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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Robert Plant interview from '75: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPyKFAx5-lQ
  2. The weather, spending time with my family, getting my chores done early, finding new boots to listen to, and finding a $20 bill in an old purse in the back of my closet.
  3. It Don't Matter To Me - Bread
  4. Getting some new PF boots in the mail (email) that I didn't have before. Looks like I'll have a fun weekend listening to them and deciding which ones I like the best.
  5. Spending the day in Raleigh with my sister.
  6. Finding out that my sister and I are going to Raleigh tomorrow since she has the day off! We're going to see all the sights and then go to our favorite restaurant for lunch.
  7. The weather. It's blissful. 69 degrees, sunny, not a cloud to be found. It's supposed to be 85 tomorrow, 86 on Friday and 83 on Saturday. Viva spring!
  8. Hey Nineteen - Steely Dan I've been on a Steely Dan kick the last couple days.
  9. Ah, I have AdBlock Plus on my Firefox, so I don't have to worry about any ads anywhere doing anything. If you use Firefox, download AdBlock Plus. It'll eliminate that worry for you.
  10. Hmm, I've never had any issues with malware coming from Grooveshark, and I run scans almost daily. I don't know how it would infect your computer, since you stream the music like you would on YouTube, not download anything. If you have anti-virus/anti-malware software on your computer at home, I don't see why you should be afraid to use it.
  11. Use Grooveshark. There's no listening limit. I prefer it for a lot of things, especially when linking to songs elsewhere. I find the audio quality far surpasses YouTube.
  12. Money - Pink Floyd A bitch of a song to get stuck in your head if ever there was one.
  13. Organizing my music library and finally adding a new playlist to my iPod. I'm currently grooving on it now.
  14. American Skin (41 Shots) - Bruce Springsteen
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