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Backmasking by LZ


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  • 7 years later...

Jimmy still is involved with the occult and alchemy.   I'm not religious but I think this backmasking was done intentionally.   It's not only the studio version but message is clear backwards in live performances.   

It's been well documented certain words forward can mean other things backwards, and heard this statement before the internet.

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If you think that's all crazy nonsense.  Not sure if it was ever discussed on here what happened in Pasadena California.  Jack Parsons and L Ron Hubbard or someone else who opened a Portal hole based on one of  Crowley's Rituals  and it's on the same Parallel line as other UFO spottings around the world and happened just before the Roswell New Mexico crash which happens to be on the same Parallel line as well.  This ritual upset Crowley so much that Crowley reorganized the lodge on the basis of these actions removing Parsons from power.

I figured out the meaning behind Jimmy's daughter's name :)  Scarlet Page .  Even though Scarlet Page does not have red hair, the young girlfirend has red hair and her name is Scarlett too.    Just Google Scarlet Woman along with Thelema and Jack Parsons and will find lots of info

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12 hours ago, TheGreatOne said:

Jimmy still is involved with the occult and alchemy.   I'm not religious but I think this backmasking was done intentionally.   It's not only the studio version but message is clear backwards in live performances.   

It's been well documented certain words forward can mean other things backwards, and heard this statement before the internet.

I met Satan on the bus today, and he told me the whole backmasking thingy is utter shite.

On the good side....he gave me Crowley's curried rice recipe.........http://dangerousminds.net/comments/aleister_crowleys_curried_rice_recipe

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This is stupid. It has been proven the whole subject is bullshit. You see the human brain operates in a peculiar manner in that it seeks patterns, seeks organization out of chaos. Good example of this, go into a pitch black room and hold up your hand in front of your face and guess what, you will see the shadow of your hand even though your eyes are seeing nothing. This is because your mind expects to see your hand there. Same thing with this moronic backward shit, your brain will seek patterns and reason which results in hearing words and phrases which are not there. If you run STH backward through a computer program with language recognition software which is not prone to inference like the human brain is and guess what...nothing, not a god damn thing.

As the proverb goes, believe nothing of what you hear and half of what you see. This is also why eyewitness testimony in court is about as accurate as a two year old with a crayon and a wall. Everyone sees & hears things from their own experience and perspective.

Oh, and BTW, WTF is with satan's tool shed? That is fucking stupid and makes no sense. Why would satan need a god damn tool shed? Is satan now the evil cabinetmaker from the abyss? Hmm, excuse me satan, could you please provide some lovely, evil bookshelves for me????

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Common now, your gonna force me to read all that.   Everything is all theory.   I never said fact and neither should you.    So it's a fact  Jupiter is hollow and does not have a solid surface when nobody has been physically inside ?

This could be why Jimmy never talks about this publicly and what you hear is maybe has total different meaning and not evil that people do no understand

I also figured out who the Whore of Babylon is, but can't say anything more because my post will be deleted for violating rules.   All I'll say is 1947 was a very special year that many things occurred.

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It's a real freak of nature that while I was researching various things on this subject my 2 dogs started wigging out and getting excited. This happened on multiple occasions.  Nothing bad, but normally act like this when they are getting a treat.  The are both Poodles and considered up there as one of the smartest dogs.   1 is a small toy poodle - Male, and other is 3x it's size, smaller and a mix Poodle and Maltese - Female.    No other noises or talking other than the TV being on.

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On ‎13‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 11:29 AM, TheGreatOne said:

It's a real freak of nature that while I was researching various things on this subject my 2 dogs started wigging out and getting excited. This happened on multiple occasions.  Nothing bad, but normally act like this when they are getting a treat.  The are both Poodles and considered up there as one of the smartest dogs.   1 is a small toy poodle - Male, and other is 3x it's size, smaller and a mix Poodle and Maltese - Female.    No other noises or talking other than the TV being on.

my wife has a house rabbit, a lionhead male who is 11 years old and very intuitive. whenever he senses me reading nonsense he tries to distract me by tugging on my trouser bottoms. when I read your last post he started to levitate and pulled the computer plug out the socket

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It's always nice to see people talk out of their ass and make a mockery out of things.   I could take things to another level and discuss how I had a small puddle of blood on my bed sheets by my chest area when I was 11 years old with absolutely no medical explanation.

I've always had a special communication with all forms of animals and insects.  I remember clearly when I was 4 years old, my mom almost has a heart attack when she saw me playing with a handful of Bees.  I actually remember it clearly and was talking to them telepathically.  There was about 5 of them playing in my hand


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57 minutes ago, TheGreatOne said:

It's always nice to see people talk out of their ass and make a mockery out of things.   I could take things to another level and discuss how I had a small puddle of blood on my bed sheets by my chest area when I was 11 years old with absolutely no medical explanation.

I've always had a special communication with all forms of animals and insects.  I remember clearly when I was 4 years old, my mom almost has a heart attack when she saw me playing with a handful of Bees.  I actually remember it clearly and was talking to them telepathically.  There was about 5 of them playing in my hand


And you never considered of becoming a beekeeper?

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