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That's all far away from me is it like the Brentwood part?

I am guessing that YOUR Brentwood is a bit different than the Brentwood here in Los Angeles, between Bel Air and Pacific Palisades?

As for my Halloween rant...I suppose it all depends on your location. If you still live in a mostly rural/neighborhood-ish community, then yes, according to Jahfin's and others reports, it does seem that Halloweeen is still quaint and fun and the kids go out trick-or-treating, etc.

But, at least where I live, Halloween is a far different animal. I didn't get one trick-or-treater...not a single ONE!...and I waited until 7pm, at which time I headed off to meet my brother who was getting off work soon. My whole neighborhood was dead. No trick-or-treaters at all...just lame-asses going to parties in their "slutty" costumes or those even lamer "Scream" masks...put a little effort into your costume, dude!

Which is why me and my brother and sister-in-law were taking their son to Angelino Heights, a very unique neighborhood just outside of Downtown Los Angeles, near Echo Park. It is full of wonderfully preserved Victorian-style houses, as well as other architectural styles, such as Craftsman and mid-century modern. Much of the neighborhood is designated a historical landmark, meaning the houses cannot be altered or destroyed. The whole neighborhood goes all-out in decorating their houses for Halloween (and Christmas), and so it has become a magnet for families looking for a fun and safe environment to take their children trick-or-treating. No drunk teens or rowdy adults here...and vice-versa. Some people come from miles and miles away, and the more elaborate houses will have a huge line of children waiting to go up to the doors and receive their candy. You can read more about the history of this fabulous neighborhood here: http://www.historice...k.org/id58.html

So, after spending Saturday-Sunday at the horrorthon with my godson, Halloween eve itself was spent trick-or-treating with my 5-year-old nephew. He actually had two Halloween costumes for the day. First, for his kindergarten class, he was Batman, and they had a Halloween party at the school for all the little Tots. Then his mom picked him up and they got their costumes ready for the night: he was going to be a "television set" and his mom a "remote control"; the costumes were home-made.

I was planning on heading to the West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval afterwards to maybe get some photos, as one of the members here asked for some Halloween pictures to see what all the fuss was about(where she lives they don't have Halloween). But I was having so much fun with my nephew that I ended up not going. Would have been a zoo anyway, as it always is in West Hollywood on Halloween. Traffic is a real horror-show.

Back at my brother's place, we sorted the Halloween loot...my nephew had that glazed and dazed look in his eyes. It was 10pm and the sugar-rush high was ebbing and he was past the point of tired...plus, he had to get up for school the next morning. But he gamely tried to milk a few more minutes staying awake and playing with me, showing off some of his new toys from his recent birthday party. At last, around 11pm, he was settled down enough to get to bed.

And that was my Halloween. Away from the idiots and drunks, thankfully.

And since I didn't get any trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood, that meant more candy for moi.

Jahfin: I have no problem with sexy nurses either...at the proper time and place. But I do have a problem with a 12-year old girl wanting to dress up as a slut for Halloween, as happened with a friend of mine and her daughter.

Edited by Strider
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I am guessing that YOUR Brentwood is a bit different than the Brentwood here in Los Angeles, between Bel Air and Pacific Palisades?

As for my Halloween rant...I suppose it all depends on your location. If you still live in a mostly rural/neighborhood-ish community, then yes, according to Jahfin's and others reports, it does seem that Halloweeen is still quaint and fun and the kids go out trick-or-treating, etc.

But, at least where I live, Halloween is a far different animal. I didn't get one trick-or-treater...not a single ONE!...and I waited until 7pm, at which time I headed off to meet my brother who was getting off work soon. My whole neighborhood was dead. No trick-or-treaters at all...just lame-asses going to parties in their "slutty" costumes or those even lamer "Scream" masks...put a little effort into your costume, dude!

Which is why me and my brother and sister-in-law were taking their son to Angelino Heights, a very unique neighborhood just outside of Downtown Los Angeles, near Echo Park. It is full of wonderfully preserved Victorian-style houses, as well as other architectural styles, such as Craftsman and mid-century modern. Much of the neighborhood is designated a historical landmark, meaning the houses cannot be altered or destroyed. The whole neighborhood goes all-out in decorating their houses for Halloween (and Christmas), and so it has become a magnet for families looking for a fun and safe environment to take their children trick-or-treating. No drunk teens or rowdy adults here...and vice-versa. Some people come from miles and miles away, and the more elaborate houses will have a huge line of children waiting to go up to the doors and receive their candy. You can read more about the history of this fabulous neighborhood here: http://www.historice...k.org/id58.html

So, after spending Saturday-Sunday at the horrorthon with my godson, Halloween eve itself was spent trick-or-treating with my 5-year-old nephew. He actually had two Halloween costumes for the day. First, for his kindergarten class, he was Batman, and they had a Halloween party at the school for all the little Tots. Then his mom picked him up and they got their costumes ready for the night: he was going to be a "television set" and his mom a "remote control"; the costumes were home-made.

I was planning on heading to the West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval afterwards to maybe get some photos, as one of the members here asked for some Halloween pictures to see what all the fuss was about(where she lives they don't have Halloween). But I was having so much fun with my nephew that I ended up not going. Would have been a zoo anyway, as it always is in West Hollywood on Halloween. Traffic is a real horror-show.

Back at my brother's place, we sorted the Halloween loot...my nephew had that glazed and dazed look in his eyes. It was 10pm and the sugar-rush high was ebbing and he was past the point of tired...plus, he had to get up for school the next morning. But he gamely tried to milk a few more minutes staying awake and playing with me, showing off some of his new toys from his recent birthday party. At last, around 11pm, he was settled down enough to get to bed.

And that was my Halloween. Away from the idiots and drunks, thankfully.

And since I didn't get any trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood, that meant more candy for moi.

Jahfin: I have no problem with sexy nurses either...at the proper time and place. But I do have a problem with a 12-year old girl wanting to dress up as a slut for Halloween, as happened with a friend of mine and her daughter.

Why say Scream mask is lame?I love that mask

BTW For the record There was NO Halloween Atmosphere or mood No movies on tv No Autumn and quite a lot of Drunks

Edited by Zeppelin Led
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As for my Halloween rant...I suppose it all depends on your location. If you still live in a mostly rural/neighborhood-ish community, then yes, according to Jahfin's and others reports, it does seem that Halloweeen is still quaint and fun and the kids go out trick-or-treating, etc.

I was actually referring to where I grew up, not where I live now (Raleigh, NC). I have no idea how they celebrate Halloween back where I grew up but since that area is still pretty rural, I'm guessing it hasn't changed much. As for how Halloween is celebrated in the Triangle area (Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill), this article will probably give you some idea. It's also worth noting that we had a pretty good rainstorm on Monday night that cut down on the amount of people (meaning children and adults) out trick or treating.

Group wants Chapel Hill out of Halloween business

I have no problem with sexy nurses either...at the proper time and place. But I do have a problem with a 12-year old girl wanting to dress up as a slut for Halloween, as happened with a friend of mine and her daughter.

Understood but from how your post was worded, you referred to them as "women" so I didn't think you were talking about children.

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  • 9 months later...

It's almost that time again...and I'm fuckin' psyched!

Psyched? Or pscho? Excuse me but to go digging out a Halloween thread in fucking July speaks volumes. You are either a macabre type of person or just have a hell of a sense of humour. It does not surprise me about you MM. You are probably putting horse laxatives in the candy you will hand out.

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Psyched? Or pscho? Excuse me but to go digging out a Halloween thread in fucking July speaks volumes. You are either a macabre type of person or just have a hell of a sense of humour. It does not surprise me about you MM. You are probably putting horse laxatives in the candy you will hand out.

It's August 2012,no-load :huh:

Edited by Anjin-san
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