Page if he decided to go "country", which, if I'm not mistaken he has borrowed from in the past?

That's what gets me. When making these lame arguments against Robert Plant one has to wonder if the ones criticizing him have actually ever listened to a Led Zeppelin album or if they are even remotely aware of their very diverse array of influences. Sure, they have every right not to like his current musical direction but are they not aware that he's drawing from the very same types of music that influenced Led Zeppelin? If someone is even going to attempt to have such a discussion, at least come to it informed with facts and not a bunch of half-baked accusations that have absolutely no basis in fact.

Of course Page would be immune to the same sort of criticism especially when it comes to fanboys such as silvermedalist who go on and on about how he is the greatest guitarist ever and how the other members of the band owe him for their success. Since it doesn't fit their argument, John Paul Jones always gets left out of the equation even though he's played in a number of bluegrass bands and has even produced albums by them. It's not as though he's been hiding under a rock when he's made appearances at a number of music festivals nationwide sitting in with bluegrass bands or produced albums by the likes of Sara Watkins and Uncle Earl.

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I am as big a Page fan as anyone, but recently I've come to appreciate JPJ's genius as well, and from what I know about Presence and ITTOD, where Page practically had to be propped up during sessions, I'm not ready to concede Page as the only genius in LZ.

JPJ's considerable influence in TCV is undeniable, and reveals much about his probable overall control and influence in the last few years of Zeppelin, which were definitely no less impressive than earlier years, and possibly moreso, studio album-wise.

I suspect JPJ may very well be every bit the genius Jimmy is, when it comes to production.

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I am as big a Page fan as anyone, but recently I've come to appreciate JPJ's genius as well, and from what I know about Presence and ITTOD, where Page practically had to be propped up during sessions, I'm not ready to concede Page as the only genius in LZ.

JPJ's considerable influence in TCV is undeniable, and reveals much about his probable overall control and influence in the last few years of Zeppelin, which were definitely no less impressive than earlier years, and possibly moreso, studio album-wise.

I suspect JPJ may very well be every bit the genius Jimmy is, when it comes to production.

Especially arrangements.

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Led Zeppelin was all about playing lots of different types of musical style's with there own little way of making it.....Zeppelin music. This is one of the thing's I always liked about them, as I grew up with Top 40 AM Gold Radio (everything). Some I like more than others but I can tolerate it all. They where one of the bands that started the Rock/Blues music scene, before them (and some other groups in the 1960's) there was Country/Blues, maybe that's why you see Robert working with music in that way.

Edited by BonzoLikeDrumer
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It's these sort of statements that I find bewildering. Yes, you have every right to not be fond of country music but it makes me wonder if you've actually listened to the Band of Joy album because it also employs some of the very same Middle Eastern textures that have informed not only his previous solo work but that of Led Zeppelin as well.

When did anyone ever accuse you of this? A person can like Zeppelin and not necessarily be a fan of their individual solo albums and vice versa.

Not a lot of catching up to do as he only has one solo album. Even if you were to add his work with The Firm, Coverdale-Page, the Death Wish III soundtrack and his short stint with the Black Crowes there's still not a lot of catching up to do. Jimmy Page may be a lot of things but prolific he is not.

Personally, I have had a bad experience with regard to Robert's album with the Band of Joy. A friend of mine at University purchased the album, the day it was released here in New Zealand. She is a hard core Zep Head, like myself. I was following all the news about "The Band Of Joy". I got to check out the video for the track "Angel Dance". To me, it was just ok. Maybe other people think differently, but I don't care. So anyway, my friend, absolutely loved the album and kept nagging me to give it a listen which I did. I did not think much of it. I neither liked it or disliked it. And let's just say, that thanks to my indifferent attitude, my friend (who is now an ex, by the way), was petty enough to break up our friendship which lasted 2 years just because I wasn't in-sync with her opinion on "The Band of Joy". I really do not think that it is worth losing sleep over a mere album, do you? And she was the person who questioned my love for Zep, just because I don't quite fancy Robert's solo work. Usually, these sorts of things do not bother me, but the way she chose to word it, is what got me mad. She told me to "fuck-off" and I pretty much told her the same. All in all, I do not have anything against Robert for pursuing this sort of musical direction. I am just indifferent about the whole thing, to be honest!

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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So it could be said that based on some kinda freaked out logic, it's Robert's fault or rather his album, was responsible for your friendship breaking up?

No-one should be pressured into anything and as you said it was a petty thing.

I'm curious if under different circumstances your opinion would differ?

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So it could be said that based on some kinda freaked out logic, it's Robert's fault or rather his album, was responsible for your friendship breaking up?

No-one should be pressured into anything and as you said it was a petty thing.

I'm curious if under different circumstances your opinion would differ?

Well, I am not blaming poor Robert for anything! He seems to be so happy with this whole project and I wish him nothing but the best! :wub:

The only person I blame here is my so-called friend for being so petty! I, to this day, find her attitude quite perplexing! :blink:

No. My opinion on Robert's solo work would have remained the same, irrespective of my friendship. Music tastes are very personal and if a friendship breaks because of differences in opinion, then that sort of friendship is not worth a person's time!

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