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Robert at Lenny Kravitz Brixton Academy show

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I was at Lenny Kravitz's Brixton Academy show in London on Wednesday night. Sons of Albion, featuring Logan Plant on vocals were the support act. Before they came on, I was heading for front of stage when who should spring forth from the backstage area into the "stalls" standing area than Robert with Rod McSween (his longtime promoter). I said a "hi," but he was not in stopping mode so left him to it; not sure where they headed after that. Roy (really friendly chap), who did the live sound for the Strange Sensations shows was behind the front of house desk for Sons of Albion.

First time I'd seen Logan Plant perform. He has a powerful rock voice, not far removed from his Dad's range, though probably in a deeper register. I enjoyed Sons of Albion; strong material, but I'm not sure if the music is the perfect foil for Logan's voice.

Lenny was as scintillating as ever, his new drummer did a solo that drew heavily on Moby Dick and man could he hit those skins, arguably the best drummer I've seen play with Lenny to date. Craig Ross is one of the most under estimated riffing orientated guitarists in music. To my ears, his playing style is not dissimilar to a young Jimmy Page.


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Very cool! I've not seen Sons of Albion either as I live in the states and they haven't ventured this way as yet. Very curious what they're like live - have only heard the few tracks on their myspace page.

Big Lenny fan. Missed his date here so am hoping at some point if he returns, to catch it.

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I was at Lenny Kravitz's Brixton Academy show in London on Wednesday night. Sons of Albion, featuring Logan Plant on vocals were the support act. Before they came on, I was heading for front of stage when who should spring forth from the backstage area into the "stalls" standing area than Robert with Rod McSween (his longtime promoter). I said a "hi," but he was not in stopping mode so left him to it; not sure where they headed after that. Roy (really friendly chap), who did the live sound for the Strange Sensations shows was behind the front of house desk for Sons of Albion.

First time I'd seen Logan Plant perform. He has a powerful rock voice, not far removed from his Dad's range, though probably in a deeper register. I enjoyed Sons of Albion; strong material, but I'm not sure if the music is the perfect foil for Logan's voice.

Lenny was as scintillating as ever, his new drummer did a solo that drew heavily on Moby Dick and man could he hit those skins, arguably the best drummer I've seen play with Lenny to date. Craig Ross is one of the most under estimated riffing orientated guitarists in music. To my ears, his playing style is not dissimilar to a young Jimmy Page.


Thanks for the review. :) The Plant family seems to be making a habit of supporting Kravitz!

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