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60's Garage Rock, Nuggets, Pebbles & Back From The Grave


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Not to put words into Kiwi's mouth or anything but reading that quote in context and from a different pair of eyes I think what Kiwi meant by that is her dislike of rap is similar to those who think post-70's music is bad.

Yep! That's exactly it! I was trying to convey the fact that my mentality towards rap resembles the sort of mentality some of the folks on here (whose names I don't want to mention) have towards post 70's music! My dad is rather guilty of that but I don't mind as long as he doesn't have a problem with the current stuff I listen to! ;)

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Yep, now that I read her entire post again I get the same feeling.

Jahfin, if I had the sort of mentality that all post-70's music is rubbish, I would be the biggest idiot on the planet! Like I've said before, there are plenty of rock bands "out there" who are not a part of the group of bands whose music pretty much gets beaten to death by corporate radio! You just have to make an effort to find them! Thanks to this forum alone, I've discovered quite a few bands formed in the 21st Century like "Graveyard", "Radio Moscow", "The Sadies", "Imperial State Electric", "Witch", etc. I am even a member of sites like last.fm since I am ALWAYS on the hunt for new music! B) Also, my folks are pretty liberal too as to what kind of stuff I choose to listen to. Like my mom once said : "If a particular band or artist makes you happy and if their music makes you relax and unwind, don't let me stop you!" ;) and she pretty much tells my dad to adopt the same sort of attitude towards my tastes in music B)

Hope this clears things up! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only thing I like about your post is the photo of the ying-yang symbol. Please be aware that "The Grateful Dead" is NOT a 60's garage rock band. And not all Garage Rock is psychedelic. By the way, not to be rude or anything, but do your font sizes have to be that large? Do you mind reducing it a bit, please? Thanks!

i WAS REFERRING TO EARLY dEAD OF COURSE....THEY WERE garage ALL THE WAY in the beginning...pls pay ATTENTION to yer psychedelia!!:):)

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  • 1 month later...

I think these little tunes I posted makes up for the fact that I really went off topic on this thread, I hope? ;)

I hope the 80s Paisley Underground scene is allowed in here...:):)

Since I am the creator of this thread I allow you to go off topic as much as you want to! ;)

I don't like too many rules and regulations. B)

Spidersandsnakes, many of my friends is really into the 80's paisley and neo-garage rock scenes. Even though I am playing in a neo garage rock band I must admit I prefer the 60's garage rock scene myself. It's from there i seek my inspiration, together with the blues and r'n'b of the 50's and early 60's. I do like some of the newer garage bands too, but they are kind of few. I am very hard to please. :DB)

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Spidersandsnakes, many of my friends is really into the 80's paisley and neo-garage rock scenes. Even though I am playing in a neo garage rock band I must admit I prefer the 60's garage rock scene myself. It's from there i seek my inspiration, together with the blues and r'n'b of the 50's and early 60's. I do like some of the newer garage bands too, but they are kind of few. I am very hard to please. :DB)

No worries man....as long as you play that FUZZ:):)

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Not a big fan of The Fuzztones either, but they're not bad. I do like Bad News Travel Fast and a couple of other tracks..

Here's a couple of pics of my band with Rudy of The Fuzztones, after one of the gig we did in Berlin last year. It was a pleasant surprise he came to watch us play and we got to meet him:



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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope the 80s Paisley Underground scene is allowed in here...:):)

Hey! :) Listen, I'm really sorry that I was rather rude and uptight in some of my posts to you. I, sometimes, do tend to get very carried away with the threads I really love around here and well, this thread happens to be my favourite thread of all! Folks have told me time and time again that it is rather rare for people my age (folks in their early 20's) to be this fond of 60's Garage rock! :lol: I guess I am really addicted to Garage Rock from the 60's because my liking for this genre was influenced from a very early age by my mom's music tastes. She adores bands like "The Sonics", "The Ventures" and the rather obscure ones like "The Treytones" and this pretty cool French Garage Rock band called "Les 5 Gentlemen". They sang completely in French but the melody was really intriguing! B) Oh and there was this cool Mexican Garage Rock band in the 60's which she loved too going by the name "Los Sinners". And no, she couldn't understand the lyrics but the melody was foot tapping from start to finish! :D Strangely, she didn't know what she was listening to, was indeed "Garage Rock". She came to know only when I told her!

Here's a song by "Les 5 Gentlemen". This I think comes under Freakbeat. Has a rather cool vibe to it, if you ask me! B)


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Since I am the creator of this thread I allow you to go off topic as much as you want to! ;)

I don't like too many rules and regulations. B)

Thank you! :D

As a matter of fact, I am not at all fond of too many rules and regulations either! It tends to suck the fun out of things! B) It's just that, I have actually seen people getting banned on other forums just because they happen to be off topic! It's very ridiculous in my opinion but that's the way certain forums are structured! And I feared that I might suffer the same fate! :unsure:

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I haven't contributed to this thread in ages and quite frankly, it's high time I did! ;)

I would like to post a few of my mom's favourite Garage Rock tunes she heard during her college days on the radio (yes! the radio was actually a good place to find great music, those days :rolleyes: ) There used to be this cool radio show called "import" where, every friday from 5 to 6 PM, they used to air songs belonging to all sorts of genres from all over the world (be it psychedelic rock, punk, garage rock and so on) (from countries like France, Spain and Mexico, apart from the UK and U.S of course). My mom used to tune in quite frequently and this radio show used to be the highlight of her week, so to speak! :D

Apart from "Les 5 Gentlemen", she did like "Les problèmes" (a lot!) They were kinda psych / freakbeat I guess and I too think they sound cool! :D When I asked her about any language barriers she might have faced while listening to songs like these, her exact reply was "Language barriers?! Who Cares?! Those days, it was all about the melody, baby!". I guess I can certainly learn a lot from her! :D

And anyone here heard of "The Alarm Clocks"? They sure sound super, to me! They were another band whose songs had been featured quite a few times! :D

And yep! Japanese bands were part of the show too! A good example was "The Golden Cups" :D


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Oh and I'm sure all of you have heard of "The Fabulous Wailers". I believe they were considered to be the very first Garage rock band, ever?! and that "The Sonics" were highly influenced by their music?! I'm not quite sure if I've got my facts straight but they sound good! :D

Another one by "The Fabulous Wailers" :D


And here is a rather rare tune by a band called "The Primates"

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Hey! :) Listen, I'm really sorry that I was rather rude and uptight in some of my posts to you. I, sometimes, do tend to get very carried away with the threads I really love around here and well, this thread happens to be my favourite thread of all! Folks have told me time and time again that it is rather rare for people my age (folks in their early 20's) to be this fond of 60's Garage rock! :lol: I guess I am really addicted to Garage Rock from the 60's because my liking for this genre was influenced from a very early age by my mom's music tastes. She adores bands like "The Sonics", "The Ventures" and the rather obscure ones like "The Treytones" and this pretty cool French Garage Rock band called "Les 5 Gentlemen". They sang completely in French but the melody was really intriguing! B) Oh and there was this cool Mexican Garage Rock band in the 60's which she loved too going by the name "Los Sinners". And no, she couldn't understand the lyrics but the melody was foot tapping from start to finish! :D Strangely, she didn't know what she was listening to, was indeed "Garage Rock". She came to know only when I told her!

Here's a song by "Les 5 Gentlemen". This I think comes under Freakbeat. Has a rather cool vibe to it, if you ask me! B)



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Here's a song by "Les 5 Gentlemen". This I think comes under Freakbeat. Has a rather cool vibe to it, if you ask me! B)


Wow! Never heard anything like this before! I knew I should have paid more attention to French in school! It's unique, it's different and it's rare. That is the definition of cool, in my book, you know? B)

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Your reaction cracked me up! :lol:

Wow! Never heard anything like this before! I knew I should have paid more attention to French in school! It's unique, it's different and it's rare. That is the definition of cool, in my book, you know?

You think? B)

The thing is Emma Jane, I posted that tune there for two reasons. One is that my mom loves it and two, like you very rightly pointed out, it is different and unique (and a bit obscure, I guess?) and I just had to mention this band here! :D And believe me, I ain't no expert in French. I can speak the language and write essays and everything but somehow, I am not as comfortable conversing in French than I am in English. But, as far as I know, music is supposed to be something unique and different and it's supposed to dissolve any kind of barrier be it language or cultural! ;)

Anyway, enough of my lecturing! I gotta get back to the music! :lol:

Anyone heard of "The Chancellors"? There is something about them which is rather hypnotic! I guess it's the cool keyboard sounds! If you love tracks like "Light My Fire" by "The Doors", then, give these guys a listen! You won't be disappointed! B)

And here's my mom's fav by "The Chancellors" (for obvious reasons!)

It's an instrumental Garage Rock track and I do think the title of the song "Journey" is very apt!

And again, check out the divine keyboard sounds! :wub:

And guys, don't freak out, but here's another cool French Garage Rock tune! I stumbled on this yesterday!

It is at times like these that I wish I could just go out there and get myself a lovely turntable! *Sigh!

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I'm really glad you like that track by "Les 5 Gentlemen", Swede! :D And yep! I thought it sounded trippy too! B) I love trippy stuff! ;)

My mom recommended this band to me. At first, I thought she was kidding because I had never come across a French Garage Rock band before but she kept nagging me about this band and I had to check it out and I immediately thought of this thread! :D

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