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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. OMG! Click here for proof that Obama is tied to Weather Underground! This changes the whole election! /this isn't a RickRoll, BTW
  2. Wal-Mart had a sale on Halloween candy, so while I was picking some up for the trick-or-treaters, I got some candy just for myself to have in case my sweet tooth kicks in. 3 bags of Reese's miniature peanut butter cups.....$2 each. Whoever said chocolate + peanut butter was good should be given sainthood.
  3. Of course it's disgusting. It's less disgusting than someone shouting "kill him" or "off with his head" or "terrorist" when Obama is mentioned, but it's only marginally less. Like, 51% to 49%. These people will feel this way whether a black man is running for President or not. It's just that now they have a public forum in which to espouse these views. If McCain and Palin didn't court these lunatics, maybe things would be different for them.
  4. "porch monkey" = derogatory name for African-Americans So, who amongst us is truly surprised by this? Show of hands, please.
  5. I know this will crush everyone, but it turns out America's favorite punching bag won't be going on SNL after all. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rusel-demari...664.html?Or=Not
  6. If it wasn't for the drugs, when he jerked off, he couldn't pretend it was really Sarah Palin doing it, though. So leave the poor guy his hallucinogens.
  7. Well, ~tangerine~ is a good person, so that must be why she's being so kind to him.
  8. You should. I love hoodies. I have dressy-looking hoodies for when it's not cold enough for my winter dress coat, but not warm enough to wear a light sweater, I have heavy-duty hoodies for when I don't feel like putting a coat on but I don't want to freeze, I have a Christmastime hoodie that is white with blue and silver sparkly snowflakes on it.....so cute.
  9. It's been quite nice all week.....at tad on the cool side, but for us that's like 70. I'm hoping it starts to cool off even more, because it's fall now and it's time to break out my hoodie collection.
  10. What browser are you using? If I may, use Firefox and then download AVG 8.0 Free. It comes with a spyware checker included along with anti-virus (and a bunch of other goodies) PLUS when you to go Google something, it will check the links and let you know if they're safe and if you come across a website or something that is marked as potentially hazardous, a new screen will come up telling you to leave the site. Haven't had ANY problems at all.
  11. An absolutely gorgeous Saturday, spent outdoors reading a good book.
  12. Sarah Palin got booed off the ice at the Flyers game where she was to drop the ceremonial puck. Of course, people in Philly booed Santa, but Santa is clearly better than this broad. What the hell was she even doing this for? Philadelphia is about as Democratic as Chicago, the state is solidly blue and she was wearing a Rangers jersey around town which is tantamount to taunting a pit bull with a raw steak. Here's a picture: Love the signs in the background.
  13. I asked you a question. You accused Americans of "character assassination" which is a pretty serious charge. I asked you to back that up. I even gave you examples of what I felt character assassination was, and then asked you.....hey.....is that what we're doing here? Then I said......if what you think we're doing with Bush is character assassination, what would you call what the Republicans are currently doing to Barack Obama and his family, as they've now gone after his wife. If you're going to make a charge, prepare to defend it.
  14. You know how I said she was Cheney in a skirt? I've since re-evaluated my assessment. She's Spiro Agnew with tits.
  15. Let's play a game. Ready? Okay. You're going to start by defining "character assassination" as it relates to our extreme displeasure at a shitty President.......and then you're going to compare it to the KKK-like precision at which the Republican party is slandering Barack Obama. Can you do that? I'll answer for you. No, you can't. Because there's a fundamental and almost blatantly obvious difference between criticizing a horrible President and what McCain/Palin are currently doing. It's not even close. Theodore Roosevelt (great President, REPUBLICAN!) said it was both unpatriotic and "morally treasonable" to feel that the President was above criticism. Are you trying to say that not only is he wrong, but that criticizing the President is the same as "character assassination"? Character assassination would be spreading rumors that you're a pedophile. Or that you've murdered someone. Or that you engage in Satanic rituals. Now try and tell me that something along those lines is what Americans have been doing with Bush. Go on........we'll wait.
  16. I don't recall Barack Obama ever accepting the endorsement of Louis Farrakhan, and as Medhb rightly points out, who in the hell would want it anyway?
  17. That post wasn't directed to Midnight, it was directed at THE FIRST LEDZEP. Midnight Rambler is at least coherent.
  18. That post made absolutely no sense. You've gone from a flaming embarrassment to a complete nimrod. Congrats.
  19. Jesus Christ, you're such a flaming embarrassment to Republicans. Not that there's many respectable Republicans left, but those that are.....shit. Just stop.
  20. The Palin/Couric interview was very simple. Couric is a softball interviewer. She's not Brokaw, she's not Schieffer, she's not even Dan Rather. 2 months prior to that interview, Palin was very vocal about being angered at the Exxon v. Baker ruling, as it lowered the compensation for the people involved in the Exxon Valdez oil spill. When asked what other Supreme Court cases she disagreed with, aside from Roe v. Wade, she couldn't name that one. Is her memory that shoddy? Then she was asked a very simple question; what magazines/newspapers do you read to help form your world view. She could have lied, and said Time or Newsweek or the New York Times or the Chicago Tribune or the Washington Post or USA Today or SOMETHING. She didn't. There was nothing to take out of context in that interview. Nothing. She wasn't asked difficult questions meant to embarrass her lack of knowledge. It's not like Couric asked her for the chemical formula of photosynthesis. These were the same questions Couric asked Joe Biden as well.......he had no problems answering them.
  21. If you can't elaborate, it means you have no answer. For example, if I were to say "McCain is a neo-Nazi" and not provide any proof of that, I would expect to be called out and ridiculed for saying something so insanely stupid. I'm sorry, but supporting a candidate you believe in does not equal being a sheep. Being a sheep would be if news reports came out that Obama murdered 10 people, raped the corpses and drank the blood.....and still coming on here to say you're voting for him no matter what. THAT would be being a sheep. If the best you can do is accuse people who are supporting a candidate that they have no brains and are somehow under some kind of spell, or otherwise not in control of their faculties, you're full of shit. Right now I could say anyone still supporting McCain/Palin after the absolute shit they've been flinging at Obama and his wife, are sheep.....but see I won't do that because I can at least respect that you're sticking by your principles and voting for them anyway. Seems like none of you can return that respect. Oh well. Not my loss.
  22. You're thinking of the Bradley Effect. However Nate Silver over at FiveThirtyEight (who also runs PECOTA for Baseball Prospectus) has done a significant amount of math work on this and he doesn't feel there is a Bradley Effect in this campaign. And I'm sorry, but McCain's "attempt" to dissuade the Klan rally he was speaking to was pure political acting, nothing more. He did that because it makes for good TV. "Oh look, John McCain is trying to defend Barack Obama. What a maverick." Bullshit. McCain started this garbage because it's all he's got left to run on for the next 3 weeks. He can't tuck tail and run away from it, he's waist deep in it.
  23. The show as a whole has not been funny for about 30 years. I'm not denying they've had funny cast members since and done funny sketches. I'm saying from start to finish, full 90 minutes......hasn't been funny since the original cast. That's just my opinion.
  24. Troopergate findings: Palin abused her power. Hey, she's just like Nixon and Bush now!
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