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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I wasn't saying that the songs were not popular pre-CSI. I was saying that we can thank the CSI franchise for exposing those songs to a wider audience.
  2. Do a hard refresh. Ctrl+F5 and see if that helps.
  3. That's rather harsh, I think. The song was written to his deceased child. But to each his own, I suppose.
  4. What the hell.......? Yeah, like that'll go over well. If anything, it'll fuel rumors that he CAN'T sing at all. Why would he want to do that? What a nutter.
  5. Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again - The Fortunes
  6. I really like the software this board is using now. It has everything I asked for when Sam was asking for some things we'd like the board to have.
  7. Here's the blowing kisses smiley: The drool smiley: The cheesy smiley (I think this is it): Slap-face smiley: Just save those to your hard drive and upload them to imageshack and put them between the IMG tags if you want to use them. I'll find some other smilies I know people have said they've been missing.
  8. My God, this pumpkin pie is delicious.
  9. Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles
  10. Stairway To Heaven. People cream their pants over this song far too much. It's good, but is it the best thing they've ever done? Hell no. It's played too much on classic rock radio and people who don't know two things about Zeppelin are quick to call it "like, their greatest song like, ever."
  11. Seriously dude, you're making ZERO sense. Just freakin' come out with it already, this is ridiculous.
  12. I'm guessing you're cracked out and full of crap. Am I close?
  13. I think Baba O'Riley is the Who's definitive song. I know too many people who only know that part of the song Pete Townshend sings, and they all think the song is really called "Teenage Wasteland". We can thank the many CSI shows for bringing this song and Won't Get Fooled Again to the forefront.
  14. That's because you haven't added anyone to your list yet. If 10 people add you as friends, but you don't add anyone, it'll say you have no friends to display.
  15. I didn't click the link yet, but I bet that's the episode of WKRP in Cincinatti where Les Nessman says, "As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly", right? I bet it is. Hope everyone is having a great day so far. My mom outdid herself on the turkey this year.
  16. I don't look for music news, scoops or info on MTV. MTV is liquified dog shit.
  17. 100% absolutely completely totally agree with the above post.
  18. You got that from MTV, right? Don't believe anything you read/hear on MTV.
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