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Help with pants project


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I'm going to *attempt* to make myself some pants like Jimmy wears in the Madison Square Garden show.

you know the ones...they have big silver strips of fabric around the bottom and lots of stars and some studs around the zipper area. Can you guys help me find some really good pictures of these pants?


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Here's a couple of decent ones I've found:



For my birthday last year, we went out with the dress theme of rock stars, and I made a pair. I just cut out the patterns on felt and sewed them onto black trousers. I'm sure there's been better trousers made, but it was fun to do anyway! With a zep shirt, they're now my pyjamas! :D


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For my birthday last year, we went out with the dress theme of rock stars, and I made a pair. I just cut out the patterns on felt and sewed them onto black trousers. I'm sure there's been better trousers made, but it was fun to do anyway! With a zep shirt, they're now my pyjamas! :D


great jammies joolia88!!

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Here's a couple of decent ones I've found:



For my birthday last year, we went out with the dress theme of rock stars, and I made a pair. I just cut out the patterns on felt and sewed them onto black trousers. I'm sure there's been better trousers made, but it was fun to do anyway! With a zep shirt, they're now my pyjamas! :D



I just started my pants tonight, and I'm doing the same thing you did...basically cutting out the patterns and sewing them onto some black trousers. Gotta say...not as easy as you'd think! hehe

I'll post a picture when I'm done :) And then I will go out and parade around town like a rock star

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great jammies joolia88!!

:) Thanks mordormaiden!

I just started my pants tonight, and I'm doing the same thing you did...basically cutting out the patterns and sewing them onto some black trousers. Gotta say...not as easy as you'd think! hehe

I'll post a picture when I'm done :) And then I will go out and parade around town like a rock star

It got quite difficult attempting to sew the patterns on around the knee. Though I found drawing the dragon hard. I practised on paper a few times so the dragon looked like his, but my attempts looked like snake with growths, not a dragon! My dad ended up drawing something that resembled the dragon from the Deep Purple album 'Battle rages on'. I hope your dragon turns out alright! :D Good luck with them! Can't wait to see them! :D

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WOW thanks Tyedye! Some of those pics really show off the studs well, I was having no luck at at all finding pics that showed them properly.

As far as the dragon...well...hehe...I decided to take a small amount of creative liberty and change it into a comet. The dragon would have just been too hard! (lol- "snake with growths"). Today I sewed on the silver cuffs, the Saturn and my comet and it took like five hours! It will all be worth it though

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WOW thanks Tyedye! Some of those pics really show off the studs well, I was having no luck at at all finding pics that showed them properly.

As far as the dragon...well...hehe...I decided to take a small amount of creative liberty and change it into a comet. The dragon would have just been too hard! (lol- "snake with growths"). Today I sewed on the silver cuffs, the Saturn and my comet and it took like five hours! It will all be worth it though

You are quite welcome.

They definetly show off the stud...I mean studs. B)

They are in a starburst pattern.

The dragon on JP's space suit looks like a chinese dragon.

It would look beautiful if it were embrodered. The one on his pants are probably embrodered.

some chinese dragon images I googled just for fun. :)


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