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1977 St.Louis concert


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brand new member, i saw the show, $9.00 a ticket, limit 3. partner @ i stood in line for 14 hours, there was a jethro tull concert going on the same night, at the checkerdome. you could only buy tickets at the checkerdome ticket office. the line was wrapped around the building. we were about 100ft. from ticket office,the crush of people was so tight you could not fall down. wish i was back there tonight. any sound boards for this show

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No soundboard, not even an audience recording, although a couple of years back a few jokers were trying to pass off the acoustic set and "Kashmir" from the May 25 Landover show as a "St Louis 1977 recording fragment"...

Hell, I believe only a couple of photographs exist from this show for posterity...

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No soundboard, not even an audience recording, although a couple of years back a few jokers were trying to pass off the acoustic set and "Kashmir" from the May 25 Landover show as a "St Louis 1977 recording fragment"...

Hell, I believe only a couple of photographs exist from this show for posterity...

That is right- no aud or SB have surfaced yet. But here some photos from the show.


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  • 2 weeks later...

What's all the fuss about the show? Heard alot of stories about it, but nothing concrete...

Well, it's one of the more 'obscure' '77 shows, since there is no known corresponding audience or soundboard recording (St Louis is one of the mythical "Missing Seven" 1977 concerts with no recording), so all that is really known about the concert is from eyewitness accounts such as Koba's...

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Judging from what I've heard about this show on here, I think I'd rather have a tape of 1977/05/31 or 1977/04/17 before this one.

At least we know that recordings for 4/17 (and 5/19) exist, even though they don't circulate...5/31 and 4/15...not so much...

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At least we know that recordings for 4/17 (and 5/19) exist, even though they don't circulate...5/31 and 4/15...not so much...

I wouldn't mind hearing 1977/05/19, but everything that's happened with Freezer's other tapes makes me a little nervous to approach that subject.
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I wouldn't mind hearing 1977/05/19, but everything that's happened with Freezer's other tapes makes me a little nervous to approach that subject.

Again, Sue, I am morally fucking certain Freezer gave out at least a couple of copies of 19/5/77 once upon a time. I'm sure it'll show up sooner or later...I mean, with all respect to Freezer, it's not as though he's around anymore to kick their asses (or stop giving these people more of his uncirculated recordings) for sharing the recording. Shit, I'm actually surprised his passing didn't bring about some kind of "Freezer Tribute Flood" of uncirculating recordings he shared with a select few over the years...

As for 17/4/77, I've known about the existence (and subsequent hoarding) of a recording of that show for almost three years now. The way the guy -who is notorious in Zeppelin trading circles as being the moron responsible for the whole "Freezer's Revenge" debacle- tried lording it over on me at RO still pisses me off to this day. To paraphrase Robert De Niro in Goodfellas: "You don't know who I am, but I know who you are!" So I've never really been sure whether or not to take what he told me with a pinch of salt.

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Forget about the audience tapes for 5/19 & 5/31. EVSD source likely has soundboard tapes for those.

Some of us prefer an audience tape to soundboards...especially if you're talking 1977. Only the 1975 tour has soundboards that don't bleed the warmth and soul from the sound. 1973 and 1977 SBDs, on the other hand, always leave me cold.

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Some of us prefer an audience tape to soundboards...especially if you're talking 1977. Only the 1975 tour has soundboards that don't bleed the warmth and soul from the sound. 1973 and 1977 SBDs, on the other hand, always leave me cold.

I have always thought the May 13, 1973 Mobile Alabma soundboard (Goin' Mobile) did a good job of capturing the essence and fervor of a Zep show during their North American tour in 1973.

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Hey, look everybody! If it isn't our good friend ledhed, trying to pass off more of his bullshit as hard facts... :lol::rolleyes:

Tell me, ol' sport, exactly which part of my statement was incorrect? And be prepared to back up yer claims with actual evidence this time, as opposed to merely talking outta yer ass, alright? I can provide actual evidence of the existence of recordings for 17/4/77 and 19/5/77...you claiming there are actually recordings for 15/4/77 and 31/5/77 beyond just a buncha bullshit rumours or someone trying to pass off the May 25 audience recording as St Louis? Sorry, myself and a couple of other people put paid to that falsehood a couple years ago.

Say, ledhed, how about that supposed Houston '77 video you claim to have seen? Care to provide any actual proof of that one as well, me bucko? :lol:

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Hey, look everybody! If it isn't our good friend ledhed, trying to pass off more of his bullshit as hard facts... :lol::rolleyes:

Tell me, ol' sport, exactly which part of my statement was incorrect? And be prepared to back up yer claims with actual evidence this time, as opposed to merely talking outta yer ass, alright? I can provide actual evidence of the existence of recordings for 17/4/77 and 19/5/77...you claiming there are actually recordings for 15/4/77 and 31/5/77 beyond just a buncha bullshit rumours or someone trying to pass off the May 25 audience recording as St Louis? Sorry, myself and a couple of other people put paid to that falsehood a couple years ago.

Say, ledhed, how about that supposed Houston '77 video you claim to have seen? Care to provide any actual proof of that one as well, me bucko? :lol:

Aha! I thought his name rang a bell. Thanks for clarifying Nutrocker. :beer:

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I smell a fight brewin'!

Hey, look everybody! If it isn't our good friend ledhed, trying to pass off more of his bullshit as hard facts... :lol::rolleyes:

Tell me, ol' sport, exactly which part of my statement was incorrect? And be prepared to back up yer claims with actual evidence this time, as opposed to merely talking outta yer ass, alright? I can provide actual evidence of the existence of recordings for 17/4/77 and 19/5/77...you claiming there are actually recordings for 15/4/77 and 31/5/77 beyond just a buncha bullshit rumours or someone trying to pass off the May 25 audience recording as St Louis? Sorry, myself and a couple of other people put paid to that falsehood a couple years ago.

Say, ledhed, how about that supposed Houston '77 video you claim to have seen? Care to provide any actual proof of that one as well, me bucko? :lol:

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I smell a fight brewin'!

No, more likely another case where ol' ledhed will just run and hide after seeing that I've called him out on his bullshit on this forum once again :lol: Dude's just a troll, Sue...he's already proven that he is not to be trusted (witness his claims about seeing the "black and white" Houston '77 video...supposedly a 'friend' of ledhed's has it, who asked ledhed not to say anything, but that didn't stop him anyway...fucking typical :lol::rolleyes: )

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No, more likely another case where ol' ledhed will just run and hide after seeing that I've called him out on his bullshit on this forum once again :lol: Dude's just a troll, Sue...he's already proven that he is not to be trusted (witness his claims about seeing the "black and white" Houston '77 video...supposedly a 'friend' of ledhed's has it, who asked ledhed not to say anything, but that didn't stop him anyway...fucking typical :lol::rolleyes: )

I think I remember reading that awhile back.

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Since when did I say I saw that stupid video? Look at the thread.

If you wish to know: the same guy who said he had the 4/17/77 audience tape is the guy who told me he had the 5/21/77 video.

Regarding 5/31/77 the guy who liberated 4/23/77 tried to get that audience tape but didn't liberate it (search FBO). Like I said here it doesn't matter since it's likely EVSD source has access to the board tape.

I can provide actual evidence of the existence of recordings for 17/4/77 and 19/5/77 :lol:

so where's the evidence?

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Since when did I say I saw that stupid video? Look at the thread.

Show me where I said that.

Post 88:

mrledhed, 2 May 2012, 11:58am:

"Fuck Houston '77. The show sucks, we already have a soundboard, and the video is black and white."

Again, ledhed, the bolded statement implies that you have seen the fucking thing. Are you saying that that wasn't the case, that you were simply passing on something somebody told you? Which is it? If you had been a little bit more clear on the matter, maybe you wouldn't have that feeling of being nailed to the cross over it.

If you wish to know: the same guy who said he had the 4/17/77 audience tape is the guy who told me he had the 5/21/77 video.

Now that is innaresting. Just to compare notes, ledhed, the guy over at RO who taunted me about having the 17/4/77 recording back in 2010 goes by the handle of 'Javit' over there- Adam somebody, the same guy who was responsible for the "Freezer's Revenge" fiasco in 2006. On that basis, I've never been entirely convinced he was being straight with me; simply by his involvement in "Freezer's Revenge" he clearly isn't trustworthy, so I took his claims with a pinch of salt. Are you saying Javit is the same guy who has the 'black and white' Houston '77 video? If so, I'd be inclined to think that he's having you on. In which case I would be more than happy to chow down on my Chuck Taylors and offer you a public apology, right here and now.

The trouble is, ledhed, too many times in the Zeppelin trading community, second, third or seventeenth hand information suddenly becomes gospel. "So and so said said that so and so said..." It could be that we were both taken for a ride here, especially if the guy (Javit) isn't willing to offer up any real proof if the existence of either the Indianapolis '77 recording or the Houston '77 video, be it in black and white or pristine blue ray colour quality. Beyond, of course, what he claims to have in his possession.

Regarding 5/31/77 the guy who liberated 4/23/77 tried to get that audience tape but didn't liberate it (search FBO). Like I said here it doesn't matter since it's likely EVSD source has access to the board tape.

Yer probably correct, there- law of averages would dictate that out of all the '77 soundboards EVSD has in their possession, at least a couple would be for the 'missing seven' '77 shows (1/4/77; 12/4/77; 13/4/77; 15/4/77; 17/4/77; 19/5/77; 31/5/77), so it's only a matter of time when they appear.

so where's the evidence?

Of the 17/4/77 and 19/5/77 audience recordings? Well, I already explained what I know about 17/4/77...for the record, this is Javit's exact quote from the PM he sent me over at RO on 5 March 2010:

"Well, for starters it's sitting in a heap of CD's rotting away in my garage since I stopped trading about three years ago. I can't even tell you who I got it from, it's been so long. It's really not that great..."

He also said:

"Indy '77 is around if you look in the right places. I'm sure it'll pop out pretty soon." (well, three years later, we're still waiting, aren't we???)

Again, considering who this Javit guy is, and how notorious he is in the LZ trading community, I've never been sure whether or not to believe his claims.

As for 19/5/77, Freezer stated many times over the years that he recorded that show, as well as New Orleans '71 (his New Orleans '73 and Baton Rouge '75 recordings of course circulate, much to his chagrin). I'm not sure about the '71 recording, but I know he gave out at least three copies of 19/5/77 to people over at trader's den- specific Plantations made during the show were even discussed after the people received their copies (this would have been in the spring of 2006). It was also made clear that Freezer made these people swear not to give out copies of the show; 19/5/77 was only one of the uncirculating recordings he made that he gave out that have not been shared with the masses.

If you want all the gory details, ledhed, I'd suggest you join that site (it's free) and read the "Where Do These New Sources Of Old Zeppelin Shows Come From", "Freezer's Revenge" and "The Latest News From Japan" discussions. Very innaresting reading, that's for sure.

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