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Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking or asbestos'

The Rover

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Unfortunately, I have spent thousands of hours with a cell phone pressed against my head, and will likely continue to do so, even though I know it's bad, but sometimes you can't avoid it.

I need to be more aware of this and change my habits. I talk on the phone A LOT. I have many friends all over the world, here also, and I am getting phone calls all the time with people expecting to talk for quite awhile to catch up.

I guess I need to buy a head set or something.

I have always heard the potential dangers, but of course, they have always denied them.

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I'm one of the rare few who has NEVER owned a cell phone. Very proud of that fact.

I remember when cell phones were actually used for their real purpose; by business people constantly on-the-go, by doctors that need to be reached in emergencies etc.. Now eleven year-olds use them to send text messages to their friends in the class next door...or by some troll that's having a conversation (that keeps cutting out, thereby increasing the yelling) next to me as I ride the bus.

It's another trend I refuse to follow. And don't get me started on those obnoxious ring tones :rant:

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And don't get me started on those obnoxious ring tones :rant:

Mine is "Crazy Train" by Ozzy - "ALL ABOARD! HAHAHAHA!"

I work in a noisy facillity and that was the only one that would catch my attention.

But I do agree about the public misuse. I prefer to walk off when having a conversation because I don't want others in my business :ph34r:

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One of my neighbors was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I don't remember him using a cell phone very often, but you don't always know what you get exposed to these days.

That's exactly it. If you take every study too seriously then you'll never leave the house because somehow everything causes cancer. In the cell phone case, limit your calls and don't misuse your cell phone by treating it as if it were a house phone, indulging in hour long conversations. I'm sure if the cell phone craze would die down, beepers could make a comeback. Yes, beepers are not the coolest of gadgets but at least they don't pose a risk to your health. (Or at least I don't think they do)

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I can't stand this cell-phone culture. As I'm walking through the university campuses I frequent, at least half the people around me are blabbing away disconnected with the immediate surroundings. I wish there was a booth surrounding them too. It would be appropriate.


Cell phones are so fucking overused these days. Can't people talk AT HOME, fer fuck's sakes?

For business/emergency reasons, I understand. Beyond that it's ridiculous at times.

Aren't cellphones as well as instant messaging and even forums part of paradigm shift, as far as peronal relationships go? Makes me wonder where things are headed now that people confide with friends they may never, or very rarely actually see or touch. We can lament all we want, but the change is already here.

Having given this a tiny bit of thought , I looked it up. The most interesting conclusion comes from an MIT discussion where the speaker summarized...

"Cell phones are enabling people to create their own micro-cultures; they are changing cultural norms and values, and demonstrating consumers' ability to modify and repurpose technology for their own use. I believe that cell phones, by allowing people to insulate their private interactions from the culture around them, will encourage a kind of “walled garden” of micro-cultures that is complex, but exclusive."(http://web.mit.edu/comm-forum/forums/cell_phone_culture.htm)

It's no fun being on the outside of any such barrier. This is what makes witnessing cell phones used as such so annoying.

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This is old news. It was discussed in the late 1990s right before the boom took off. Alot of medical scientists warned about the exposure to radiation and the significant chance of increased brain tumors among regular mobile phone users.

But it was quickly swept under the rug when it was obvious the 'cell phone' was about to become a trillion dollar industry overnight.

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This is old news. It was discussed in the late 1990s right before the boom took off. Alot of medical scientists warned about the exposure to radiation and the significant chance of increased brain tumors among regular mobile phone users.

But it was quickly swept under the rug when it was obvious the 'cell phone' was about to become a trillion dollar industry overnight.

Money Talks and Shit Walks :rolleyes:

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If brain tumors are the equalizer of the human race for the future, I guess we can forget about over populating.

It's already happening in many other ways. Like family size is going down, people having less and less children.

We for instance only have one son so when my wife and I pass there is only 1-2 ratio.

If you had worked in the industry I have in the past you would understand that even with all the recent pollution controls and consumer protections, it's too late to do anything about the garbage we're pumping into the water table.

I predict that( maybe not in our lifetime ) man will perish do to lack of clean water.

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Unfortunately, I have spent thousands of hours with a cell phone pressed against my head, and will likely continue to do so, even though I know it's bad, but sometimes you can't avoid it.

I need to be more aware of this and change my habits. I talk on the phone A LOT. I have many friends all over the world, here also, and I am getting phone calls all the time with people expecting to talk for quite awhile to catch up.

I guess I need to buy a head set or something.

I have always heard the potential dangers, but of course, they have always denied them.

Landline and answering machine works fine and ...

no extra charges nor health hazards

I mean people and buisnesses have survived without cellphones for quite a long time already

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