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Swedish Snus


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So, I haven't smoked in a couple months.

I started to do some random research and came across a product called Snus.

it is a Swedish smokeless tobacco product which is almost completely safe.

So, if you are intertested in quitting smoking, or you dip tobacco, i recommend you check out this product.

I won't provide links or anything, just do a search, and read up on it.

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1. no proper scientific study has ever shown snus to chause cancer in the mouth.

don't think me wrong, of course it is harmfull, but regarding the statistics

and study on the matter, the danger is probably around 5% out of that from

smoking or other tobacco products.

2. yes it can smell a little of piss, but it only smells when the can is open,

and it dosn't stick to the clothes.

here in Norway snus is very common, specialy after the smoking bans.

I have used it from the age of 16 myself.

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I have read a lot about it, and it appears to be an extremely safe product.

I use lossnus and it is very gently on my gums, and I haven't had any irritation or anything. My teeth also are white and haven't been stained.

Comparing this to American tobacco, like Copenhagen, you can really see how safe it is.

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it will stain your teeth, it will irritate and sooner or later make

a room under your upper lip and eat away the string that

conects your upper lip and the gum above your uppet teeth.

but as far as mouth cancer go, the risk is minimal, and damage to

your health on the same level.

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I have read a lot about it, and it appears to be an extremely safe product.

I use lossnus and it is very gently on my gums, and I haven't had any irritation or anything. My teeth also are white and haven't been stained.

Comparing this to American tobacco, like Copenhagen, you can really see how safe it is.

Maybe not....

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That picture is an extreme example. I think anyone that has used this product can say that the condition of their mouths, will never approach that, even with a life time of use.

As far as the pancreatic cancer risk, most of the men in that study were ex-smokers, so it is unclear how much snus contributed to it.

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Thread title: "Swedish Snus, smokeless tobacco which is harmless."

Don't kid yourself, bud,.. there's no such thing as "harmless" tobacco. Snus may carry a lower cancer risk than cigarettes, but that absolutely does not equate with snus being "harmless". Any tobacco product that is put into the body is going to carry the risk of cancer. People who want to take that risk, I certainly don't begrudge them that personal choice. I'm not judging or condemning anyone, I'm merely suggesting that they not delude themselves into believing smokeless tobacco (whether it be snus, snuff, or chewing tobacco) is "harmless" or "safe", that's all.

In any case,.. I support your intention to kick the cigarette habit, DRUNK. :cheer:


Not risk-free

Swedish snus makers say the production process there is different from similar products in the U.S., adding that they work hard to remove carcinogens during manufacturing. But snus is far from harmless; about 30 carcinogens have been found in the smokeless tobacco. In 2004, the Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice upheld a ban on the substance, ruling that the dangers of snus merited its being outlawed.

However, the two studies show snus may not be as harmful as previously thought, and far less harmful than cigarettes. International researchers followed 279,897 male Swedish construction workers from 1978 to 1992. About 26 percent were snus users, 37 percent were smokers and the rest never used tobacco.

For smokers, the incidence rate of pancreatic cancer was 13 cases per 100,000. That rate dropped to 8.8 cases per 100,000 for snus users. Among those who did not use tobacco, the rate was 3.9 cases per 100,000.


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Well, nothing is totally harmless, but I've read every bit of info I can, and I'd have to say that snus is near harmless, and something one should consider as an alternative to the tobacco products they're currently using

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