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Plant and Kraus - Allison fan reaction?

LA ZepBoy

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While it took me a little while to "adjust" to Raising Sand, I really like it now and am starting to appreciate what it's all about. And I think it's fair to say that most of us who are Plant fans like this piece of work. But what are Allison's fans saying? Has anyone checked out the "bluegrass" world to see what's being said from critics and fans from that side? It would be interesting to hear their point of view and feedback. Just a thought...

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Hi LA ZepBoy,

Every now and then I check out Alison's message board at CMT.


You should go and check it out. They’re pretty cool, down to earth people with a great sense of humour. So far I've just been lurking since there has been so much going on over here. But, I think I'm going to join after I come off cloud 02. :lol:

I'm finding that for Alison's fans it's a completely new musical adventure, just exactly as it is for us. It's amazing how similar our conversations and issues are and how similar Alison and Robert are in regard to their quest for musical knowledge and growth in their talent, wanting to stretch out in new musical directions and not wanting to be labeled or pigeon holed into a rut. They’re seeing, as we are, that this collaboration is really something special. That’s not to say that everybody was on board from the beginning of this journey; far from it.

I think, for some of them anyway, their biggest concern in the beginning was that she was going to go pop, rock, or even worse country/pop/rock :o with Robert. This is a big issue with a lot of country and bluegrass fans. They’re being spoon fed country-rock by the record companies and some just flat out don’t like it. With the release of Raising Sand those fears seem to have fizzled out. And now that they’ve seen and read plenty of interviews with Robert and Alison they’re really getting to like him. They’re even buying Mojo and other British mags, to read everything they can about them.

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While it took me a little while to "adjust" to Raising Sand, I really like it now and am starting to appreciate what it's all about. And I think it's fair to say that most of us who are Plant fans like this piece of work. But what are Allison's fans saying? Has anyone checked out the "bluegrass" world to see what's being said from critics and fans from that side? It would be interesting to hear their point of view and feedback. Just a thought...

Some of the blogs and bluegrass sites I've read have been overwhelmingly surprised at just how good the album is :D

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I have been a fan of Allison's for years, as I have steep bluegrass roots from the Tennessee hills. I personally cannot WAIT to see Robert and Allison's tour.

Of course, I have also been a fan of Robert's solo work since the beginning. There is no such thing as a bad Robert Plant record.

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I played some of the album for my wife the other day , as she is a fan of the country music . Her response was the sounded really good together . I find this a great mix of styles , and I like how artists like Robert or Allison don't stick to just one style and keep releasing the same regurgitated crap over and over again! Variety is the spice of life , and these guys prove it.

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I'n not really into country music. But after listening to Raising Sand - It's alright.

Probably because the songs are too Safe.

Probably its because I don't like A. Kraus that much.

I think Raising Sand songs lack that certain...edgy...earthy...gritty...feel to it.

I'd rather listen to RP sing ole' Rhythm & Blues SOLO with his signature style, like he did in

Georgia on My Mind. His voice right now is totally made for it -

singing with a Slow...Sexy...southern drawl.

Michael Bolton did it, Rod Stewart did it - and they all SUCK. They sound like Plant-Wannabe's

I'd rather listen to Melissa Etheridge sing country-rock. I wish she's the one Plant hooked up with instead of Kraus. (although I know he wouldn't) Wishful thinking.

Edited by Michelle of Los Angeles CA
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I love Alison Krauss and think the album is outstanding. But Killing The Blues and Polly Come Home are my favorite tracks, and those are Robert's predominantly. I won't say it's his "album" per se, but I do think he did have to come out of his element more than Alison. The biggest problem they faced was that the album might not fit a genre and be left kind of twisting in the wind. I definately don't think it's Bluegrass and may be closer to country than anything, but it's refreshing because it is just so different. I applaud both of them for taking a risk, and they were rewarded with something truly great. How nice it would be if they could fit their touring schedule around a few more Led Zeppelin shows.

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I bought Raising Sand right away when it was released. I must admit I like it the more I listen to it. My initial reaction was Boring! It grew on me little by little. My husband hated it straightaway. I told him to listen to it again, this time with an open mind.

I like anything Robert does because I love his voice - from You Better Run when he was in The Band of Joy to now with his pairing w/ Alison Kraus. Her voice fits with his so well. I do not think it would've been a great pairing in the 70's when he was Led Zepppelin. He has mellowed like a fine vintage wine.

Of course he can still rock and roll, hopefully touring once again as LZ - after he finishes his Raising Sand obligations.

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