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Tampa 1973 / 1977 - New Photos


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7 hours ago, EaglesOfOneNest said:

Great photos, that is a PACKED stadium!

So, for anyone that attended one or both concerts... which one was superior? Am I allowed to ask that question?! 

Well obviously 73 was superior, 77 got rained out after a couple songs.

"The band came out firing on all cylinders for the short time they were on stage in front the +70,000 people at the Tampa Stadium that evening. After blazing, shredding and pummeling through very impressive performances of 'The Song Remains the Same' and 'The Rover/Sick Again', Robert Plant greeted the ecstatic crowd, lamenting on the four year absence since their record-breaking show at the Stadium on May 5, 1973. Unfortunately, partway through 'Nobody's Fault But Mine', mother nature intervened, pouring rain on the crowd, band, and the equipment, much to the fright of the crew. After the song was over, Robert relayed to the ocean of wild fans that the band were to take a 15 minute break and return.
As one fan from that day recalled, "For a good 45 minutes it rained like I've never seen before, then it totally cleared up, and we were expecting the show to go on. But with no explanation, the announcer came on and said the concert was cancelled. The fans couldn't understand why. Bottles of liquor were being hurled onto the stage, and then police in riot gear came charging over the barricades and swatting fans."
It didn't help that the tickets read, "GOOD THIS DATE ONLY/RAIN OR SHINE". After the riot the show was to be rescheduled for the next day, but the level of violence put a stop to any chances of that."

Also of note, the 73 show broke the single concert attendance record at the time, previously held by the Beatles 65 Shea Stadium concert.

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