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Listen to the new album Dark Horse from Nickelback

The Pagemeister

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I will definitely check them out when I have more of a chance. This being at work thing really cuts into my surfing Youtube time. Hee Hee! I did view/listen to a little bit of the linked video. The frontman is so totally stoned out of his mind that he is inaudible. He looks like a zombie. However, from what I've heard, they sound pretty kick-ass. Will check them out more.

Nickelback = "soft rock"...not so much! Not going to agree with you there.

imPLANTed = "my man"...again, not so much. I'm a 42-year old woman obsessed with all things LZ and/or Robert Plant.

Working and reading this site simultaneously?

Damn, you have a good job!

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I fail to see how an affinity for LZ precludes appreciation for any other band, Nickelback or whoever.

I agree. I saw an interview with Chad Kroger and he mentioned that when they first made it big, people couldn't wait to build them up. The minute they "made it", people couldn't wait to tear them down.

Oh how true.

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I agree. I saw an interview with Chad Kroger and he mentioned that when they first made it big, people couldn't wait to build them up. The minute they "made it", people couldn't wait to tear them down.

Oh how true.

I don't think the bashing of Nickelback has anything to do with any sort of backlash (critical or otherwise), from my perspective it has to do with the fact that they suck.

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I don't think the bashing of Nickelback has anything to do with any sort of backlash (critical or otherwise), from my perspective it has to do with the fact that they suck.

No doubt and IMO that should be obvious considering they are at best a 2nd rate Creed. Which is baffling on it's own, of the bands to mimic :rolleyes:.

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Well, geez, if I'm going to get flamed...

1) I'm okay with no LZ reunion. It's over, let it go out on the high note it did.

2) I love the collaboration with Allison Krauss. Drove 372 miles to see them in St. Louis, MO.

3) I saw Creed in concert.

4) I hate Steely Dan with a passion. Yes I know, Jimmy Page loved them.

5) Chad Kroger is so hot. Not as hot as Robert of course.

6) I wrote on another thread here that Lars Ulrich from Metallica is as good of a drummer as Bonzo.

7) I love and am obsessed with every single LZ song, except TSRTS.

8) I used to hate Rush, but I OPENED MY CLOSED MIND, gave them an honest listen, and now am a fan. See what happens when you listen to the music that never made it to the radio? :slapface:

9) I've officially derailed, for the first time, a LZ Official Forum thread. :o

10) I'm officially un-derailing, for the first time, a LZ Official Forum thread:


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Well, geez, if I'm going to get flamed...

1) I'm okay with no LZ reunion. It's over, let it go out on the high note it did.

2) I love the collaboration with Allison Krauss. Drove 372 miles to see them in St. Louis, MO.

3) I saw Creed in concert.

4) I hate Steely Dan with a passion. Yes I know, Jimmy Page loved them.

5) Chad Kroger is so hot. Not as hot as Robert of course.

6) I wrote on another thread here that Lars Ulrich from Metallica is as good of a drummer as Bonzo.

7) I love and am obsessed with every single LZ song, except TSRTS.

8) I used to hate Rush, but I OPENED MY CLOSED MIND,

Hi there, don't take anything I've mentioned personal I'm just being silly. As I mentioned before music is definitely a "different strokes" thing, though I truly dislike Nickelback.

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Hi there, don't take anything I've mentioned personal I'm just being silly. As I mentioned before music is definitely a "different strokes" thing, though I truly dislike Nickelback.

I know...I truly do love honest, open discussions about music, and I appreciate your input here and on other parts of the forum.

It's so great to be in a place that my obsession with LZ isn't even questioned and no one rolls their eyes or is sick of me mentioning them.

As a site note, my husband started a conversation with me on Saturday. Are you all sitting down?

And I quote, "You know what the problem with Led Zeppelin is...". :angry:

To make a long story short, I very politely and calmly (and I mean that, really I was polite and calm) nailed his ass to the wall with the "facts" to contradict him. Oh by the way, he got his information from the uncle of a neighbor who saw them in concert in the 70's.

Of course, this discussion took place after I contemplated killing him or divorcing him for even uttering the words, "problem with Led Zeppelin". :D That only took a couple of seconds.

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I don't think the bashing of Nickelback has anything to do with any sort of backlash (critical or otherwise), from my perspective it has to do with the fact that they suck.

Agreed. Nickelback is one of my biggest pet peeves in the world. They give Canadian music a bad name! They just won, like, 6 fucking Juno awards (Canada's equivalent of the Grammys) or something. WTF?!?!?! Nickelback is just garbage and needs to go die. And Chad Kroger is a huge douchebag.

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On if a bad review has ever made him lose sleep:

"Probably. But if I had lost sleep, do you think I would tell a music critic? I've been bummed out for a day, sure. Like, Wow, this person is taking my band more seriously than I am. If my music is fucking up your life, change the station, dude. At the end of the day, I'm just some guy who sings in a rock-and-roll band. I'm not Hitler."

I hate to quote my own post Songbird, but geez...lighten up.

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Uh, rather, you'd be thanking your lucky stars they even gave you the time of day and let you open for them. Love um or hate um, that's a fact. Unless of course, you wish to maintain your "musical integrity" and choose to live in anonymous, non-existence in the music world. Grow up.

Sounds pretty good to me.

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