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Today is Lou Reed's birthday. He is 70 years old...yes, that's right, SEVENTY!!! He's older than Jimmy Page, and the jokesters will say he's always looked 70.

If you are into any of the arts at all, be it literature, painting, music, whatever, there are certain figures that usually are the ones that open the gates to you, that led you down roads that form your basic esthetic and aesthetic choices.

For me, it was reading Bram Stoker's "Dracula" as a boy that began my love of books, Van Gogh and the Impressionists that got me into art, and Alfred Hitchcock and the early Universal Monster movies of the 1930s that released my inner cinema-geek.

As for music, the Beatles were the first to catch my ear. But the two most lasting loves and influences on my musical tastes and journeys both pierced my consciousness in 1969.

One of course was Led Zeppelin. The other was the Velvet Underground. Buying Led Zeppelin I and the Velvet Underground album shortly after my birthday in 1969 was to impact me in ways I had yet imagined or could even fathom at that age.

To this day, Led Zeppelin and the Velvet Underground remain my most beloved and cherished bands of all time. The only difference is that I saw Led Zeppelin in concert. Sadly, I was denied that privilege with the Velvet Underground. I was able to see Lou Reed solo, though...and John Cale, too.

But never the VU. With Moe's and Sterling's passing, I never will.

So happy birthday Lou Reed. Thanks for all the great noise! :birthday:

The most boss version of "Sister Ray" I've heard yet. Boston Tea Party 1969.

The album that started it all...


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I'd rather a frontman be honest and be themselves, even if that means being a jerk, than pander and spew the same tired old bullshit of "_____ is the greatest rock n roll town in the world!" and. "_____ has the hottest babes!"

Obviously, given the history of Velvet Underground, Lou isn't always the nicest person around...he can be a bit of an asshole. It's another case of having to separate the art from the artist. Something I am good at...as I've had lots of practice(e.e. cummings, Wagner, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, William Burroughs, Patricia Highsmith, Frank Sinatra...).

Ahhhh, but what art! It was Lou and the VU who showed me there was beauty in chaos and noise.

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To this day, Led Zeppelin and the Velvet Underground remain my most beloved and cherished bands of all time. The only difference is that I saw Led Zeppelin in concert. Sadly, I was denied that privilege with the Velvet Underground. I was able to see Lou Reed solo, though...and John Cale, too.

But never the VU. With Moe's and Sterling's passing, I never will.

Unless I missed something I'm pretty sure Moe Tucker is still alive.

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Love the intro. Love the whole album. Pity that it wasn't a double album. Never understood why Lou Reed live was a separate album when it was recorded at the same NYC Academy concert. Edited by johnthomasmoby
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^ I thought that too. In fact, I preferred Lou Reed Live to R&RA.

Another great one was Take No Prisoners, from around 78 I think, which had loads of entertaining raps from Lou between & during the songs. Doubled as a comedy album, in fact. He was uncharacteristically talkative that night, must've been speeding his tits off...

Oh yes TNP in wonderful binaural stereo, somebody stole my copy..well by borrowing it and never returning it. Just played Oh Jim and Sad Song from LR Live, just beautiful.....
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