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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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One thing I'll never forgive nor forget is under Bush's administration, they sent our troops overseas without proper equipment and armor. That was largely reported back in 2002-03, but Cheney and Rumsfeld both failed to act, instead acknowledging it and basically saying, "Oh well." They all deserve the chair for that one.

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It's unfortunate that nothing will happen to Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, and others involved. I don't think the Senate and/or Congress will hold them accountable for their criminal and war crimes. It would be interesting to see if they ever set foot in an International Criminal Court or in a US court.

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As much as I've disagreed with Iraq and other ill-fated decisions that have left America weaker, I think the one and only thing that is triable in international court is Gitmo. That is an autrocity in its own right and proves how low some are willing to sacrifice our beliefs in our own laws in gaining what?

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One thing Americans have is a short term memory - many may vote for Bush since he was governor of FL and Americans will forget about his brother's presidency. It will be interesting to see if Jeb actually does run for the FL senate seat since Senator Martinez will not run for re-election.

Nobody with a BRAIN would ever forget. or vote for anyone named "Bush" ever again.

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  • 3 years later...

Is it time to revive this thread? How is Pres. Obummer working for you all?

Mitt looks to have the GOP nomination in hand, so it will likely be between him and Barry this fall. It's like choosing between being stabbed to death or burned to death, IMO.


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