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I just looked at the standings; Dodgers already in a 7 game hole. Not insurmountable odds at this point in the season--but if I had to put money on it, I would say the Dodgers may have to bank on a Wild Card spot...

I am not so sure of that. Its too early to sign them off at 7 games back this early. Boston lost 10 st and they are still in striking distance. Greinke can put a stranglehold on NL Cy Young tonight

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Its possible due to their starting pitching. But they are no lock. A long shot sleeper, The White Sox. I am impressed with what they have done. They have Sale. Not the worst stab.

Its a suprise the Giants are in first. Do you think the Dodgers run them down?

Its a suprise the Giants are in first. Do you think the Dodgers run them down?

Let us pray for no 'June Swoon.'

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King Felix enters Yankee Stadium tomorrow night at 7-1. A true competitor with my surprise team this year that so far has not really disappointed. He is a true competitor is Felix. Off day for my boys and they need it to ice up Cruz and I am praying that Matt Wieters avoids Tommy john surgery. He is throwing. Good sign. The two catchers that have taken his place have played very well in his absence. They do not have his power or his killer arm, but they have not hurt us either. Anyone see that play today by Lough in left field when he took it off the wall and nailed one Astor trying to stretch a long single into a double? Out!!!! That is why I love Markakis. His defense is just fabulous and he can clutch hit also.

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We need to go into Texas and whip some damn ass. I like our matchup tonight. Tillman is not going to pitch until Saturday. They are giving him a few days extra rest. So Texas catch' a break there I guess. Gausman could be ready to step in, maybe by the third game? I suppose Norris will go tomorrow so expect a slugfest. Oakland at Yankees. Have fun Yankees

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Orioles and Rangers, that could get ugly, like 11-10 ballgames I imagine...

Hopefully the 11 for us. Jiminez has pitched far better than his record. Chen i getting all the run support. Wieters i throwing but I have no clue what they intend to do. Santana i signed. Gausman has been very good down at Norfolk. I would have Zack Britton or Gauman or both be in the rotation. See where it goes with Santana. Cruz will play tonight. Great news. I hope the Tigers get back on track at home and do a number on Toronto

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Seems like the same issue for the Tigers every year: what is the state of their bullpen? Anibal Sanchez certainly pitched well enough to get a W, but Joe Nathan has been pouring gasoline all over the mound lately. Will this be an issue come October?

With approx 100 games and change to go I would not be so quick to put anyone in October. The White Sox and Indians are not rolling over and even Minnesota is playing well in that division. The East is right where I wanted it to be for my boys. Tampa is basically done. Boston is in trouble with their own issues. The Yankees have two good starters but their infield is too old. Jeter is waving goodbye every night and c and is no longer dangerous at the plate nor is Roberts, the former O. Toronto can not keep up this pace IMO> They will hit a wall sooner or later. I like the way we are rounding into form. Cruz is a beast. What a pick up he was. There is no stopping him. Manny Machado is getting back to where he was also. Markakis and Adam Jones are taking care of business and even the catcher replacing Wieters has come through. I am hoping Weiters will return soon. He is throwing. I am hoping no Tommy John for him. I do not know what Santana will bring to the table? I am confident that Gausman will be good when he returns. In the meantime Buck is making some real good decisions. Last night up 2-1 and with two outs and a man on first, he goes to the mound with no hesitation and pulls Jiminez. He pitched a whale of a game too. He looked a bit perplexed as to why he was taken out but Buck did not wan to overextend him and have him serve up a HR at a bad time. Too bad he did not get the decision as he sure deserved to. We bombed them in the end with Cruz and Jones doing major damage. Vegas has us favored there tonight. Kind of shocked me.

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Yeah, I might have been to quick to crown the Tigers? I wonder what Denny Green would say about that.... :D

It seems that KC's coach could be on the hot seat according to CBS. But I thought they did ok vs the Cardinals? I have to go back and see but the Cardinals have not been so big and bad this year so far. The Cincy Reds, who I picked for reasons unknown to myself, are making a sudden run and are at the moment hot. Seattle is hot also. And even Arizona has woken up a little so I expect to make up some ground in the contest. I have Oakland along with everyone else. But like most I also have the Dodgers and they need to get hot to stay in reach of the Giants. I believe in the end they will find a way to get in even if its a wild card. Still like Wash in the East. Atlanta though a good team, were just swept by Seattle. The Mariners are coming on. I do not see anyone beating Oakland in that division. The wild card race could be deep. I would rather we run down Toronto than have to worry about beating out teams like Seattle for the wild card. Assuming Detroit does not tank and surrender the Central, you have to think Cleveland, The White Sox, Seattle, the Angels could al be in the wild card race with everyone in the East except Tampa who has pretty much fallen out of it. Who saw that coming?

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Even with their recent swoon, the Tigers still have a 4 game lead in the Central & unless something monumental happens, that division is theirs.

The NL Wild Card race should be very interesting this year. So far, it seems like everyone in the National League is in the hunt, including my Mets who are only 2 games out...

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Tigers lose again. I wonder how Bong-Man is feeling right now?

Well the fact he is not posting tells you something. LOL. I expect Verlander to stop this nonsense tomorrow

And how about the Dodgers?

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Detroit sucks my balls. About to be swept by Toronto at home. Cant get out of their own way. Chicago White Sox are coming at them. They just beat the Dodgers out west. Here come the White Sox. There goes the Tigers. I guess we are going to have to handle Toronto ourselves. We have to play the big bad Oakland A's first. Then Boston and then it might be Toronto. First we need to have Tillman finish off Texas. Need to sweep their arses under the rug. Yankees have now pulled Tanaka. Their saving grace. But only up 2-1 against an Oakland team that can score in bunches. Lets see if they can avoid the sweep? I am sure the news of Zimmer's passing has been felt throughout the league. Its really too bad the old fella is gone. I did not know he was sick.

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Too bad they couldn't hold on

Hardy blew the game for us. I am not going to beat up on him because he has been so great a SS. But something is wrong with him. Maybe at home? He may be distracted? Not sure. Not playing like he should. But lets hope last night was a fluke. That ground ball to SS still haunts me. We would have had 5 in a row. Time to get back on track tonight. I am going to disagree with Gary Thorne outrightly saying we will be at a decided disadvantage due to travel. They will get 8 hours sleep for Gods sake. And Chen has never lost to Oakland. 3-0.

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10 game losing streaks must be catching on. The Rays are really going south--so far south, their may be no way to dig themselves out of this hole.

And I wonder how Detroit will do in their series vs. the Sawx. It wasn't that long ago I thought the Tigers were going to run away and hide with the Central division, but the White Sox are creeping up on them.

As for the NL Central, Brewers still hanging on to the top spot. Cards 5 games back, but 5 games is nothing at this point in the season.

With all the money they spent, will the Dodgers feel good about sneaking into the postseason as a Wild Card, possibly looking at being "one and done" if they get in that way? I guess money can't always buy a pennant....

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