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Little Rascals Trivia Time!

jimmie ray

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This is all from memory, so I won't try to post the episode titles. You all try to answer any or all 10 questions, then maybe me or someone else can post more? Let's see how it goes (forgive any mistakes):

1- What was the vegetable that gave Stymie fits, trying to peel?

2- What foul tasting household product wound up in Miss Crabtree's soup?

3- What is Norman's nickname, especially when wooing Miss Crabtree?

4- What is the mule's name, who pulled the gang's taxi?

5- What projectile did Alfalfa hit Butch in the forehead with, while trick shooting?

6- What animals powered the gang's boat, in the race against Waldo?

7- What's the gang's dog, with the circle around one eye, name?

8- What was the name of the club for the boy members only?

9- What song did the oldlady sing at the piano, before breaking her pill bottles with a slingshot?

10- What noise did the birthday cake of swell prizes make, when it first came out of the oven?

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This is all from memory, so I won't try to post the episode titles. You all try to answer any or all 10 questions, then maybe me or someone else can post more? Let's see how it goes (forgive any mistakes):

1- What was the vegetable that gave Stymie fits, trying to peel?

2- What foul tasting household product wound up in Miss Crabtree's soup?

3- What is Norman's nickname, especially when wooing Miss Crabtree?

4- What is the mule's name, who pulled the gang's taxi?

5- What projectile did Alfalfa hit Butch in the forehead with, while trick shooting?

6- What animals powered the gang's boat, in the race against Waldo?

7- What's the gang's dog, with the circle around one eye, name?

8- What was the name of the club for the boy members only?

9- What song did the oldlady sing at the piano, before breaking her pill bottles with a slingshot?

10- What noise did the birthday cake of swell prizes make, when it first came out of the oven?

#7 - Petey

#8 - He Man Woman Haters Club

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This is all from memory, so I won't try to post the episode titles. You all try to answer any or all 10 questions, then maybe me or someone else can post more? Let's see how it goes (forgive any mistakes):

1- What was the vegetable that gave Stymie fits, trying to peel?

2- What foul tasting household product wound up in Miss Crabtree's soup?

3- What is Norman's nickname, especially when wooing Miss Crabtree?

4- What is the mule's name, who pulled the gang's taxi?

6- What animals powered the gang's boat, in the race against Waldo?

7- What's the gang's dog, with the circle around one eye, name?

8- What was the name of the club for the boy members only?

Some answered before. but:

1. An artichoke

2. Moth balls??

3. Chubby

4. Algebra?

6. Geese/ducks

7. Pete

8. He Man Woman Haters' Club

Okay, what was Froggy's real name? :beer:

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You guys got numbers 1 to 8 fast, only 9 and 10 left! 10 could have more than one answer, as many noises were made. I'll try to give 10 more tommorow afternoon, or someone else can gladly give the next 10.

My gang always frowned on Froggy episodes, I seem to remember - so I'm stumped on his name?

Sorry, Evster...

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5. A dart.

I think this correct answer certainly clears up any misconceptions that spats is really a robot or from Mars, right?

(*Tommorow's quiz will probably feature another question from this episode, so bone up!)

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You guys got numbers 1 to 8 fast, only 9 and 10 left! 10 could have more than one answer, as many noises were made. I'll try to give 10 more tommorow afternoon, or someone else can gladly give the next 10.

My gang always frowned on Froggy episodes, I seem to remember - so I'm stumped on his name?

Sorry, Evster...

#10-A cow sound! :D I loved that one.

Also: 'Yum Yum, Eat 'em Up!' :D

The OLD, OLD ones were the best. I have an autograph from 'Echo' (Dorothy DeBorba)

Chubby: 'If love is like a rose, I will pick my rose in the bud!'

Echo: 'If love is like a rose, I will stick my nose in the mud!'


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#10-A cow sound! :D I loved that one.

Also: 'Yum Yum, Eat 'em Up!' :D


Pretty good - but you just ruined one of today's (later) questions with the "Uncle George" reference. I was really saving that one for "Round 2". I know, it's hard to hold your enthusiasm!!!

#10 - could also be "weeeeep - waaaaa", or "wawawawawawaaaaaa", or " waaaaaaahhhhhh - wooowwwww" - any noise like that is close.

# 9 is still unanswered - how can I start Round 2, when we only score a 90???

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O.K. - just got a warning that I might be sent out on the road for my job, so I'm starting Round 2 now:

1- What Shakespeare character did Buckwheat get the last minute call for, in the gang's play?

2- What historical line did Spanky struggle through, while being pelted with spitballs by the gang?

3- What guarded the treasure chest, in Spanky's nightmare, where the gang was captured?

4- Which two young characters had mamaters (tomatoes) smooshed in their faces by Butch?

5- What was Butch's sidekick's nickname?

6- What did Alfalfa and Spanky get stuck hanging over, while trying to impress Darla with chin-ups?

7- What slippery objects on the football field helped the gang score the winning touchdown?

8- What food was the old man's only daily offering at the orphanage (?) the gang stayed at?

9- What food "talked" to Stymie in the kitchen?

10- What was the name of the gang's musical group, that played "Daring Young Man on the Trapeze"?

Hope I can check back soon, and don't forget Round 1, question # 9 is still hanging. O-tay?

Edited by jimmie ray
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O.K. - just got a warning that I might be sent out on the road for my job, so I'm starting Round 2 now:

1- What Shakespeare character did Buckwheat get the last minute call for, in the gang's play?

2- What historical line did Spanky struggle through, while being pelted with spitballs by the gang?

3- What guarded the treasure chest, in Spanky's nightmare, where the gang was captured?

4- Which two young characters had mamaters (tomatoes) smooshed in their faces by Butch?

5- What was Butch's sidekick's nickname?

6- What did Alfalfa and Spanky get stuck hanging over, while trying to impress Darla with chin-ups?

7- What slippery objects on the football field helped the gang score the winning touchdown?

8- What food was the old man's only daily offering at the orphanage (?) the gang stayed at?

9- What food "talked" to Stymie in the kitchen?

10- What was the name of the gang's musical group, that played "Daring Young Man on the Trapeze"?

Hope I can check back soon, and don't forget Round 1, question # 9 is still hanging. O-tay?

Have you been watching these recently because this is pretty hard. I haven't watched the episodes in a quite a while. But i will give it a try.

1. Juliet

4. Buckwheat and Porky.

5. Woim

7. Banana peels

8. Mush

9. Eggs

Why would spanky and alfalfa try and impress Darla with chin ups? Ugh. :o

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O.K. - just got a warning that I might be sent out on the road for my job, so I'm starting Round 2 now:

1- What Shakespeare character did Buckwheat get the last minute call for, in the gang's play?

2- What historical line did Spanky struggle through, while being pelted with spitballs by the gang?

3- What guarded the treasure chest, in Spanky's nightmare, where the gang was captured?

4- Which two young characters had mamaters (tomatoes) smooshed in their faces by Butch?

5- What was Butch's sidekick's nickname?

6- What did Alfalfa and Spanky get stuck hanging over, while trying to impress Darla with chin-ups?

7- What slippery objects on the football field helped the gang score the winning touchdown?

8- What food was the old man's only daily offering at the orphanage (?) the gang stayed at?

9- What food "talked" to Stymie in the kitchen?

10- What was the name of the gang's musical group, that played "Daring Young Man on the Trapeze"?

Hope I can check back soon, and don't forget Round 1, question # 9 is still hanging. O-tay?

#3 - Wild Man from Borneo?

#6 - a cactus plant

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1. Juliet

4. Buckwheat and Porky.

5. Woim

7. Banana peels

8. Mush

9. Eggs

All 5 answers are correct! Quite impressive, actually. # 5 was a 'scals master level question. I think Evster may have a challenge, here!

I haven't seen these episodes since about 1975, I would guess. I have a friend who has some on video - but I only get to watch the taxi one (free wheelin') at his house when we're shitfaced...

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Well, Darla did seem to be "high maintenance". Maybe spats would go for Mary, she didn't expect too much?

Yeah Darla was the type that you had to bow down to and treat like a princess. Alfalfa was always throwing his dignity out the window to try and win her over. But Darla was a cutie. Mary on the other hand was homely as hell.

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"Woim" threatening my status? No f-ing way! :lol:

1. Mickey Gubatosie (sp?)

Aka: Mickey (the money's in my shoe).

More commonly known as?

2. Poem recited when Alfalfa had firecrackers going off in his pocket?

3. What do streetcar conducters collect?

4. What song does Janet's older sister sing to her family when Janet is kidnapped?

5. What's the cop's name in the earlier episodes?

6. What was the name of the older kid who had the faster derby car?

7. On what lake did the race between Alfalfa and the rich kid occur?

8. What was the location they camped at with jelly sandwiches (that Porky brought along) that turned into a fright fest with flashlights?

Go on then... :beer:

Oh, and yes. All by memory. Haven't seen the shit in decades! :beer:

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I think the answer to the first #9 was Oh, Suzanna.

It sure was! One of the most endearing episodes, to me.

We can close the book on Round 1, but someone's really going to have to step up to the plate. Looks like Evster has thrown down the gauntlet, now - and I'll have to admit, I'm reeling from that one-two punch. Maybe Buckwheat isn't dead, after all - but became another soul that wandered the earth, and crossed paths with Evster in some desolate area, where the clay was molded by the master's hand???

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Here's the best I got, for Round 3:

1- Robert Blake (aka "Baretta")

2- Charge of the Light Brigade

3- Tokens?

5 - Officer Kennedy

6 - I'll assume it's a rich kid, and not Waldo. I say Leonard?

8- Not sure if they were camping, as they ran into a man in a Gorilla suit in that daytime episode. The nighttime one had them near a stream, where Baptisms were taking place.

Don't remember any "Janet", in # 4. Don't remember any lake names being given in the boat race episode, for # 7 - is this inside info, Ev???

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