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Robert Lindblad beat James Randi at his contest called PUT UP OR SHUT UP in 1992


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A message to the The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge promoter James Randi you still owe me $10,000 from when I beat you at your contest called PUT UP OR SHUT UP in 1992 .... and you never put up the $10,000 you promised or shut up about your outright lie that psychics don't exist you then even raised the prize to a million and changed the name of the challenge after I won your challenge and being a magician you magically decided to hide that truth from everyone pretty easy to do when you choose what to tell people and not what to tell people ... as a magician your profession is to hide the truth and you have done so very well too bad you incorporated the outright lie that psychics do not exist in your act. And when you state that police have never mentioned that a psychic has ever solved a missing childs' case you know why ... it is because police never mention their informants whether that person is psychic or not however like a deceptive magician you leave that fact out of your statement... if you just stated that some psychics are fake but not all and I want to weed out the fakers you would sound better and it would make a lot more sense. Just visit my website where their are news articles and investigative documentary concerning my work that prove it. The most recent news article concerning my work which I have been doing on a daily basis, free of charge, internationally since 1991 can be seen if you just Google : I was crying, I was excited, I was just so grateful

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1 hour ago, roblindblad said:

A message to the The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge promoter James Randi you still owe me $10,000 from when I beat you at your contest called PUT UP OR SHUT UP in 1992 .... and you never put up the $10,000 you promised or shut up about your outright lie that psychics don't exist you then even raised the prize to a million and changed the name of the challenge after I won your challenge and being a magician you magically decided to hide that truth from everyone pretty easy to do when you choose what to tell people and not what to tell people ... as a magician your profession is to hide the truth and you have done so very well too bad you incorporated the outright lie that psychics do not exist in your act. And when you state that police have never mentioned that a psychic has ever solved a missing childs' case you know why ... it is because police never mention their informants whether that person is psychic or not however like a deceptive magician you leave that fact out of your statement... if you just stated that some psychics are fake but not all and I want to weed out the fakers you would sound better and it would make a lot more sense. Just visit my website where their are news articles and investigative documentary concerning my work that prove it. The most recent news article concerning my work which I have been doing on a daily basis, free of charge, internationally since 1991 can be seen if you just Google : I was crying, I was excited, I was just so grateful

You'r a psychic? Right on brother, have I been needing your services for some time. If you can PM me the winning Powerball numbers for the next drawing I will gladly split the award 50 / 50 with you. Who cares about a paltry $10,000 when you and I can be eyeballs deep in the cheddar.

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9 hours ago, IpMan said:

Maybe he can help me find my wife's little man in a boat, whatever the hell that is. All I know is my wife says I have not found it in years.


So you're a voyeur? 😉

...and now for something completely different, the creepiest American television commercial of all time...


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5 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

So you're a voyeur? 😉

...and now for something completely different, the creepiest American television commercial of all time...


What the hell does a man in a boat, a small one at that, have to do with voyeurism?  I am confused. Why is life so complicated???

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46 minutes ago, slave to zep said:

Jeez men are so childish 😔

That is why we need understanding, kind, and compassionate women to make sure we don't make too much of a mess.

I kinda always looked at the man - woman dichotomy along the same lines as Hong Kong Phooey & his sidekick Spot. Phooey is essentially an incompetent buffoon who's ass is always saved (along with the day) by Spot. Phooey is too dim to realize it is Spot taking care of business and not him so he always basks in the spotlight while Spot snickers in the corner.

Men are Hong Kong Phooey, women are Spot...and thank god for Spot.

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  • 1 month later...

James Randi founded CSICOP so that he could expand his cash influx. Once again the evidence is clear in the investigative reports by J.E. and The Journal de Montreal who are investigators out to bust fraud artists, the S.O.S. investigative documentary I was on in Japan , and the news articles concerning the missing dog I found in Lake Oswego , Oregon in real time over the phone from here in Montreal were done by professional investigative reporters not people who were there to make friends or money. James Randi is not a professional investigator he is a magician who has made a very financialy healthy career out of telling people that psychics do not exist... and being a magician he gives himself the right to hide the truth as hiding the truth is integral to magicianship and since he is making a very healthy profit off his act - the act of stating that psychics do not exist - so it is all part of magicianship and part of his act and he is fine with that.

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Here is an update 

A message to the The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge promoter James Randi you still owe me, Robert Lindblad, $10,000 from when I beat you at your contest called PUT UP OR SHUT UP in 1992 .... and you never put up the $10,000 you promised or shut up about your outright lie that psychics don't exist you then even raised the prize to a million and changed the name of the challenge after I won your challenge and being a magician you magically decided to hide that truth from everyone pretty easy to do when you choose what to tell people and not what to tell people ... as a magician your profession is to hide the truth and you have done so very well too bad you incorporated the outright lie that psychics do not exist in your act. And when you state that police have never mentioned that a psychic has ever solved a missing childs' case you know why ... it is because police never mention their informants whether that person is psychic or not however like a deceptive magician you leave that fact out of your statement... if you just stated that some psychics are fake but not all and I want to weed out the fakers you would sound better and it would make a lot more sense. Just visit my website where their are news articles and investigative documentary concerning my work that prove it. 
You believe in James Randi professing that psychics do not exist. You have read his books and listened to him speak however he has created a very narrow point of view from which to view the subject he has created that psychics do not exist. So it being that you believe absolutely in what he is saying you know as an educated observer that evidence that is proven through investigation of a subject is undeniable.
Here is undeniable proof documented by investigative journalists:
 The articles of Le Journal de Montreal 31-05-98 & 01-06-98 on my site are certifiably acceptable in a court of law as evidence. In the article of Le Journal de Montreal 31-05-98 I stated to the mother Saturday morning over the phone within two minutes of her call that her son who had been missing for near a month and a half had accidentaly drowned and in which body of water his corpse was. The next day they found his corpse floating in the body of water which I had pointed out to the mother the day before and this was printed in the Le Journal de Montreal of 01-06-98. When the mother called me she had asked if I heard of her sons' case. I said "No but I can help." She then filled me in on the details that he had been missing for near a month and a half and that police with hundreds of volunteers, divers, searh dogs, and helicopters had been searching daily since the day he went missing with no results as to what happened to him, whether he was living or dead, and his whereabouts. Within two minutes I told her that her son had accidentaly drowned and in which body of water his corpse was and the next day they found his corpse floating in the body of water I had pointed out to the mother.
Their is also another news article providing undeniable evidence concerning a dog I found in Lake Oswego, Oregon from here in Montreal.    

James Randi founded CSICOP so that he could expand his cash influx. Once again the evidence is clear in the investigative reports by J.E. and The Journal de Montreal who are investigators out to bust fraud artists, the S.O.S. investigative documentary I was on in Japan , and the news articles concerning the missing dog I found in Lake Oswego , Oregon in real time over the phone from here in Montreal were done by professional investigative reporters not people who were there to make friends or money. James Randi is not a professional investigator he is a magician who has made a very financialy healthy career out of telling people that psychics do not exist... and being a magician he gives himself the right to hide the truth as hiding the truth is integral to magicianship and since he is making a very healthy profit off his act - the act of stating that psychics do not exist - so it is all part of magicianship and part of his act and he is fine with that.
James Randis' Million Dollar Challenge is nothing more than a vaudeville act that keeps you focused on him making you ignore evidence provided by investigative journalists whos' job is to bust fraud artists, evidence provided parents of missing children, and evidence provided by owners of missing pets from all over the world over that of an illusionist who has made a very financially profitable entrprise out of telling people that psychics do not exist. 
... here is a song for all James Randi followers provided by directly by Murray Head 



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