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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. The Samoas are my favorite cookie. When my sister was a Girl Scout, we'd have a ton left over at the house and they went fast.
  2. David Gilmour's first two solo albums on vinyl. All that's left now is getting On An Island on vinyl.
  3. I honestly haven't listened to that song in years, if that. Whenever I read threads talking about Pink Floyd or The Wall or anything related to either, people always mention that song as one of the best on the whole album, so maybe I'll listen to it and see what the fuss is about. Maybe then I'll have 4 songs I like rather than 3.
  4. You say Roger's lyrics, I say Roger's whining. I'll give him Comfortably Numb, Run Like Hell and Young Lust. I like those songs, the first one I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE. But that leaves 17 other songs on a double album that are just.......not those three. And if I have to hear that damn "We don't need no education" on the radio one more time, I'm going Rambo on someone's ass.
  5. How are they overrated? What about their music do you think people exalt to lofty perches they don't deserve? I'm legitimately curious.
  6. Tea For One. Never gets the kind of attention and respect it deserves, I don't think. Which is sad because it's a great song and a distinct nod to SIBLY.
  7. Good God, I haven't heard that song in years, if that. I think I'll throw that one on.
  8. My last name is long and foreign (German), so I've gotten all manner of spelling and pronunciations over the years. My first name is easy enough, but hoo boy.....sometimes I wish my mom met a guy with a shorter last name. LOL
  9. Pink Floyd.......overrated? What color is the sky in your world?
  10. Love them, love them, love them, love them. Have all their albums on vinyl (except The Final Cut), in fact I just bought a new copy of Obscured by Clouds. Re: Team David vs. Team Roger, you need to look at it this way. Roger Waters is a musician, David Gilmour is an artist. Roger likes the songs played exactly to the album version, no derivation, innovation or straying from the norm. David likes to play the way the emotion takes him. No one solo is done the same way, sometimes he'll do it acoustic, sometimes he'll throw in a cello....whatever. It's what moves him at that moment on stage. For me, I'd rather the creativity than being stuffed in a box. Which I felt David was toward the end. Someone with his passion for playing shouldn't be forced to stay in straight little lines all the time, you have to give him the latitude to just (in his words) "blow away for an hour" and play. As for favorites......I couldn't possibly pick one song or one album I prefer above all others. I play DSoTM a lot, but I've also been playing Animals a lot too. Very underrated I think, at least amongst their other work. And no offense to anyone who likes The Wall, but that is a pile of unadulterated pap. There's three songs on there I like (Run Like Hell, Young Lust, Comfortably Numb) and they are shockingly (okay maybe not so much) 3 of the 4 songs Roger deigned to let someone else contribute on. That album is Roger's daddy issues being splayed everywhere. I find it boring, dull and completely soulless. I own it because I want to own all their work, but it's the album I play the absolute least.
  11. This isn't a rub and tug site. People can go elsewhere for pseudo-cybering.
  12. Dude, save it for your thread. We don't care.
  13. 1984 - George Orwell It wasn't the first book I ever read, it was the first book I ever read that when I finished it and put the book down, I had a completely different view of things.
  14. Thanks LoS.....now I've got that damn song stuck in my head. At least it's one of his good ones.
  15. Two words, ladies: Johnny Depp. I would do things to that man that would make Caligula throw up in disgust.
  16. I don't ever see you posting outside of Ramble On. I've been a member in one form or another of this site since 2004, which is 5 years now.....and I don't EVER remember you posting outside the General Discussion section.
  17. I know there's only so much that can be said about Led Zeppelin, but why else register here if you don't want to talk about the band? If I don't want to talk about cheese, I don't register on a cheese-lovers board. I guess that's a pet peeve of mine, then. If you don't like talking about Led Zeppelin, maybe this isn't the place for you.
  18. Of course you don't want to talk about books anymore. Because it's an interesting topic and you might learn something and you clearly don't want to do that. You'd rather discuss reality TV.
  19. Another beautiful sunshiny day with the windows wide open. Won't last for long, though.....supposed to be in the 40s all weekend. Poo.
  20. Someone should walk by her with a high-powered magnet. I want to see if she attaches to it cartoon-style and is dragged along like Wile E. Coyote.
  21. Orwell, Vonnegut, Pynchon, Sinclair......they didn't write romance novels. Why don't you Google who they are and find out what kind of books they wrote instead of acting like you don't need to know. I can't tell you what you'll learn from reading those books. Everyone takes something different away from them as everyone reads and absorbs differently. From Orwell I learned that while the government is there to help us and protect us, in the wrong hands it can destroy us. From Vonnegut I learned that even war and insanity has a funny side. From Sinclair I learned that capitalism vs. communism isn't a black and white issue and both sides have pros and cons. From Pynchon I learned.........never read his books in the middle of the night when you can't sleep. He jumps from plot to plot and your brain will explode. Who's to say what you'll take away from those authors, but closing yourself off indefinitely to them is just ignorant.
  22. I just picked up a new book yesterday. I had read it before but it was a school copy so I had to give it back, obviously. I forgot how much of a hefty read it is. Yeesh.
  23. What a boring, sheltered life you lead. I can't imagine reading books based only events that have actually happened. Shit, I'd lose 3/4 of my library (yes, our house has a library.....one whole room, floor to ceiling of nothing but books). Seriously, how you can you close your mind off like that? That's almost as disturbing as your views about women and relationships. I'd say it's a good indicator of why you think like you do, but that would be redundant. Go to a book store and buy a book based on something that hasn't happened. You don't have to buy a fantasy book or sci-fi or something out of Lord of the Rings. Pick up Orwell, Vonnegut, Pynchon, Sinclair or better yet......read through that thread all the way through and buy 4 or 5 that more than 3 people recommended. We're smart people here, we wouldn't suggest books that were utter crap. Jesus, now I feel sorry for you.
  24. If you didn't actually read the thread and nothing interested you.......that's just sad. There were tons of great books mentioned. And "real" is a construct. A book about dystopia is a real thing, even if it hasn't happened.
  25. If the individual watching the program thinks it's entertaining them, that's what counts. Not what you think or what I think. I don't watch it because I don't watch a lot of over-the-air TV anymore. I watch mostly cable. So I don't have an opinion one way or the other and if I did, I wouldn't presume to think it was the right one. BTW, did you even bother to read that thread and take a look at some of the books people chose? Try opening your mind to new ideas instead of being stuck in a box.
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