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Creativity Has No Age Limit


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This is my viewpoint on Jimmy's re-re mixs of the Led Zeppelin music: I feel that his energy and time would be used more to its full potential if he applied the new high tech tools of music into his own new music compositions that would reflex how he has changed and developed since the end of Zeppelin. Look at the designs and time table of Frank Lloyd Wright. His two creative highpoints were in his twenties and thirties and then in his eighties. His midlife was spent in chaos, with very little being achieved. In fact he was viewed as a 'has been' from his forties through his sixties. His creativity returned when he looked only forward, and plunged ahead in designs that where more unique than any of his younger contemporaries where doing. If I were in a situation like Jimmy's, I would want my focus to be on what I can create now that would be unique to me and unique compared to what everyone else is doing. Live performances would not be totally needed; however getting that new unique material recorded as a testimony of how he has grown and changed would do more for keeping his 'flame' alive than re-re mixing old music that most people are already enough familiar with and either like or don't like, regardless of what new technology has been put into the remixing process. We all do what we think we should do at a given point in life, but the later years of life can be the most fruitful in terms of new ideas, just as it was for Frank Lloyd Wright, who like Jimmy, was also concerned about his legacy and relevance to future generations.

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I think the bottom line is that Jimmy is doing what he wants to do, and that does not include making new music, and re-submerging himself in the rigors of a rock and roll lifestyle. I would argue that if he isn't feeling the compulsion to play, then the likelihood of him creating good music is improbable as well. You have to want it, and Jimmy is happy being Jimmy, and curating the Zeppelin legacy. Past behavior is the best indicator of future performance, and Jimmy shows no signs of a change of heart, apart from talk, and a message that has been oft repeated over many years. Creativity comes from a spark and an inner drive that jimmy does not currently seem to possess, and that's okay. If he wants to collect records and hang out, he has earned the right to do so. I would just ask that he stop puffing the media this time every year, and making claims about what is and what shall never be.

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I enjoyed reading your post, Yellowrose. FLW is indeed a marvel, isn't he?

I think the bottom line is that Jimmy is doing what he wants to do, and that does not include making new music, and re-submerging himself in the rigors of a rock and roll lifestyle. I would argue that if he isn't feeling the compulsion to play, then the likelihood of him creating good music is improbable as well. You have to want it, and Jimmy is happy being Jimmy, and curating the Zeppelin legacy. Past behavior is the best indicator of future performance, and Jimmy shows no signs of a change of heart, apart from talk, and a message that has been oft repeated over many years. Creativity comes from a spark and an inner drive that jimmy does not currently seem to possess, and that's okay. If he wants to collect records and hang out, he has earned the right to do so. I would just ask that he stop puffing the media this time every year, and making claims about what is and what shall never be.

I also wonder how much is a lack of desire to play vs. how much is a concern that it wouldn't "measure up" to Zep (as if his fans even expect it to) and/or a fear of working intimately with someone other than RP. I can't even imagine JP auditioning a band at this point after many years of nothing. I suppose the net result is the same -- doing nothing -- so the reasons behind it don't matter too much.
Anyway, I bet the logistics of getting a band together play a role for someone like JP, who is never going to go the Leonard Cohen route of writing his own emotionally honest and naked music and lyrics and performing it himself.
Just some thoughts.
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This is my viewpoint on Jimmy's re-re mixs of the Led Zeppelin music: I feel that his energy and time would be used more to its full potential if he applied the new high tech tools of music into his own new music compositions that would reflex how he has changed and developed since the end of Zeppelin. Look at the designs and time table of Frank Lloyd Wright. His two creative highpoints were in his twenties and thirties and then in his eighties. His midlife was spent in chaos, with very little being achieved. In fact he was viewed as a 'has been' from his forties through his sixties. His creativity returned when he looked only forward, and plunged ahead in designs that where more unique than any of his younger contemporaries where doing. If I were in a situation like Jimmy's, I would want my focus to be on what I can create now that would be unique to me and unique compared to what everyone else is doing. Live performances would not be totally needed; however getting that new unique material recorded as a testimony of how he has grown and changed would do more for keeping his 'flame' alive than re-re mixing old music that most people are already enough familiar with and either like or don't like, regardless of what new technology has been put into the remixing process. We all do what we think we should do at a given point in life, but the later years of life can be the most fruitful in terms of new ideas, just as it was for Frank Lloyd Wright, who like Jimmy, was also concerned about his legacy and relevance to future generations.

GREAT way for Pagey to look at it !

however,he does have a lot of music composed, "years of ideas" !

I think he just isnt set on how to approach .

Without Plant (his FIRST wish) he feels no one else would fit & maybe he's rite.

I THINK he should shoot from a new angle !

MAKE IT A CONCEPT album = a long instramental journey filled with delicate moods & POUNDING emotions ,it doesnt have to have cut & dry songs that start & end, he doesnt have to have any singer at all.

& or maybe noone else at all but himself! ( or maybe not), or maybe jonsey can help jimmy get his ideas structurd? maybe utilizing a drum machine and or anyway else he could help with jimmys ideas,

if JPJ ends up colaborating then it becomes more than his solo album! rite?

BUT just leave lyrics out of it!

(maybe it might inspire plant ,maybe it will be too late for plant or maybe not! .eitherway its time to take a journey!

& if u are pleased with it=allow us to listen & go their ourselves! )

any thoughts? anyone?

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....I think Page could and it would be a real project that would push him up yet another level. As for all of the remixing: to me it's like a painter repainting his own masterpiece because technology has improved the quality and pureness of paint pigments, and again repainting the exact same thing everytime paint production makes a quantum leap in inprovement. That's not what artists do. They paint new material incorporating the better paints into the new image they create.

u make a good point but , as far as the extra album of rough cuts & alternate versions for each album seems to have the potential to BE WONDERFULL & a nice gift to us all !

esp if it included copies or photos of readable notes ,rough lyrics and or photos of some exact moments of time.

i reciently seen a photo of bonham set up on drums with headphones on AT HEADLY GRANGE!

i think it was an actual documentation of (cant remember for sure) when they were recording bonzo playing the AMAZING intro to " when the levey breaks "!

things like that are true gifts !

what a moment in time for drummers to see!

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This is my viewpoint on Jimmy's re-re mixs of the Led Zeppelin music: I feel that his energy and time would be used more to its full potential if he applied the new high tech tools of music into his own new music compositions that would reflex how he has changed and developed since the end of Zeppelin. Look at the designs and time table of Frank Lloyd Wright. His two creative highpoints were in his twenties and thirties and then in his eighties. His midlife was spent in chaos, with very little being achieved. In fact he was viewed as a 'has been' from his forties through his sixties. His creativity returned when he looked only forward, and plunged ahead in designs that where more unique than any of his younger contemporaries where doing. If I were in a situation like Jimmy's, I would want my focus to be on what I can create now that would be unique to me and unique compared to what everyone else is doing. Live performances would not be totally needed; however getting that new unique material recorded as a testimony of how he has grown and changed would do more for keeping his 'flame' alive than re-re mixing old music that most people are already enough familiar with and either like or don't like, regardless of what new technology has been put into the remixing process. We all do what we think we should do at a given point in life, but the later years of life can be the most fruitful in terms of new ideas, just as it was for Frank Lloyd Wright, who like Jimmy, was also concerned about his legacy and relevance to future generations.

I certainly agree with your thread title, you only need to look as far as the likes of Robert Plant and Scott Walker to see this is so.

I would like to point out though that these are remasters and not as far as I'm aware re-mixes and there is a difference. Mastering is the final stage after mixing where the overal dynamics,eq etc are set at the (supposedly) optimal level for whatever format the music will be released on. I may be wrong but I think these remasters were at least partially geared towards good vinyl reissues and a general more dynamic sound as opposed to the ubiquitous "loudness war" stuff.

As for Jimmy moving forward, well some people are still on their quest and some have completed it and are satisfied to rest and curate. Whilst I admire the questers I sometimes envy the curators.

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To "YellowRose," I saw one of Michael Hedges' final shows and the man was amazing. Just one guy with an acoustic guitar had a barroom full of people in the palm of his hands. As a guitarist I know a couple things... first, Michael was to the acoustic what Eddie Van Halen was to the electric when Van Halen first came onto the scene. It was a playing like nobody had ever heard.

And that, sadly, is not Jimmy or his style. However, with all of his tunings and capacity for beautiful acoustic pieces - Bron - Yr - Aur, Going To California, Battle Of Evermore, Tangerine and even the Coverdale/Page songs where his acoustic was at the forefront... man, an album like that would have the potential to be epic!

One thing that I think Jimmy is going through - and I could be way off base here - but as a guitarist who writes riffs and creates sonic soundscapes - Jimmy is looking for that musical soulmate to complete his ideas. Some here don't like it or won't agree, but since Zeppelin ended, Page has found that only once and that was with David Coverdale, who's quite busy with the new Whitesnake.

So I think Jimmy probably has a ton of great music, but he doesn't want to release something that is good when, in his mind, it could be freaking great and really wake people up about good hard rock. Just my humble opinion.

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Led Zeppelin and The Eagles have the same problem.

Their populist iconic acoustic/electric guitar songs (Stairway to Heaven, Hotel California) are in dispute regarding originality. Given the lengths that the frontmen of the Eagles went to try and change the first credit of Hotel California, its obviously a big deal. Same goes for Paul McCartney who asked Yoko Ono to give him first credit on certain Beatles songs.

History will always be kind to McCartney. 'Yesterday' and 'Band on the Run' proved he could do it twice over for the masses. The Eagles can't quite shake loose their (now fired) lead guitarist's (Don Felder) contributions and Jimmy Page has the unfortunate dark cloud hanging over him that Robert Plant enabled his Riff-based hard rock with his unique voice. Page could do what the Eagles did and simply fire Robert Plant. But its not ever going to happen, is it.

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I think the bottom line is that Jimmy is doing what he wants to do, and that does not include making new music, and re-submerging himself in the rigors of a rock and roll lifestyle. I would argue that if he isn't feeling the compulsion to play, then the likelihood of him creating good music is improbable as well. You have to want it, and Jimmy is happy being Jimmy, and curating the Zeppelin legacy. Past behavior is the best indicator of future performance, and Jimmy shows no signs of a change of heart, apart from talk, and a message that has been oft repeated over many years. Creativity comes from a spark and an inner drive that jimmy does not currently seem to possess, and that's okay. If he wants to collect records and hang out, he has earned the right to do so. I would just ask that he stop puffing the media this time every year, and making claims about what is and what shall never be.

Thank you, Dark Lord.

Not only has the speculation run its course, but the criticism has also.

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I would like to see page and jones tour. Clearly there was alot of work that went into reissued catalogue of zep. The instrumentals show that page and jones could put together an amazing show. How great would it be to hear page playing on the jpj song, zooma. Over the hills, jennings farm blues, battle of evermore, la la, black dog....theres a ton of potential for an instrumental show.

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I would like to see page and jones tour. Clearly there was alot of work that went into reissued catalogue of zep. The instrumentals show that page and jones could put together an amazing show. How great would it be to hear page playing on the jpj song, zooma. Over the hills, jennings farm blues, battle of evermore, la la, black dog....theres a ton of potential for an instrumental show.

I think that particular ship has already sailed. JPJ was interested in working with Page and Jason Bonham after the O2 concert but, for whatever reason, it didn't work out.

Two names I'll toss out as potential songwriting partners for Page:

1) Terry Reid. He was Page's first choice to be The New Yardbirds' lead singer but he had prior commitments. It was Reid who recommended Robert Plant to Page. Reid is a great blues rock singer who never obtained the level of success many thought he would. I don't think he's recorded in a while but from what I've read he's still performing.

2) Adam Ant. I know this sounds like a strange pairing but Ant is a proven songwriter and show man. Plus, he expressed interest in working with Jimmy Page during an interview back in 2012.

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I think that particular ship has already sailed. JPJ was interested in working with Page and Jason Bonham after the O2 concert but, for whatever reason, it didn't work out.

Two names I'll toss out as potential songwriting partners for Page:

1) Terry Reid. He was Page's first choice to be The New Yardbirds' lead singer but he had prior commitments. It was Reid who recommended Robert Plant to Page. Reid is a great blues rock singer who never obtained the level of success many thought he would. I don't think he's recorded in a while but from what I've read he's still performing.

2) Adam Ant. I know this sounds like a strange pairing but Ant is a proven songwriter and show man. Plus, he expressed interest in working with Jimmy Page during an interview back in 2012.

I saw page in 88 and sth was the encore. I saw jones in 99 and he did the vocal to black dog on pedal steel, it was great.

Those 2 could tour and it could be great.

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