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As if .. .

freddy fingers

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Well I think an important thing is, to base life on the senses in terms of that we base everything on what we can experience with the senses! Everything beyond the senses is basicaly a lie and has done more harm then good in the human history! So I think atheism is the best choice and then science as the method to explore the world and develope it positively. Then what we need is strong morals, in terms of enabling everybody to harmonically function, with everybody and develope his or hers potencials to the maximum and have all the basic psychologicall and material needs fullfilled! To do this we must find a way, to spread the resources more evenly and to realise how important compassion is and that just as we would like to be happy, others would like to be to! Now if someone has too much, others have nothing! Is that so hard to understand!? On my Slovenian blog, I wrote many essays on everday things in life and how we could approach them, so I know damn well, life can not be explained in short, instant recipes like one post on a forum and I also wrote for the theatre in Ptuj; I was the official reviewer, so please don't take my writing as if I'm trying to be some stupid guru! Whatever I say about religion and faith in the next paragraphs, is basicaly about all organized religion and the Bible is only mentioned because it's the most known and wide spread!

I think we should do good things for this life on earth and not because of a reward from a divine being, which would certainly have to be partially evil, if you look at the world! A god is defined as perfect in every way and Epicurus said that he can't really exist, because the world is not perfect(“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

) ! But god not of this definition could do anything, as it is and could easily do whatever he likes with you after dead, not matter how you lived and we still have no confirmed contact with god, so how can we even know, how exactly we have to live according to him and not according to us and of the best we can do !? If there would be any doors to other reality after death and an unpredictable being would be there or even an evil being, then there is nothing we could do and there is no need to worry. But god under the definition of being perfect, could only create heaven and there is no way, he could create hell. Also I think a perfect god, could create only good people and ther would still be free will! Why? Becaue one thing is, if you 'can't' do something, the other is if you 'don't want to'! So god could create perfect people that would 'not want' to' do evil and free will would still be! I think dissapearing when you die is nothing to be afraid of, it's not like being alone at the cemetery in the middle of the night, you are just gone! I think some people can't take it because of the ego too, like it just can't happen to them! Also some have panic when they are old on the death bed, but they should have known a disease or an accident can happen when you are not old, so you could always panic if you are not strong! Another thing is, that it's hard to take the world will go on and you won't, but if you think that when you are sitting in a room, all you are experiencing is that room and all the rest of the world and universe passes by and if you would die, even that room would pass by and it's not that much of a difference!

I think one thing that could also help us, is what Robert sings in No quarter, namely in live versions he sings, 'is it all a dream!?' ! What I'm saying is we could get rid of one of the basis of all the negative religious ideas like that! The constant problem about the origin of the universe! Now matter how the universe came to be and whether it will disappear or be always there and perhaps was always here, I think we can say, it doesn't even exist and it's all like fog ir mist! Try to imagine that vacuum which is nothing is actualy something and all the rest is nothing! It's not exactly a thing of physics, but it's philosophical turn around! Imagine nothing as something and something as nothing. You come to the conclusion, that everything is nothign and that nothing exists! This is not to be confused with solipsism, which makes someone believe only his mind exists and makes someone believe he can do anything without morals! Morals are very important and we don't need a god for that and it's also much easier to accept that the universe came to be from nothing, as it is nothing anyway! Andi if it did come from nothing, is that so strange really!? Isn't it all just like a fire coming from a lighter or a rain drop turning into a snow flake!? It's all such a miracle! And some things will still be explained further by science!

One of the problems on Earth is obviously the few rich having way to much, basing their riches on stealing, oil, middle east wars, being friends with evil politcians, then in the next moment fighting against them for profit! Another thing is poor social and health care, that should be available to everyone! The rich should realise, they simply have too much and that the only way, to keep the happiness, is to actually have less, pay bigger taxes and actully be happier that way! You know, riding a bus and giving to the poor, while still having the right to claim and get more money then most, if you are trully capable of getting it with a special talent and hard work and not crime.

I think some of this problems also have religous origins! In particulary the Old testament, has so much negativity and stupidity in it, that the good pails quite a lot! There is a lot of violence and killing in there, the old testament god is very violent and he himself goes against the extremely important commandment 'thou shall not kill' which is a terribel act! There are a lot of contradictions in there and a lot nebulosis, there are prejudices against women, which are many times treated like cattle, there are prejudices against homosexuals, that should be stoned, according to The Bible! Terrible things!

Many stories in the Old testament also are not meant to teach you anything, they just tell a historical story, for which there is no proof, so it's basicaly a lie and The Bible is suppose to teach you not to lie!? Right!? Also the Old testament supports slavery and was used many times in history for such purposes and surely influences capitalistic abuse, as one thing is normal capitalism and another is a beasty capitalism, with not goverment control and no heart, as the market can't control itself!

The New testament is better, but here you get quite a lot of stories about love, that again have no power of sofisticated psychology, sociology and philosophy and economy, to change the world! After two thousand years of Cristianity, we had two worst wars ever! So you think it works?! Still two of the most important ideas of the New testament are compassion and forgiveness! Compassion is very important, but too much compassion in certain circumstances can be bad. For example feeling such extreme compassion for someone who is suffering, that you are hugely destroying yourself in the procces is not good and we are also destroying the person that needs compassion in that case, because we give compassion in such a way, that we make that person weaker, because instead we should be giving him a bit less compassion and find ways to give strenght to that person! Another problem is compassion, where out of compassion, we let people do immoral things, because we forgive them, without trying to achieve change for the better in society! So because of such compassion, the humanity never really changes for the better! So there are types of compassion, where you can encourage weakness and it makes people and society weaker and that enables religions to exploit people! A thing like social security is very important, but promoting weakness is something totally different! Amazingly, the New testament also supports slavery and Jesus wants from people to chop their hands of, if they do a sin, which is totally stupid really!

As far as religious institutions, I think in a way, they are all the same! The big ones and the sects! The big ones did every possible crime in the past and now they can't anymore, because the law system is separate from them! And the old and new the ones like to financially exploit the believers! Some of the big ones, quite logically support many morals, that are very important, but obviously are not being completely faithfull to them, while at the same time they support many ideas that are not good to support, such as being against sexual preservatives, homosexuals and many other things including, how typical, other religions! Each religion believes, only they are good, just like small cults! The catholic pope is trying to change some things, but I think he is changing a type of institution, humanity doesn't really need!

What we need, is an organized society, where people live in organized way, that provides true happines to everybody, while still not being some socialist, totalitarian ant hive, where there is no true happines, as the freedom and creativity and difference between people are essential in society, buit it could be in ways, to make everyone happy!

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I also think, love between two people is a beautiful ideal, that was never really necessary linked to any society and religion and in todays egoistically individualistic world, can bring a lot of joy to two people, devoting their time and care to each other and latter to their children, even if one person can take good care of children!

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I've had thoughts about writing a story/script called 'The Trial Of God.' It would go somewhere along the lines of there being 14 parallel universes and 13 of them would put God from the one we live in on trial for negligence. The age old question would come up about how he could allow the humans to do what they do to each other without him intervening. And even though I am not a religious person, I feel that God really does have a hand in defeating evil in the world such as the case of World War 2 and recent events in history (Khmer Rouge, Rwanda, etc.). But on the other hand you do have to question how a supposedly 'loving God' could allow such horrors to occur. Of course in my story he would be found guilty. Problem is, what would his sentence be?

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Yeah shure, but it could also be insulting to some, as you can still somehow imagine god as a perfect being, that represents all best and to whom you pray for the better, just somehow excluding the problem of evil! So we have to be as nice as possible to those!

Edited by Matjaz1
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When all will be revealed.....

Something we are all still waiting for!! If it helps society, otherwise who the fuck cares, how the universe came to be ! It's good to know, but some

issues have to come first, no use spending money for telescopes, when you have such a crisis on Earth!

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Yeah shure, but it could also be insulting to some, as you can still somehow imagine god as a perfect being, that represents all best and to whom you pray for the better, just somehow excluding the problem of evil! So we have to be as nice as possible to those!

I'm well aware of that with the reaction of some to 'The Last Temptation Of Christ' when it came out in 1988.

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  • 4 months later...

Great day for an update. This Home scene they're putting out right now is Totally-Awesome. Record Albums, Games, and Everything. I Wouldn't miss a THING that's Coming-Out. AWESOME. Man...


Thanks, freddy fingers

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  • 2 months later...

I Found Out Today, that I HAD a-little Leisure-Time on My-hands and Throughout The Course of My Thought-Processes of Instilled FUN and Family-HOPE I grew A little uneasy when I was Going Over my Scenery here. I have Been enthralled for-some-time, by Art-Type-Things, MUSIC Being a Very Important Thing In my-life.. . Among THAT with with the Little TIMEX-Time That I've Had to THINK...Very Little As a matter of Fact.. ... Thinkinking A Little About the Technology Applied in Our Lives, AND The People That I've gotten to Share IT With. I Discovered that in the way I Like Overdoing-Things.. . ALOT, As a Matter-of- Fact... That I don't Have Any More- "Chill Out" Items- like regular, drinking glasses or drink-coasters for them. Which kind-of made me uneasy there for-a-minute.. ... I would really like to spend a little Action-Time with myself and Other People Too, so I can take-it-up a Level- with the social side of things. The most recent Delivery of THINGS in this Town, has been Pretty Nice-Cool and All. I haven't got a quarrey with Too-Much of it. So when I get-a-chance to do It, I want to Drop A-few Ice-cubes in a glass and Have some water to drink that makes The Time-That-I-spend go, Okay.

-freddy fingers

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This topic, has to do with life on earth and the well being of the planet. Say something if you feel the need. The little bits of instilling information you give are a greater move toward a brighter day for the people of this place.

Wow that's a tall order, "the well being of the planet"...Just try and smile, say hi, say thanks, listen, and try and be the best person you can be - oh and give a firm handshake I guess.

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"Among THAT with with the Little TIMEX-Time" and "I Discovered that in the way I Like Overdoing-Things".

(1) Welcome to my club!!! Except I'm not a Timex guy, I'm an Esquire guy when it comes to watches.

(2) Anything you are motivated to do is worth making sure you 'over do it' in my books otherwise why bother doing anything? We may as well just lay in bed all fucking day

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