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Jimmy's guitar unplugged during sick again June 21, 1977


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I have asked this question q number of times and have yet to get an answer from someone who was there *cough, Strider, cough* ;)

I have always thought he broke a string on the double neck and went and picked up the Les Paul to play Sick Again, which led to the long wait before NFBM, to get the guitar retuned. Am I close with my prediction, anyone?

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I have asked this question q number of times and have yet to get an answer from someone who was there *cough, Strider, cough* ;)

I have always thought he broke a string on the double neck and went and picked up the Les Paul to play Sick Again, which led to the long wait before NFBM, to get the guitar retuned. Am I close with my prediction, anyone?

Wait...I thought I had answered this question before?

Are you talking about the 21st or 23rd? Because both those nights had gremlins causing a ruckus for "Sick Again". I know his strap broke on one of the nights causing a delay...but my memory isn't clear enough to remember if it was the 21st or 23rd. You see, I was still trying to get my bearings and myself sorted from the opening rush of the concert. Plus my seats weren't that close and.there was a giant haze of (marijuana?) smoke between me and the stage for most of the show, haha. If you put a gun to my head, I would say it was probably the first night (the 21st) where Jimmy switched to the Les Paul for "Sick Again" because there was a long delay between songs before NFBM. Whereas on the 23rd, they go relatively quick into NFBM after Sick Again.

So, if you're keeping score:

June 21: Jimmy breaks string during The Rover intro, switches immediately to Les Paul to finish Sick Again, with no stoppage by the rest of the band.

June 23: Jimmy's strap on double-neck breaks and instead of segueing from TSRTS into The Rover, the band stops completely while Raymond fixes it. I believe this was the first and only time there was a complete break between TSRTS and Sick Again on the 1977 tour.

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Wait...I thought I had answered this question before?

Are you talking about the 21st or 23rd? Because both those nights had gremlins causing a ruckus for "Sick Again". I know his strap broke on one of the nights causing a delay...but my memory isn't clear enough to remember if it was the 21st or 23rd. You see, I was still trying to get my bearings and myself sorted from the opening rush of the concert. Plus my seats weren't that close and.there was a giant haze of (marijuana?) smoke between me and the stage for most of the show, haha. If you put a gun to my head, I would say it was probably the first night (the 21st) where Jimmy switched to the Les Paul for "Sick Again" because there was a long delay between songs before NFBM. Whereas on the 23rd, they go relatively quick into NFBM after Sick Again.

So, if you're keeping score:

June 21: Jimmy breaks string during The Rover intro, switches immediately to Les Paul to finish Sick Again, with no stoppage by the rest of the band.

June 23: Jimmy's strap on double-neck breaks and instead of segueing from TSRTS into The Rover, the band stops completely while Raymond fixes it. I believe this was the first and only time there was a complete break between TSRTS and Sick Again on the 1977 tour.

If you did brother, it got by me....thank you for the response. I believe your score keeping is right on target - 37 years after the fact! :)

Also, have you decided if you are going to finish the write up from the LA '77 shows? If I remember correctly, you were giving us the lead up from the months prior - with sleeping out for tickets at the Forum, to the cancellation of the shows, to reading the first reviews of the start of the tour. Did you ever write up the reviews, like you did for the '73 shows? Thank you for your insight into your experiences! :yourock:


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Yes, Walter, I will resume that thread and complete it this June. With the deluxe box sets coming out, my Zeppelin juices are flowing again and unlike a couple years ago when life rudely interrupted, my schedule this June is relatively sedate. Which should leave me plenty of time to post...I am the slowest typer you've ever seen, haha.

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  • 5 weeks later...

There is always the possibility that he stepped on the cord which in turn will pull the cord out of the jack, I know I've done it countless times in live situations, If that is the case it makes sense as to why it was such a speedy recovery! Just a suggestion though!

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On the 21st Jimmy pops a string during the Sick Again intro and does a super quick guitar change.

Personally, I love it, because when Jimmy gets the Les Paul on, he just ROARS back into the song like "Fuck You nothing is stopping ME tonight"

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