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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. God damn right that was a Halftime show!! May 2nd, he's coming to the Greensboro Coliseum and guess who else will be there? Me. That would make Bruce show #8 for me. Best part of the whole thing: "Step away from the guacamole dip!"
  2. I'm also getting Meddle, Wish You Were Here and Animals by Pink Floyd on vinyl.
  3. Egos are always part of the reason a band breaks up, unless there's extenuating circumstances, like for instance Led Zeppelin. They weren't going on without Bonzo, so that was that. There's a documentary called Pink Floyd: Behind The Wall and it goes into great detail about how the tour was crafted, from the actual "bricks" used on stage to the puppets and the graphic imagery (the fucking flowers, the marching hammers, etc,.) I think when David said it was ridiculous, that was him being nice.
  4. It's David Gilmour. The problem was, Roger's ego was starting to eclipse the music. I don't know if you've seen The Wall (the tour, not the movie) but it was so overblown and starting with Animals on forward the other three members of the band were marginalized to the point where they weren't contributing to the music at all. Hell, Waters fired Rick Wright before The Wall tour even started. The Final Cut was basically a Roger Waters solo album. I don't blame the others for being pissed off at him. Frankly, I'd rather see David Gilmour and his touring band than anything Roger Waters is doing, even if Waters did write all the songs.
  5. It's from 2005. It's not as juicy as maybe some people would want, but I think it's pretty informative. Not that there was really anything in there I didn't already know, it's still better hearing it from a band member than some other outside source.
  6. 56.5 °F / 13.6 °C Clear Humidity: 33% Dew Point: 28 °F / -2 °C Wind: - from the North Pressure: 30.01 in / 1016.1 hPa (Steady) Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers UV: 1 out of 16 Clouds: Clear - (Above Ground Level) Elevation: 935 ft / 284 m Just gorgeous. My windows are open....on February 1st!
  7. Nothing, as the only thing I'm watching is the Halftime show. I'll watch Bruce and the boys and then turn the thing off.
  8. I just bought Nick Mason's book on Pink Floyd. Very excellent read, so far.
  9. Congrats, Kat! I wish you and your affianced a very happy life together.
  10. I'm talking about pratices that the US government and the World Court deem to be torture. Waterboarding, sensory deprivation, hooking electrodes up to someone's testicles, rape, beatings, etc,. I think your example of playing Heartbreaker and not following it up with Living Loving Maid while funny, sure as fuck isn't torture. Sorry. Why not give the example of giving them apple pie a la mode, and then continually forgetting the ice cream?
  11. "Save" means completely correct all the mistakes, so no I don't think that's what will happen. Do I think they will help put us on the path to fixing them? Yes.
  12. If it's considered torture, I don't want this government condoning it or this military participating in it. Period. I thought that was rather clear when I said I don't know how many times I don't want this military torturing people.
  13. The song is Mandy, not Brandy. Brandy was performed by Looking Glass. You didn't read what I said. I said I have read reports and comments from members of our military who say that waterboarding is torture. I will side with people who would know better than me, what is torture and what is not. I never said playing shitty music 24-7 is the same as physical torture. No one at any point made that analogy but you. I don't need to know what other methods our military should use to interrogate people to know that torturing them is unequivocally, 100%, completly WRONG. I don't know shit about roofing, but I can tell you burning the house down to fix the roof is a really stupid idea.
  14. Okay, you go ahead and believe waterboarding isn't torture. Meanwhile, I'll accept the word of people who would know....members of our military who have come forward and said that yes, it is torture. I am aware what goes on in SERE training, and so are they. So if they call it torture then I think it's safe for me to do likewise.
  15. I'm sorry, were you posting permuations of the Confederate flag for a good reason?
  16. You'd think, but because he showed up right before the game to do some "press" for 5 minutes.....he won't be suspended.
  17. Not quite. The SAGs are voted on by the Screen Actors Guild. The Oscars are voted on by the Motion Picture Academy. Those are two separate entities. While there can be overlap sometimes, for the most part there's not.
  18. So, Nick and Pavs get suspended for one game because they were injured and couldn't compete in the All-Star Game. What a crock of horseshit. I swear, if Gary Bettman developed terminal cancer of the anus, I would not feel bad.
  19. You're actually watching the All-Star Game? What a waste of a Sunday evening.
  20. I don't really care if you're surprised that I liked Titanic or not. I didn't watch it for the love story angle of it, I watched it because I'm into movies based on historical events. I'm into the costumes, the sets, the etiquette coaching, all the ephemera. I never thought Leonardo DiCaprio was that good-looking anyway. Also, Kate Winslet is probably my favorite actress and has been for a long time, so I make a point to see movies she's in.
  21. That's fair. I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with his politics, I have a problem with people disagreeing with them and characterizing them as something they're not. Off-topic, but are you watching the ASG tonight? With no Wings in the lineup at all (even after the league said every team had to have representation), I have no desire to watch it.
  22. People who think Barack Obama is a socialist do not know the meaning of the word "socialist". I stand by that assessment. We don't live in Cuba or even Russia circa pre-1991. Over the course of the primaries/general election, the definition of "socialist"/"socialism" got so distorted beyond recognition by people going absolutely apoplectic over Barack Obama, that it no longer means what it used to. I heard more people using that word to describe not only Obama's policies but Clinton's as well, and it only seemed to grow in proliferation after the government takeovers of the banks, finance industry and then the auto industry. If you want to believe Barack Obama wants to turn the United States into a socialist state, then by all means, go right on ahead. Not one iota of anything will convince you otherwise.
  23. I can understand this, but up to a point. Right now, this country is in bad shape. Not just economically either. I don't want to steal a line from Jimmy Carter, but I do think there's a "malaise" of some kind over this country. Obama's inauguration lifted peoples' spirits for a couple days, but that was it. Gas prices are rising, the economy is still in the shitter, we still have troops in the Middle East and we have idea when they'll be leaving.....things are just in general not good. If Obama's policies lift that malaise and start to fix the economy and drawdown our troops in the Middle East and ease the feeling of "blah" that people feel, that's a good thing. That's not just a good thing physically, that's a good thing emotionally. You may not agree with how Obama is planning on getting it done, but shouldn't the overall health of the country and its people be your overall concern and want? If you say, "I don't like his policies, I don't want to see this succeed" you are in essence saying that you don't think anything is wrong right now and that you want America to stay right where it's at, in all aspects. I don't know if I can stand by that. Now, about your example of a fascist party taking over, of course no one would want a party like that to succeed at all. But that's a poor example to use in my mind, because a fascist dictator (along the lines of Mussolini or Hitler) wouldn't be making the country prosper under positive means. There's a lot more behind a fascist stance besides merely political policies. No matter what party you ascribe to, you can at least agree that the GOP and the Dems want the country to succeed using positive means, not a Nazi-esque police state takeover.
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