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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I have to work this morning too, and no I'm not looking forward to it.
  2. -- my cable company The cable always goes out right in the middle of an important sports play, a pivotal scene in a movie, or a Presidential debate/speech.
  3. Why would anyone want to make fun of someone with AIDS? If you want to mock sick people, have at it.
  4. It originated in prison, but it had more to do with the fact that prisoners aren't allowed belts. That's why their pants sagged like that. So wearing your pants like that is meant to make people think you had been in prison.
  5. I was talking about a specific kind of comments, not comments in general. More along the lines of the comments Gainsbarre was making about American culture. I don't know shit about Middle Eastern culture, so I don't start talking about it like I do. That's what I meant. All copacetic now?
  6. I don't comment on Iraqi or Middle Eastern culture. Why would I, I'm neither.
  7. You've Got A Friend - Carole King
  8. I do have to admit, the fact he actually thought about fucking me long enough to make that post made me sicker than the fact he posted it.
  9. HA. He can't handle me. But whatever helps him wax his carrot, I guess.
  10. Not that far. I did throw up a little, though.
  11. No, it's not a matter of someone saying "I like peanut butter, people who hate peanut butter are stupid" and then someone coming up saying the thread should disappear. That's not the situation I can see coming. When someone calls a woman here a bitch and a slut (as Gainsbarre did in another thread), and then comes to this thread spouting borderline-misogynistic garbage, that crosses the line. For all the leniency the mods give us, this isn't the Wild Wild West.
  12. Misogynistic pigs have no place is society. Nor do they have a place on this website. I think the time has come for this thread to disappear into the ether.
  13. Edit: I'd rather let the mods deal with him.
  14. Why shouldn't a country artist, one who has won multiple Grammy awards, appear on a late-night variety show? Are you saying that country artists aren't good enough to be on SNL? Why do you even care enough to say you don't think she should appear? She has just as much a right to be there as anyone else. And Led Zeppelin will never be on SNL.
  15. I'm going to say this for Knebby, and I hope she doesn't mind. Are you ready? Here we go. Go fuck yourself. Hard. Repeatedly. With a stick.
  16. This was explained to you on the old board. Don't you pay attention? You to go My Controls. Then you click on "avatar settings" Then you upload a picture from your computer. Then you click "update avatar". Oooh, so complex.
  17. Opening doors for someone is called "respect". I do that regardless of the gender of the person behind me. I don't pull out chairs for anyone, unless they are young children or the elderly and have problems doing it themselves. And the man gets down on one knee because it's tradition, I suppose. It's romantic. It doesn't symbolize the man putting the woman on a pedestal, it doesn't symbolize the man thinking the woman is better than him. It doesn't to my knowledge, symbolize a fucking thing. You're never getting married anyway, so why do you care? Worry about things that do concern you, like avoiding carpal tunnel syndrome. And for God's sake, take a fucking hint already. We all know you're fake. We all know you don't really exist in the real world. You are in no way, shape or form a real human being. This account of yours is a set-up, it's a fakery, it's a troll account. You aren't real, you'll never be real. You are a hologram, an avatar, a figment of our imagination. No actual man thinks like you. I have yet to come across a heterosexual male with the absolutely stunted and fucked-up sexual/relationship hang-ups you have that were not abused as a child. You are a mockery of people with actual problems who need actual help.
  18. Well, when you make some asinine statement that you can't back up.....someone will ask you to back it up. Duh.
  19. I can't believe you think the guy getting down on one knee to propose means he thinks the woman is more important than he is, and he is therefore putting her on a pedestal. That is the biggest pile of pig shit I've read here yet. My dad got down on one knee to propose and I can assure you, he doesn't put my mom on a pedestal or think she's above him. My best friend's husband got down on one knee and if anything HE'S on a pedestal, not her. WTF is the matter with you? Just give up already and go gay. Or become a monk. Anything to get this tripe off the board. You fake, completely staged account. BTW, holding doors open for a lady, pulling out her chair.....things like this are called "chivalry" and it's how a gentleman acts. You're not a gentleman, so I'm not surprised you abhor the concept.
  20. We have a crazy system of government? Who said this.....an American? Oh wait, they're not an American? Then why are they talking about shit they don't know? I personally don't think Bush should have been "elected" in 2000, but he was and it's now 2008 and he's almost gone. So there's no sense in bringing it up like it's a salient point to anything. Even if you want to say that election was screwed up, that's one in what......200+ years? Maybe there's been a couple of others in the 1800s.....but you speak as though no other country has experienced election drama. Gainsbarre, do the Americans here a favor and quit pontificating about our country like you have the vaguest idea what it's all about. You don't, and it shows and it's really embarrassing for you.
  21. Thanks to whomever said they liked my avatar. I change them frequently just because I can, so it's nice to know someone likes the random one I threw up there for right now.
  22. Actually, Barack said his father was an agnostic. Barack was never raised as a Muslim nor was he ever a practicing Muslim. He's a practicing Christian, like his mother. The name Barack is actually Swahili. It's derived from an Arabic word for "blessing", but it's also derived from a Hebrew word that means the same thing. The word "Obama" as far as I can find, is not Arabic. And he's bi-racial. That's what you call someone who has parents that are not the same race.
  23. The NAACP was founded back in 1909 when that word was accepted usage. The word is considered arcahic and derogatory, except in narrow circumstances and the NAACP is one of them. That doesn't mean you walk up to a black man and say "hey there colored dude."
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