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Ok. Since the third minute he expired, every network has been covering this. Enough is enough.

I have nothing against the man, but let's move on and continue with the news.

It's not hard to imagine that a man of his weight, which has been consistent over the years, would not warrant an event like this.

To keep it simple, I am not shocked that he had a heart attack.

No one wants to hear that anyone has died. That always hurts the heart. However, we need to move on, as this probably could been prevented had he limited his McDonald's intake..........

Why move on so soon? He was a credit to all responsible journalists everywhere. We need more info on his life, and his integrity.

Now go back to watching TMZ you moron.

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That Meet the Press tribute this morning was very touching, sad, funny, and a very informative show on the career and also a hint into the private life of a wonderful man named Tim Russert. This man did not waste a minute, he took every opportunity given to him, to let everyone in his life know how much they meant to him. When he told his father, and his son time and time again, how much he loved them and how proud he was of them, on national telivision, you could tell by that giant smile, and the love in his eyes that he meant it with all his heart. I think that anyone who had the opportunity to have known him on a personel level, know how lucky they where. He made every day of his too short life really count. My heart is with his family, in their time of healing. To his son, you made him so proud, his face lit up every time he mentioned you, I know you know how lucky you were to have a father like him. And to all you dads out there, who show your children how much they are loved, HAPPY FATHERS DAY!

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He didn't outsmart Karl Rove did he?

No that's because Tim Russert's interviewing experience was mainly with human beings.

Karl Rove is a greasy little slime ball of disgust with an over-powering odiousness of vacant morality and bile-inducing revulsion. There's no way on earth Karl Rove could even be a human being. I closest I've seen anything come to him is one of those bizarre-looking aliens that Captain Kirk used to talk to on the big control-room TV screen on Star Trek

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Karl Rove is a greasy little slime ball of disgust with an over-powering odiousness of vacant morality and bile-inducing revulsion. There's no way on earth Karl Rove could even be a human being. I closest I've seen anything come to him is one of those bizarre-looking aliens that Captain Kirk used to talk to on the big control-room TV screen on Star Trek

So if Rove died today would you feel the same way?


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