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Jimmy's Dragon Suit

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About Jimmy's Dragon Suit

  • Birthday 12/30/1976

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  • Location
    Plainfield, IL
  • Interests
    Page, JPJ, Bonzo, Vinyl, Vintage Audio, Chicks.

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  1. I know this show gets bashed a lot but there are plenty of gems in this show and it's one of my favorite of the '77 tour. Also includes my favorite performance of Moby Dick. Bonzo saved the best for last.
  2. I am going to try that. Thanks for the step-by-step instructions!
  3. You can't get any better than Crapplebee's. It's always an experience you will never forget!
  4. Would you sound like that too if the same things happened to you? If so, you could be in a King Diamond cover band!
  5. I think the suitcase or bag of illegal substances should be carried by Dr. Larry Badgely.
  6. The power of poontang makes you say crazy things!
  7. Great story indeed! Buy why in the world would he wear that hat and bring Jimmy Page some of his home recordings? He's going to meet Jimmy Page and this chump is thinking "maybe Jimmy would like to hear me strum my geetar and hum." I am sure over the years Jimmy Page has been given hundreds of tapes from amateur musicians that I doubt he could give two shits about. You really think Jimmy Page is going to waste his time? Be thankful you are going to meet and spend some time with the man... and don't wear hat that is big enough for your small stature to live in!
  8. Here is Peter Criss and Paul Stanley dressed up as Nazis attempting freak out to Gene Simmons. Ironic that Paul Stanley is Jewish and wearing the outfit.
  9. Since the beginning of the year, Catholic churches have been desecrated and vandalized in France... coincidence?
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